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jfkdeathindallas.jpg image The Greatest Presidential Con of ALL TIME justin, Tuesday, Oct 25 2016, 11:02pm
It truly is amazing how easily distracted Americans are. For instance, one of the main criticisms of Trump is that he has no experience in government -- well guess what? Neither did Obama, whose experience was almost zilch. So what becomes of that argument? Exactly, US presidents DO NOT LEAD, they take orders from elite controllers or the ‘shadow government,’ as it is known. So the ‘race’ for the presidency is really a race to determine who would better serve the elite, which elite is firmly entrenched in power and has its own agenda, which is never in accord with majority wishes, plain to see if one cares to look past one’s media-ringed nose. In other words, the presidential race is a FARCE and has been for decades. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Apron-string Australia Involving Itself in Other Nations’ Wars James O’Neill via jill, Monday, Oct 24 2016, 12:34am
Since World War II, the U.S. has been the big boss leading a band of lackey nations, mostly in Europe but reaching distant Australia which tags along for the periodic pummeling of some hapless country.
international / prose / post

text Irrefutable “Proof” that Russia did it! cyd, Sunday, Oct 23 2016, 10:47pm
So says the US intel community YET AGAIN but this time regarding hacking Hillary’s and her associates emails -- though on each previous occasion (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria) the claims were nothing but orchestrated LIES.
international / prose / post

buckhandshake.jpg image "Rigged" Elections in the U.S. -- so what's New? Paul Craig Roberts via jaxie, Friday, Oct 21 2016, 10:16pm
It is an obvious fact that the oligarchic One Percent have anointed Hillary, despite her myriad problems, to be President of the US. There are reports that her staff are already moving into their White House offices. This much confidence before the vote does suggest that the skids have been greased. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Literal American Dream(World) jake, Friday, Oct 21 2016, 1:14am
The world is witnessing America in the raw, especially the race for the presidency in this PROFOUNDLY lost nation. Lost! You bet it is, as the vast majority of Americans live in a media constructed dreamworld. Remember Donald Rumsfeld’s, infamous statement, “We know Saddam has WMD because he just has!” I mean really, this is the ‘statement/argument’ of an infantile pea-brain, but it worked ON MEDIA LOBOTOMISED, Americans. No real evidence was ever supplied to mount the illegal war on Iraq, which resulted in a ruined nation today.
international / prose / post

text It’s Time America -- Boycott the Major Parties jess, Tuesday, Oct 18 2016, 10:27pm
The western masses are making democracy a reality again. The majority of people in the UK have clearly rejected the status quo and rejected major owned, corrupt and UNREPRESENTATIVE parties. The Brexit vote speaks volumes, as both major parties supported staying in the EU. Australia and other nations have seen an over 30% swing AWAY from major unrepresentative parties. But it’s America that holds the key to the future, as it’s the most powerful military nation on earth. World peace is in your hands.
international / prose / post

text Western Mass Media Channels Orwell's 1984 Jonathan Cook via shirl, Tuesday, Oct 18 2016, 9:08pm
This has been occurring for some time, the following example of 'double think' attributed to the Guardian UK is not confined to that outlet, the entire western mass media, including 'public' broadcasters, is lock step with this type of absurd, convoluted 'coverage.'
international / prose / post

jcfinger.jpg image The Elitism of Jesus Christ ben, Tuesday, Oct 18 2016, 1:06am
Mixed with all the exploits and revolutionary ambitions of JC, is outright elitism, in the form of ‘many are called but few are chosen,’ or how about, ‘do not cast pearls before swine -- a rather harsh metaphor -- and let’s not forget, ‘let the dead bury the dead’ -- dead indeed, another extremely harsh expression. So we must ask what was this, not so meek, man’s attitude to the blind of, ‘blind leading the blind,’ the ignorant, uninformed, deceived masses, of course notwithstanding that JC clearly was an elitist, but not of elite material wealth and power, a new, other worldly elite that understood 'his' elitist teachings. So those that followed him, whether of low social standing or not, could be 'special,' exceptional -- a nice confidence trick to offer the powerless, to say the least. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text U.S. Poised For Unprecedented Cyber Assault Targeting Russia William M. Arkin, Ken Dilanian and Robert Windrem via kismo, Saturday, Oct 15 2016, 8:17pm
One really has to laugh at the infantile antics of Washington and associated agency officials. First they make the totally unsubstantiated claim that Russia hacked the compromising emails that expose Hillary for what she is, a lying, murdering criminal lackey of the mega-wealthy ruling elite or ‘shadow government’ as it is known -- no news here.
international / prose / post

text Russian Bear Finally Emerges from Hibernation drew, Saturday, Oct 15 2016, 3:03pm
What did that vacillating, indecisive coward Putin think when the USA installed offensive missile systems in close proximity to Russia’s land borders? The excuse given at the time by demented US president dubya Bush was that these ‘defensive’ missile systems were to protect Europe from Iranian missile attacks, notwithstanding that Iran has never possessed that capability nor does it today. But Putin deferred to unreason and did not immediately react and demand that these offensive systems be removed. That was a very sorry day for the world as the US was allowed to pursue its maniacal dream of world domination UNIMPEDED. There have been many more outrageous incidents and international crimes committed by a confident US/NATO since, I refer to the Libyan and Syrian catastrophes and the destabilisation of North Africa and the Middle East.
international / prose / post

