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assange_julian2.jpg image Julian Assange -- no Victory and no Integrity jane, Saturday, May 20 2017, 12:03am
Headlines have announced that Swedish authorities have 'withdrawn' their case for rape charges against Assange -- now note, the case could be re-opened at will as Sweden has NOT dropped charges, furthermore the UK maintains that Assange would be arrested for minor local crimes, that is failure to appear when legally required in court. Interesting but meaningless news no doubt, though Assange himself is well aware that Sweden's latest decision is only token. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Vladimir Putin, traitor image Putin’s Syria Defences FAIL Yet Again drew, Friday, May 19 2017, 11:09pm
Russian ‘news’ agencies -- obviously no better than American -- along with western duped supporters, have touted the superiority of Russian defensive weaponry from air/sea to pin-point accuracy missile systems, YET Syrian government forces have been deliberately and ILLEGALLY attacked AGAIN by US fighter jets originating from Jordan. Russian targeting and missile systems seem not to function period, as enemy jet fighters and Tomahawk missiles face absolutely no operational challenges whatsoever -- rather odd don’t you THINK? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Digital Technologies: Millennials and other generations are BORN into SLAVERY jess, Friday, May 19 2017, 3:07am
Indeed, though the title should read DIGITAL slavery.

The title raises numerous questions, not least, why do the young fail to oppose draconian, criminal, elite rule, which is grotesquely evident to everyone. The answer is as the title suggests, they are born into slavery and have no notion of REAL freedom, they can only imagine or fantasize about the real freedoms enjoyed by previous generations which are acutely aware of what they have lost, most crucially PRIVACY, which is the foundation of security, not the State, which pretends to ‘keep us safe’, which is the very reason we have lost our real freedoms, only privacy ensures freedom to think and act.
international / prose / post

trumpbabies.jpg image Impeachment: Trump is up Against it no doubt but rather than fight he SULKS jaxie, Thursday, May 18 2017, 1:55am
Like the naive political infant that Trump is, he faces the deep state agenda to impeach him by sulking like a child, poo poo, ka ka; “no politician has been treated worse,” WHAT! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Assessment of Two Competing Nations -- China vs USA jake, Tuesday, May 16 2017, 10:49am
You do not cure a disease by treating the symptoms, you must treat the disease itself.

Today, we see two nations at war, and understand that this war involves a lot more than potential bomb throwing. China and America are engaged in a huge economic battle that would see economic dominance shift for the first time since WWII.
international / prose / post

big4_banks.jpg image Oz’s Big Four Banks Squeal like Stuck Pigs over Levy darcy, Monday, May 15 2017, 8:50am
There is a very simple solution to Australia’s taxation system and it’s quintessentially Australian: ‘those that benefit most from the nation should return most to the nation.’ It couldn’t be fairer. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text North Korean missiles can’t hit Australia ‘yet’ [BUT CHINESE ICBMs CAN!] james, Sunday, May 14 2017, 12:38am
The above headline (outside brackets) in Murdoch rag, The Weekend Australian, is a lesson in mass media distraction, ‘perception management’ and crowd control. It is no secret that North Korea’s effective missiles are incapable of striking Australia, however, what is missing (by intentional omission) is that China’s ICBMs with up to 14 warheads EACH, are EASILY capable of not only striking Australia but of wiping out every major city leaving our precious resources clean of radiation.
international / prose / post

text The First Strike Third World War jess, Saturday, May 13 2017, 10:39pm
Any major war today between superpowers would be pre-emptive, as a first strike would be critical to ‘success;’ no warning, no false flag and no news, just a secretly planned first strike -- analysts are acutely aware of the fact while the masses remain in a media induced fantasy that no-one would be insane enough to launch a nuclear strike. Indeed, that aspect serves to maintain a passive crowd, which ‘crowd,’ if aware of reality would revolt or at the very least hit the streets en masse to prevent such a reckless UNNECESSARY occurrence.
international / prose / post

text The Losing Warfare State Ralph Nader via shirl, Saturday, May 13 2017, 1:52am
The USA is still bogged down in Afghanistan (the 16 year-old occupation is the longest in American history) and in Iraq (since the unconstitutional, illegal invasion of the country 14 years ago).
international / prose / post

text The Redundancy of Minority Political Leadership claire, Saturday, May 13 2017, 12:52am
It is now beyond any doubt that leaders are self-interested and non-representative, this sad fact applies world-wide. Now note that the majority in all nations have the same aspirations, to live in peace and enjoy a productive, fulfilling life. However, intentionally created circumstances rob humanity of its rights, joys and peace, for what? The intoxications of power and wealth, which a non-representative minority refuse to share fairly and equitably; they pursue their addictions and sickness regardless of the horrid costs to the majority.
international / prose / post

text How Easily Led? justin, Thursday, May 11 2017, 11:21pm
Recently, the alternative and mass media were focusing on US preparations for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on superpowers Russia and China; this proved to be alarming for the deep state, which prefers to work in the dark. So what are all media outlets focusing on today? Trump of course, and his sacking of FBI director James Comey -- how bloody convenient! Focus has now shifted from a critical issue to a nuisance ‘news’-grabbing story with no real substance or world importance.
international / prose / post

