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The 'Divide and Conquer' strategy revealed in the two videos below from one of the players involved needs little introduction. It leaves no doubt regarding the blueprint the US and Western allies followed in the Middle East and North Africa with the express purpose to illegally remove non-compliant governments/leaders, particularly those with socialist tendencies and create havoc, destabilise and install corrupt, compliant, powerless puppet governments that serve Western elite interests, not the interests of the people of the West or East.
Putin whistling dixie
The lasting question remains, where is Putin to uphold International Law on the sovereignty of European States? It should also be mentioned that China was also a traditional ally of Yugoslavia. Both superpowers are conspicuously absent from the table of JUSTICE. If injustice is allowed to prevail in the Balkans or anywhere else in Europe it can never hope to prevail anywhere else in the WORLD.
Coward Putin betrays traditional Slav ally and refuses to uphold International Law