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Deep State lackey, 'president' Donald Trump image Syrian Gas Attack yet Another Western Ruse to Justify Illegal Balkanisation jaxie, Wednesday, Apr 5 2017, 10:32pm
I mean really, anyone that believes the hyper-ludicrous claim of a gas attack by Syrian government forces is simply a moron -- history has taught the rest of the WORLD that these ‘false flag’ attacks are utilised to justify more intervention illegalities by US led forces. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Realistic Nuclear Scenario -- Wake up People YOU are Expendable! max, Tuesday, Apr 4 2017, 10:35pm
Try not to dismiss this highly likely scenario out of hand as it could save your and your loved one’s lives.
international / prose / post

eba_img.jpg image Coles Worker could Bring Down Enterprise Bargaining [EBA] System if Wage Challenge is Successful staff report ABC via shirl, Tuesday, Apr 4 2017, 4:37am
Business figures and industrial relations experts are warning of workplace chaos caused by the possible collapse of enterprise bargaining agreements (EBAs) covering hundreds of thousands of workers. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

pillbreakfast.jpg image USA - A Comatosed Nation of Walking Dead Chris Hedges via stan, Monday, Apr 3 2017, 8:18pm
Wonder no longer why the American people passively tolerate the most appalling injustices and overt State crimes -- they are running from reality, the denial syndrome is assisted with numerous designed (for corporate profit) addictions and escapes from the hard reality of LIFE, a reality they are clearly unable to deal with. However, hard reality always wins; future shock! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

donaldtrump.jpg image Trump: Our Dishonest President L.A. Times Editorial via jaxie, Monday, Apr 3 2017, 9:29am
It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters. The Times called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, and said his election would be a “catastrophe.” (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Dick Cheney, proven war criminal image Cheney: “No Question” that Russia Interfered with Presidential Election justin, Wednesday, Mar 29 2017, 9:32pm
Whenever, un-prosecuted BRAZEN war criminal Dick Cheney says there’s ‘no question,’ you can bet everything you have there’s a million questions, at least for those citizens that have a memory and a shred of integrity. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin image Putin Coward Extraordinaire dragan, Wednesday, Mar 29 2017, 8:05am
Well, it has all finally caught up on Putin the mouse - what has, you ask? It was Putin that allowed the USA to install offensive missile systems on Russia’s land borders, while taking enormous financial bribes from the west at the time -- a simple confrontation then would have ended in a retreat by the US/NATO as it lacked the confidence and military means it has at its disposal today. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text US Forces Block Syrian Army Advance in Preparation For Syria Partition staff report via cyd, Tuesday, Mar 28 2017, 8:19am
The road to Raqqa is now blocked by U.S. forces and their allies. The chances that Raqqa (and the surrounding region) will be returned to Syria are now slim to none. Foreign armies and their proxies are sharpening their carving knives.
international / prose / post

text The Killers Edward Curtin via jess, Saturday, Mar 25 2017, 11:38pm
Individual U.S. Presidents come and go, but the Oval Office is reserved for the Killer-in-Chief. If, as these war-mongers like to say, “the buck stops here,” then our latest incarnation of a “leader,” Donald Trump, has in a few months accumulated enough guilt to last endless lifetimes. There are no excuses. While the headlines scream distractions from the bloodbath, Trump and his “team” are slaughtering innocents in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and countless other places off the American public’s radar.
international / prose / post

text What to Do? justin, Saturday, Mar 25 2017, 10:32am
What do YOU do when you know that the American led illegal invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria etc were pre-planned wars of resource theft, based on orchestrated LIES? These wars resulted in millions of innocent civilian deaths and millions more lives ruined and displaced.
international / prose / post

text Immediacy and Distance jake, Friday, Mar 24 2017, 11:01am
The thunder we hear from a distance is actually shelling, bombs and “hellfire” missiles made in the USA and delivered to civilians in foreign lands by the USA, which nation above all must support its weapons industry, though Russia and China have for a fraction of the cost developed superior weapons..
international / prose / post

text The Multibillion-Dollar U.S. Spy Agency Few Have Heard Of James Bamford via cyd, Thursday, Mar 23 2017, 12:04am
On a heavily protected military base some 15 miles south of Washington, D.C., sits the massive headquarters of a spy agency few know exists. Even Barack Obama, five months into his presidency, seemed not to have recognized its name. While shaking hands at a Five Guys hamburger restaurant in Washington in May 2009, he asked a customer seated at a table about his job. “What do you [do]?” the president inquired. “I work at NGA, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,” the man answered. Obama appeared dumbfounded. “So, explain to me exactly what this National Geospatial…” he said, unable to finish the name. Eight years after that videotape aired, the NGA remains by far the most shadowy member of the Big Five spy agencies, which include the CIA and the National Security Agency.
international / prose / post

