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text True Grit jake, Sunday, Jan 15 2017, 8:49pm
The world will very soon learn whether Trump has ‘true grit’ in the classical western sense.
international / prose / post

text Prosecute! justin, Saturday, Jan 14 2017, 8:48pm
The USA stands without peer among advanced civilised nations in that it openly flouts the LAW, local and international, on a daily basis and has been doing so since well before 9/11, even though legal transgressions multiplied and became ‘normalised' after that insider orchestrated ‘false flag’ event.
international / prose / post

Rex Tillerson image Cor Blimey, Just take a look at Trump’s Selections for Official Posts gus, Friday, Jan 13 2017, 10:41pm
Rex Tillerson, a former oil company CEO with no diplomatic or foreign policy background for Sec. of State is enough to make any real politician choke. He was questioned by Senator Menendez at the confirmation hearing regarding discussions he should have had with his future boss and commander-in-chief Donald Trump regarding foreign policy and came up blank, and this appointee is to be Secretary of State, it’s enough to curdle any diplomat’s blood. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Paul Keating, the banker's friend image Former Oz PM Keating Warns of US Involving Australia in a War with China darcy, Friday, Jan 13 2017, 8:39pm
Former Labor PM and banker’s lover boy -- DEREGULATION -- which allowed banks to implement PARASITIC fees on the public for services rather than compete in the market place for profits, has warned that America under a Trump administration is likely to involve Australia in an unnecessary military conflict with China; of course America views any other nation that is rising on the world stage as an enemy as it feels the USA alone has the ‘divine right’ to rule the world and militarily attack those nations that do not comply with America’s dictates. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text It’s All About Trump, Is It? faye, Friday, Jan 13 2017, 12:11am
Well no, it’s all about the real rulers of the world, NOT their political and other puppets/stooges, as there can never be peace, stability and the pursuit of happiness without addressing and eradicating this evil group of mega-wealthy banking families which number only a few.
international / prose / post

text Deep State’s Fusillade Against Trump jake, Thursday, Jan 12 2017, 7:21am
Remember Hilter’s propaganda adage, to paraphrase, ‘if you’re going to LIE [to the people] make sure it’s a BIG LIE.’ Now, this tactic comes with its own problems as most people would be aware that the lie is exactly that, a BIG LIE, but is truth crucial? Well no, as the lie is meant to implant in the public consciousness, doubt, notwithstanding that ‘opposing’ media outlets, which today compromise the alternative media, become fixated on the lie and give it impetus by constantly covering the story/lie; NOTE, there is no such thing as bad publicity when using this tactic.
international / prose / post

text America - International Credibility Zero, Influence Approaching Zero Finian Cunningham via cyd, Monday, Jan 9 2017, 7:12pm
US ruling power is in deep trouble because there are growing signs that the mass of citizens are no longer beholden to the supposed authority residing in Washington.
international / prose / post

text Russian Warships Arrive in the Philippines Darius Shahtahmasebi via gus, Monday, Jan 9 2017, 2:30am
Notable American foreign policy critic and linguist, Professor Noam Chomsky, has stated numerous times that the United States’ power has steadily been declining since the end of World War II. As Chomsky notes, in 1945, the United States had “literally half the world’s wealth, incredible security, controlled the entire Western Hemisphere, both oceans, [and[ the opposite sides of both oceans.”
international / prose / post

text Obama is a Thorough Disgrace -- what Legacy? cyd, Sunday, Jan 8 2017, 8:29pm
The title refers to Obama’s unsubstantiated claim that Russia influenced the US presidential election outcome, which of course presents as an impossibility for any rational thinker. Obama’s UNSUBSTANTIATED claims are nothing but propaganda, hot air, LIES; however, they reveal a servile, spineless, Uncle Tom, who is always ready to take it up his arse. Consider the fact that these absurd claims were made at a time when presidents usually attempt to leave office with dignity, but not so Obama, a PROVEN lackey of the American ruling elite.
international / prose / post

text Watch the Greater American Plan for the Middle East Crumble jack, Thursday, Jan 5 2017, 12:36am
America’s loss in Syria, a nation if captured, would have provided a leverage to launch attacks on Persia/IRAN, which to this day has resisted ALL attempts by the US to divide and conquer it. Indeed, Shia Iran has only increased in strength and influence in the region, which I would largely attribute to America’s manic desire to dominate by allying itself to the wrong nations rather than cooperate with all nations in the region, as China, for example, successfully does much to its credit.
international / prose / post

