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us_bloodied_flag.jpg image Trump sells Qatar $12bn of weapons days after accusing it of funding terrorism Lucy Pasha-Robinson via shirl, Saturday, Jun 17 2017, 11:04pm
The USA is already KNOWN as the most HYPOCRITICAL nation on earth and this outrageous action by Trump highlights the fact. However, the military industrial complex must make its PROFITS regardless of ALL other considerations including U.S. credibility; and so the REALITY of U.S. foreign policy is as you see it -- that is, if you are able to handle the TRUTH. Trump, as all other puppet presidents before him, is a captured SERVANT of the deep state or elite. America is CLEARLY NOT a force for peace, it is as is OBVIOUS, the opposite, the greatest threat to peace on the planet while it continues to hide behind a tattered mask of preventing, not inflaming WAR, as it has been doing since George W Bush and the neocons embarked on THEIR 'perpetual war' strategy for world domination. Now doubters, try and refute REALITY, if you dare! (story and 1 image)
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yogachakraskundalini.jpg image Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation alter genes to rejuvenate - scientific study Anu Mantri via jane, Saturday, Jun 17 2017, 2:48am
The benefits of meditation and yoga are established, but these mind-body interventions not only relax one but are also able to alter one’s genes. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Trump's USA -- no vision, no sense, no capability michael payne via julian, Saturday, Jun 17 2017, 12:58am
Trump appointee, Sec. of State, Rex Tillerson, recently, publicly called for (illegal) 'regime change' in Iran oblivious to the FACT that the entire WORLD wants regime change in the USA. But of course what would insular and clearly pathological Trump appointees know about anything?
international / prose / post

text West London Fire -- Theresa May's Transparent Political Posturing reg, Friday, Jun 16 2017, 8:49am
The corporatist elite are doing it tough in the UK; their conservative political puppets, particularly servile and disconnected Theresa May, have been caught out faking it in the most horrid circumstances, as has the local mass media. First in relation to staged terrorist attacks, which were meant to give May a larger parliamentary majority and now with her insensitive posturing over the west London fire.
international / prose / post

trumpsalmanriyadh.jpg image Blood on the tracks of the New Silk Roads Pepe Escobar via lil, Friday, Jun 16 2017, 1:00am
China's cardinal foreign policy imperative ["make trade not war"] is to refrain from interfering abroad while advancing the proverbial good relations with key political actors -- even when they may be at each other's throats. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

PDF Document The Intentionally Hidden Reality of Inequality and Inequity claire, Wednesday, Jun 14 2017, 11:34pm
While the elite’s mass media intentionally maintain cultural focus on irrelevancies like Trump or whatever, the world’s wealth gap CRISIS widens; just six individuals today own the equivalent wealth of the bottom half of the WORLD’S population -- I am talking about SIX (6) elitist pigs that continue to rabidly steal/plunder the wealth from EVERYONE’S rightful share. Oxfam has released its latest wealth comparisons supported by statistical research and it makes for very sobering reading -- pdf available below. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

einstein_quote.jpg image Two Sides of the Same Coin Prof. steve, Wednesday, Jun 14 2017, 7:35am
During my university days I recall doing all that I could to prevent myself from laughing out loud when bookish lecturers, who had never left educational institutions in their entire insular lives, would almost rhapsodise over Marxist theory. Well, for those that may wonder what amused me, here it is, a confession I have kept to myself for decades. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

You are NOT privileged when your integrity is under QUESTION image Jeff Sessions Stonewalls Senate Committee Questions jake, Tuesday, Jun 13 2017, 10:32pm
As expected, after the damning (subjective) testimony of former FBI director, Jim Comey, AT Jeff Sessions stonewalled, refusing to specifically answer Senator’s questions claiming he was protecting the “executive privilege” of the president, a feeble excuse as this committee was formed to investigate whether or not the serving president is fit to serve as the commander-in-chief. Furthermore, Trump was installed by the people as were senators, and they/we demand to know of any illegal or compromising, to the national interest, behavior of ANY elected official. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text All Great Solutions are SIMPLE justin, Monday, Jun 12 2017, 2:07am
Consider the terrorist threat for a moment. Do you imagine terrorist groups fall from the sky fully euipped, trained and supplied? Of course not! They are created. The ISIS group for instance was trained in Jordan by the CIA and supplied, of course, by U.S. ally, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia, which the world knows has an agenda to see that all moderate sane Muslims are reduced to fanatical fundamentalism. And so we had the western mass media present us with this group complete with arms, munitions, a fleet of new Toyota trucks and a U.S. lackey leader wearing a Rolex -- for analysts this jack-in-box presentation of a fully formed terrorist group presented no mysteries. Simple research revealed it was created and supplied by the USA and Saudi Arabia, all of which information is now freely available in the public domain.
international / prose / post