PM Turnbull and Treasurer Morrison, lying sell-outs image Oz Economy and Budget -- “Living in a Fool’s Paradise” suzie, Thursday, Mar 16 2017, 9:29pm
So says an economics reporter from the SMH. Now, bullshit is easily exposed by the Truth so prior to reading the myopic and incredibly partial reporting from the SMH, link below, a few nuggets of truth are warranted. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

trumpsaudiarabia.jpg image Donald Trump Lunching With Saudi War Criminal Medea Benjamin via gail, Thursday, Mar 16 2017, 6:35am
While President Trump sat down for a sumptuous meal at the White House on Tuesday, March 14 with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, millions of Yemenis are going hungry thanks to Trump’s lunch guest. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Seal Team 6 to Rehearse for Absurd Fiasco in North Korea jack, Thursday, Mar 16 2017, 12:43am
Remember the socially mythologised, now infamous, military killers/assassins known particularly in Hollywood, as Seal Team 6, which group is reputed to have killed an already dead, from renal failure, Osama Bin Laden. The TRUTH about Bin Laden’s real death was publicly announced by Benazir Bhutto, former leader of Pakistan, shortly before SHE was assassinated herself(?)
international / prose / post

malcolm_turnbull_2.jpg image The Australian Apron-String Dilemma baz, Tuesday, Mar 14 2017, 11:18pm
Recently, useless Oz PM Malcolm Turnbull, who is DIRECTLY responsible for ALL his party’s DRAMATIC losses in various State elections, lauded the delivery of perhaps the most badly designed, disfunctional, outrageously costly US combat jet fighter ever produced -- the F-35 strike ‘lemon.’ Previous jet fighter models like the F-16 are easily able to blow it out of the sky, notwithstanding that Russian built Sukhois, at a fraction of the cost of the F-35 and (unfortunately) purchased by Australia’s regional neighbours, make mince out of the F-35 in combat. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The USA is Being Sucked into a Mid-East Vortex of Ruin - as Cheney once Predicted janet, Tuesday, Mar 14 2017, 1:19am
Good military strategists always have a ‘plan B’ as a fall back option if ‘plan A,’ known historically in America as PNAC, fails and FAIL it has, miserably. The entire Middle East is now virtually out of control with western supported proxy fighters changing sides as often as they change their underwear, which some would say is not very often, however, changing flags and rebel leaders is now routine, few in the West know what is really going on, caught up in the delusion that they are in control, well, yes they are, in control of a military interventionist nightmare, fast becoming uncontrollable.
international / prose / post

text Recriminations Fly over Failing Western Global Strategies kwang zi, Sunday, Mar 12 2017, 9:42am
While the blinded captured western population is awash with western propaganda and ‘fake news’ the majority of the world’s population in Eurasia are watching their leaders making rapid progress which will soon over-shadow any gains the destructive war mongering west has made, in fact, western strategies for world take-over are unravelling as I write, but not so in Eurasia.
international / prose / post

newsilkroads.jpg image Eurasia: The Strategic Triangle that Is Changing the World Federico Pieraccini via claire, Sunday, Mar 12 2017, 4:44am
Away from the current chaos in the United States, major developments are progressing, with Iran, Russia and China coordinating on a series of significant moves crucial for the future of the Eurasian continent. With a population of more than five billion people, constituting about two-thirds of the Earth’s population, the future of humanity passes through this immense area. Signaling a major change from a unipolar world order based on Europe and the United States to a multipolar world steered by China, Russia and Iran, these Eurasian states are carving out a leading role in the development of the vast continent. As part of the challenges faced by these leading multipolar countries, the disruptive events originating in the post-WWII Euro-Atlantic world order will need to be tackled. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

assange_cypherpunk.jpg image WikiLeaks' Vault 7 -- Timing zed, Sunday, Mar 12 2017, 12:56am
Julian Assange is a curious character with clear martyr complex tendencies, however, he has recently hit hard against his enemy, the USA, which of course has vowed to arrest and place him on trial for breaches of America’s espionage laws, which I should add, should also be applied to US intel agencies as it has become obvious the CIA is in breach of so many local and international communications laws it's outrageous. So let’s apply those laws to a now obviously ROGUE Central Intelligence Agency. (story and 1 image)
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