Former FBI Director, James Comey image Trump fires the Man most Responsible for his Ascension to the Presidency jaxie, Wednesday, May 10 2017, 11:16pm
FBI director James Comey has been sacked by Trump, and this act regardless of the invaluable assistance that Comey provided in undermining Hillary Clinton by re-opening the investigation into her crass and transparent DISHONESTY, a few weeks before the final vote. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

neoconsstrauss.jpg image The History of the Neocon Takeover of the USA Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould via james, Wednesday, May 10 2017, 10:27pm
Foreword by the Saker: the four articles below, combined into one, are an exception to the normal rule which is that this blog [Saker's] does not republish articles already published in the past. In this case, at the request of Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, I decided to make an exception due to the importance and interest of the topic: the origins of the Neocon movement. I am particularly grateful to Paul and Elizabeth who have agreed to my request to remove the original copyright restrictions on this material for publication on the Saker blog. The analysis they wrote offers a very valuable insight into the roots and history of the Neocon phenomenon. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Trump was Installed as President for a Purpose jess, Tuesday, May 9 2017, 8:38pm
Notwithstanding that Trump has the political acumen of a gnat and is clearly a puppet of the deep state, which speaks volumes about his spinelessness, he nevertheless serves a purpose, can you guess? Buffoon Trump saturates the western media, which distracts from the real issues and nefarious plans of the deep state, which reduce to nuclear WAR.
international / prose / post

Empty head, 'President' Trump image Donald Trump's Breathtaking Ignorance David Cay Johnston via jill, Tuesday, May 9 2017, 9:30am
Let’s connect the dots between Donald Trump’s “tax plan”, his invitation to the murderous leader in Manila and saying he would be “honored” to meet with the dictator of North Korea. And let’s throw in his claim that Trumpcare will be better than Obamacare and that his skeletal tax plan would make him pay more. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

John 'damaged goods' McCain image John McCain Avowed Warmonger drew, Monday, May 8 2017, 11:49pm
It is apparent that certain members of the US Congress have little concern for innocent human lives. This extends dramatically to disturbed pathological types like John McCain, who once sang a distorted Beach Boys song along the lines of, “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," publically, and thought himself proud for that clearly insane, infantile act. I need not stress the point that McCain is a warmonger in the first degree. He imagines like all extremists that violence solves problems when history has taught the world it only increases devastating problems. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

nblast.jpg image Washington is Leading the U.S. and its Vassal States to Total Destruction Dr Paul Craig Roberts via shirl, Sunday, May 7 2017, 10:18pm
A reader asked why neoconservatives push toward nuclear war when there can be no winners. If all die, what is the point? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Hope, the Opiate of the Masses Today suzie, Sunday, May 7 2017, 8:58pm
There is no doubt the world is going to hell in a hand basket, all one need do is LOOK at the prevailing reality not listen to the ‘news.’ When we do that we see outrageous provocations and orchestrated lies targeted at America’s perceived (nuclear) enemies, which remain in opposition to any American or other domination. Those targeted nations like the rest of us, wish to preserve their sovereign independent status under international law, live and let live, is how they see things, furthermore, they believe in co-operation not domination.
international / prose / post

text For Fuck’s Sake are WE Pathetic or What? jason, Saturday, May 6 2017, 11:09pm
You needn’t be clairvoyant to realise the Truth of the US planning a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia and China, it’s in our comatose faces on a DAILY basis. The thoroughly insane neocons, “what's the point of having nuclear weapons if you don’t use them,” that control Washington and ALL modern presidents, are preparing NOW, it’s self-evident if you have the eyes to SEE. Neocon doctrine (PNAC) openly published for the world to see, espouses “Pax-Americana,” which means lordship over all nations. It states openly that any nation that “could” challenge US hegemony must be thwarted, and today only two nations are able to resist successfully this perverse plan, Russia and China!
international / prose / post

text United States Says ‘Yes’ to Nuclear Weapons Tests, ‘No’ to a Treaty Ban John Laforge via gail, Saturday, May 6 2017, 2:01am
In the words of arch-neocon, Richard Perle, "what's the point of having nuclear weapons if you don't use them?"

Now understand that neocons remain in control of foreign policy in Washington and you would realise that the USA is preparing for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia and China and both those powers know it. Informed readers would also note the preparations for such an attack. Russia's European land borders have offensive anti-missile systems installed and the same is now occurring in close proximity to China. These American anti-missile systems have led neocon nut-cases like Perle and others today, to believe that a nuclear pre-emptive strike would be successful against nuclear powers Russia and China, well yes they would, for cockroaches! Do a little research and the mass media hidden obvious would become obvious to all!

international / prose / post

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