AT, Jeff Sessions image The Spectacle Continues: Attorney General Jeff Sessions Cancels Appearance before the SIC suzie, Sunday, Jun 11 2017, 2:31am
There is no doubt that Jeff Sessions will be another administrative casualty of the Trump administration; losing appointees one by one is one slow and painful way to finally remove Trump, a shameless LIAR and incompetent political dunce, wheeler-dealer. You see men like Trump have no real friends they have opportunists and ‘friends’ they buy. Very soon Trump will be the modern equivalent of the Ancient Mariner, “Water, water everywhere and all the boards did shrink; water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink.” Indeed, Trump would be the sole doomed inhabitant on an ill-fated ship, which he once captained. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Jeremy Corbyn, closer to the People image The Elite owned Mass Media is Loathed by the Masses of ALL Nations claire, Sunday, Jun 11 2017, 1:02am
The most powerful weapon the unrepresentative global elite have is their Mass Media, which lied about and supported numerous illegal military interventions, first in Yugoslavia then Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and other nations around the globe. The MM deliberately runs from the fact that Saudi Arabia not Qatar, which nation also supports terrorists, is by far the leading supporter of terrorist groups, confirmed by Saudi prince Bandar himself when he foolishly attempted to intimidate Putin with his extremist fighters during Russia’s hosting of the winter Olympics. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Sayonara America barry, Saturday, Jun 10 2017, 8:37am
The Senate Intelligence Committee has revealed that the USA is in crisis, the Committee was organized as an investigation into the integrity of the US president (forget the salad dressing) and or the criminality of the intelligence agencies, which have grouped to destroy Trump, as they feel threatened, just ask, Jim Comey. Though personally I would have no regrets to see Trump dumped; however, who would replace that idiot? Another puppet of course, and so the neocon elite agenda would persist and it is precisely that that should be investigated by the SENATE, not an irrelevant, flawed, buffoon that knows jack about politics and relies on deep state advisors for policies and scripts.
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shell__game.jpg image Common LIES and Political Deceptions james, Saturday, Jun 10 2017, 12:17am
I once told a friend that an intelligent person does not need to lie, he/she is able to use the truth in such a way that it would lead to the desired result -- in other words lying is for morons. Now notice how former FBI director Comey used the truth to roll Trump; indeed, it was how he arranged, strategised and PRESENTED the facts (HE recalled) that achieved the desired result, as his testimony to the SIC, if analysed, was entirely subjective. Planned and calculated ‘honesty’ is indeed a very powerful weapon in the right hands and unfortunately Trump is not clever enough to use truth to his advantage, in fact his pathological relationship with truth is strained to say the very least. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Theresa May's Elitist Codswallop shirl, Friday, Jun 9 2017, 12:55pm
After the Queen's decision to grant Theresa May a minority government, May couldn't help herself, as she is a well trained failed elitist servant. She referred to the UK "moving forward" under her leadership -- which is yet another meaningless abstraction -- for example, place one foot ahead of the other, you have just moved 'forward' but have you got anywhere meaningful?
international / prose / post

text Corbyn Speaks to the People, May speaks to Elites jess, Friday, Jun 9 2017, 3:11am
It seems conservatives are very slow learners or rather their elite masters are stuck in failed formulas that no longer gain traction with the increasingly aware, though disillusioned, masses. Trump was the result in the USA and a hung parliament is the result in the UK. The ‘pundits’ have again failed to see the obvious, as the title suggests. Put simply, ignore or try to deceive the people to your great cost, politicians world-wide.
international / prose / post

Former FBI director, James Comey image Hell Hath No Fury Like a Fired FBI Director paladin, Thursday, Jun 8 2017, 1:08pm
Former FBI director James Comey sat before the SIC and cast so much doubt on Trump’s integrity that the survival of the president would seem to be in grave danger from today on. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

colesstayingdown.jpg image Coles admits ripping off much of its workforce after cozy SDA 'deals' Ben Schneiders, Royce Millar & Nick Toscano via mod, Thursday, Jun 8 2017, 2:07am
Supermarket giant Coles has admitted underpaying much of its workforce in cosy deals it struck with the conservative shop assistants union. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Deep State Players Spit on the PEOPLE’S Senate Intelligence Committee’s Questions jake, Thursday, Jun 8 2017, 1:02am
Well, the PEOPLE of the USA have their answer.
international / prose / post

text A House Divided Cannot Stand kwang zi, Wednesday, Jun 7 2017, 2:21am
The entire western world should look closely at this age-old adage, as it’s TRUE, as we all know -- but do we?
international / prose / post

Theresa May with mass murdering, extremist, Saudi Scum image Corbyn Leads Call to Unveil Saudi Role in Fueling Extremism Jake Johnson via jane, Tuesday, Jun 6 2017, 11:29am
Indeed, the machinations of the British conservative party, particularly after Theresa May's disgraceful (politically) opportunistic speech after the London attacks, may affect elections outcomes in an unexpected way. Few citizens have fallen for May's gross political miscalculation, notwithstanding her compromising hobnobbing with the criminal, mass murdering, Wahhabi Saudis that support ISIS and other terrorist groups. The sooner the intimate relationships between the criminal Saudi royals and the UK and US governments are exposed the SAFER our streets will be. (story and 1 image)
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