text Russia reveals new ‘death ray’ Weapon to World jess, Saturday, Oct 15 2016, 12:20am
Sensationalist rag, the UK Mirror, has published a story, true to form, of a new microwave weapon developed by Russian slavs -- think Tesla, a Serbian slav -- which has the capability to neutralise any electronically controlled target today and of course almost all modern military equipment, large (naval vessels) and small (fighter/bomber aircraft) including some slower missiles. So is this new development a game changer? Possibly, though it certainly would give Russia a huge advantage in any modern war.
international / prose / post

text “...Sleepwalking Toward an Abyss.” jaxie, Thursday, Oct 13 2016, 2:21am
The title is actually the ending of a recent article by former CIA analyst Ray McGovern. However appropriate the ending is in context, it fails to address why exactly the mindless masses and people that should know better, are sleepwalking to their own destruction.
international / prose / post

If the watermelon fits, wear it, Mr Obama. image Evidence and Proof are Required to maintain ‘credibility,’ Mr Obama! darcy, Tuesday, Oct 11 2016, 11:37pm
As most of the free world is aware, the USA is the world leader in unsubstantiated claims and false accusations, the reason is, it hardly ever supplies real evidence or proof of the claims it makes -- remember the WMD fiasco? No real evidence existed so various US agencies fabricated the ‘evidence’ and ‘anthrax’ (baby powder) that Colin Powell waved in the house, which all turned out to be FAKE, based on a raft of false accusations AND orchestrated LIES. Now consider the current situation of the president of the United States making an “official” unsubstantiated accusation against another superpower. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

us_bloodied_flag.jpg image The United States as Destroyer of Nations Daniel Kovalik via james, Monday, Oct 10 2016, 8:45pm
In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 – an invasion which many Iraqis believe left their country in the worst condition it has been since the Mongol invasion of 1258 — there was much discussion in the media about the Bush Administration’s goal for “nation-building” in that country. Of course, if there ever were such a goal, it was quickly abandoned, and one hardly ever hears the term “nation-building” discussed as a U.S. foreign policy objective anymore. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Impending (avoidable) Nuclear Catastrophe jess, Monday, Oct 10 2016, 1:17am
The USA has recently been conducting bombing tests in the Nevada desert with dummy nukes but not dummy B-2 ‘stealth’ (visible to Russia and China) bombers. But why conduct tests when a nuclear war would be 30 minutes of absolute, all out chaos and unprecedented destruction resulting in the end of human civilisation?
international / prose / post

text The Lying CFR Controlled Western Mass Media and the Consequences cyd, Saturday, Oct 8 2016, 12:52am
The lies emanating from the packaged western media have entered the realm of the absurd. We have in Syria conveniently named ‘rebels’ fighting on behalf of their sponsors, the USA, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and others. These proxy fighters have been trained by the CIA and Israel in Jordan, fact, look it up and verify for yourselves. One of these groups, Al Nusra, is the Al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, now consider that reality for a moment, Al-Qaeda was considered public enemy #1 by the DUPLICITOUS USA but NOW it is supported, trained and armed by same. One could not be criticised for accusing the American population of being the most easily duped and apathetic in the entire WORLD, not even Hitler could’ve pulled that off on the propaganda-captured German population. But Americans sit back knowing that Al-Qaeda is now supported by the USA without so much as a ‘hold on, wtf!’
international / prose / post

text There are NO Half Measures in a Thermo-nuclear Exchange claire, Wednesday, Oct 5 2016, 9:33pm
The USA is preparing for war against superpowers Russia and China. Various think tanks have prepared papers and advice, however, they ALL miss the major point, instead they pursue a delusional ‘assessment/plan,’ which paints such a war as limited and winnable! However, reality dictates that once a nuclear strike is launched the retaliatory response would be without restriction as no superpower could afford to underestimate such an insane strike. The planned (dreamboat) ‘limited’ nuclear war would escalate in seconds to an all out exchange and goodbye civilisation; so who would even entertain such a scenario? Answer: the elite interests -- served by the neocons -- that OWN the USA, lock, stock and BARREL.
international / prose / post

corpusflag.jpg image The Disenfranchised Western Masses justin, Tuesday, Oct 4 2016, 11:57pm
Now, try and name a western government anywhere in the world that represents the interests of the masses -- good luck as the answer is none. All western governments follow the dictates of a tiny -- less than 1% -- unrepresentative elite that are responsible for ALL the chaos, mayhem and climate destabilisation in the world today. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Oz FM Julie Bishop, subservient US puppet, overseen by US official at the Hague image MH17 and the Dutch-Ukrainian Follies Ray McGovern via jess, Tuesday, Oct 4 2016, 1:09am
The following excerpt is from a more comprehensive article covering real tensions and western propaganda on the Syrian conflict. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

turnbull2.jpg image Prime Minister USELESS, Malcolm Turnbull darcy, Sunday, Oct 2 2016, 10:20pm
It was obvious from the start, Turnbull is incapable of leading the nation, moreover, he has perpetually failed to lead his party, even the drover’s dog is aware that certain extreme, unrepresentative factions in his party lead him -- a fine state of affairs for a national ‘leader.’ (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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