text The USA’s Failed Bid to Dominate the WORLD jess, Wednesday, Jan 4 2017, 10:25pm
After succeeding in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, on a huge raft of LIES and PRETEXTS, the criminal, mass murdering USA (FACT), buoyant and driven by the deluded belief that its mass media arm is able to thoroughly deceive the western masses, has failed in its crucial bid to FORCE illegal regime change in SYRIA.
international / prose / post

text Alienation grace, Tuesday, Jan 3 2017, 10:37pm
Recently at a social gathering, which included a varied bunch of people with varied professions, the topic of world affairs was discussed by everyone until one person of average ability and intelligence burst out in sheer frustration and said “I’m sick of it all, mainly because I can’t do anything about it!” [Needless wars and social decay. However, the TRUTH is we CAN.]
international / prose / post

trumpputin1024.jpg image The Global Ruling Elite is Unravelling justin, Sunday, Jan 1 2017, 9:35pm
Without the ability to steer the masses (public opinion) with lies, propaganda and deception via the mass media, the ruling elite is fucked, to put it bluntly. Everything depends on ‘perception management,’ otherwise it becomes plain the emperor has no clothes, furthermore, as that statement implies, the criminal machinations of the elite become known, as nakedness offers no disguises -- everything is SEEN, and in the case of the mass murdering, money/power-hungry elite that spells DEATH. And to what do we attribute this catastrophe for the elites, which have ruled western nations behind the scenes for centuries, their own overreach and astounding stupidity. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Absurdity of Obama’s new Legal ‘Ministry of Truth’ hatter, Saturday, Dec 31 2016, 10:58pm
It seems the ruling global elite have lost control of public opinion, much as they did in the 60‘s. The cure then was to capture the anti-establishment mass media of the time and concentrate ownership/power in the fewest possible hands, a practice that continues today.
international / prose / post

text Christianity, its Major Problem jude, Saturday, Dec 31 2016, 9:14pm
Most informed research theologians agree that Jesus Christ was a radical Jewish reformer, who set himself up as the Jewish Messiah, NOT THE LEADER OF A NEW RELIGION. Jesus was Jewish through and through as were most of his followers and secret brethren that together conspired to reform Judaism and wrest control from the corrupt priest class of the time. Which they failed to accomplish.
international / prose / post

hellguys.jpg image Why Learn the Hard Way, Australia? claire, Thursday, Dec 29 2016, 8:42pm
AGAIN, we see a government that CLEARLY does not represent the majority of Australians, big surprise, (sarcastically)! Turnbull has done NOTHING to improve the lot of average Aussies, in fact, he has attacked the vulnerable and elderly by reducing much needed pension/education funds, for which the conservatives will pay a hefty price. He has ignored the plight of our youth with his American user pays model in education, and we all know what that produces -- morons and presidents like Bush and lackeys like Obama -- Australia's 'free', traditional, equal opportunity education policies produce the best graduates by attrition, which is also the model the Chinese have adopted and their meteoric rise in world affairs speaks for itself. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Israel threatens New Zealand after UN declares Jewish settlements Illegal Henry Cooke via jane, Wednesday, Dec 28 2016, 8:05pm
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally phoned New Zealand's Foreign Minister Murray McCully to warn him a UN resolution co-sponsored by the country was a "declaration of war", according to a leading Israeli newspaper.
international / prose / post

text The Self and the self shirl, Wednesday, Dec 28 2016, 9:00am
The distinction is made to separate one’s true identity from the false, denoted with a lower case ‘s’. The false self, which the majority imagine is their real Self, is fraught with all the tribulations of the world/culture, as it is created by culture and therefore must share in all of culture’s perversities, and there are many, as we know. What is held as the highest personal value by culture is the individual, yet that identity is a superimposition of culture overlaying one’s real identity in order to sustain its existence; you see, culture resides in the mind which then acts to reinforce external culture via participation -- that’s all it takes to lose oneself, becoming a subscriber to a fabrication or lie.
international / prose / post

text Until Such Time zed, Tuesday, Dec 27 2016, 8:29pm
It amazes me at times to witness the entire human race avoiding the issue, as though truth were a plague.
international / prose / post

neoconsstrauss.jpg image A Sour Holiday Season for Zionist American Neocons Robert Parry via dan, Tuesday, Dec 27 2016, 7:12pm
America’s extended Christmas holiday season, stretching through much of November and all of December, has not been a happy time for Official Washington’s dominant neoconservatives and their liberal-interventionist sidekicks. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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