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Midnight Blue
by rhyl Sunday, Jun 9 2013, 12:21pm
international /
poetry /
it is you that forms
the night arc across the sky
so wide ur arch
the curve is not discernible,
ur body studded with stars
swallow the white moon
birth the sun
deity of the night
arch over all existence
birth a million suns,
sustainer of my life
they haven’t forgotten u
though today u are disguised
as the celestial virgin that births
the saviour of the world
how u ache for re-union
with ur beloved
how i ache for our
lost embrace
our joining would shatter
worlds and rob existence
of its tension
what was once joined and
must be joined again
ur arc only a portion
of the circle
i feel a warm rising
a golden disc
rising from the dead of night
swallow my essence
midnight blue,
let it stir inside u
until u are ready
to birth mighty Ra
in a new day
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