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Conservative FM, Julie Bishop, a thorough Disgrace image Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop does Her servile Obsequious best to Flatter Trump jake, Sunday, Oct 1 2017, 12:35am
Extraordinary! The headline appearing in Murdoch rag The Weekend Australian, read: "Julie Bishop credits Donald Trump’s rhetoric with forcing China to act against North Korea" -- believe it or not. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

money_toilet_roll.jpg image Cracks in Dollar Are Getting Larger James Rickards via james, Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 11:43pm
Many readers are familiar with the original petrodollar deal the U.S made with Saudi Arabia. It was set up by Henry Kissinger and Saudi princes in 1974 to prop up the U.S. dollar. At the time, confidence in the dollar was on shaky ground because President Nixon had ended gold convertibility of dollars in 1971. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Fat, LYING, billionaire PIG that doesn't give a shit about average Americans -- Confirmed! image Exposed: Lying, Duplicitous, Disgusting Racist SELLOUT FAKE President that Serves the 1% Jenna Johnson via shirl, Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 9:55pm
So much for despicable, lying bastard Trump, who has deferred foreign policy to the deep state's 'permanent war' Pentagon and created a tax plan that favours the 1% to the great cost of the people he pretended to support, notwithstanding his overt racism, lack of political skills and inability to run a large powerful nation. But he's good at bluster, complaining, childish games (North Korea) and playing one ignorant stooge against another and distracting the public from his countless FAILURES and broken promises -- you piece of shit Trump, the sooner an angry citizen you sold out puts a bullet in your head the better for America and the entire WORLD. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Alternative Media Shoots Self in Foot darcy, Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 1:40am
The latest winger from the alternative bunch is from Alternet, before that Word Socialist Website WSWS, indeed, there is validity to both complaints of INTENTIONAL backgrounding by Google and Facebook and other major IT players able to interfere with information flows and access. However, alternative news sites have only themselves to blame as it was/is a given that the ‘man,’ would eventually contrive a plan and implement a mechanism to stifle free speech on the internet, especially those which oppose the fiction of the dominant mainstream discourse, shaped of course by the CFR.
international / prose / post

text The REALITY Behind the Media's Distorted Presentation of Germany's Elections Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Friday, Sep 29 2017, 6:13am
Despite clear evidence that Washington has chosen the path to conflict with Russia and China, European governments have not objected. Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics even seem to demand more conflict or a quicker path to conflict. The European peoples themselves have not elected leadership that is willing to repudiate vassalage to Washington and conduct a rational foreign policy toward Russia.
international / prose / post

text How Long Must We Endure This Madness -- Psychopaths Rule the World? drake, Friday, Sep 29 2017, 12:43am
I do not see any difference whatsoever in the Nazi propaganda lie of a master race and the US propaganda lie of exceptionalism, though respective populations lap/ped it up. The overt inference of superiority is common to ALL fascist regimes. The similarities between the Nazi Reich and the USA today are almost complete. Except for the gas chambers, they are complete. Both regimes delight in the mass murder of innocents, which they view/ed as inferior humans, tens of millions of innocent civilians, (‘slopes’ and ‘rag heads’) have been murdered as a direct result of criminal US military interventionism, is anyone able to draw a similarity with racist, Nazi military interventionism?
international / prose / post

text Beat sybil, Thursday, Sep 28 2017, 10:02am
international / poetry / post

text Mass Media Suicide mike, Thursday, Sep 28 2017, 12:17am
Prior to delivering this ‘transmission’ I would state for the benefit of those that rightfully distrust all forms of media today that I am a tertiary trained expert with decades of practical experience in the art of mass communication, news media, and the art of deception, propaganda, marketing and advertising, that is, SOCIAL MANAGEMENT via ‘perception management’ as the Americans like to call it.
international / prose / post

moneylenders.jpg image Will Central Banks Survive to the Mid-21st Century? Jack Rasmus via jan, Wednesday, Sep 27 2017, 11:01am
After nearly nine years of a radical experiment injecting tens of trillions of dollars and dollar equivalent currency into their economies, the major central banks of the advanced economies – the Federal Reserve (Fed), Bank of England (BoE), European Central Bank (ECB), Bank of Japan (BoJ), and the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) – appear headed toward reversing the policy of massive liquidity injection they launched in 2008. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Sham jaxie, Wednesday, Sep 27 2017, 2:58am
How many people world wide voted for a hyper-intrusive surveillance state? I would confidently say NONE, yet we all live in a pan-surveillance state/globe.
international / prose / post

text Sleep lex, Tuesday, Sep 26 2017, 11:57pm
international / poetry / post

text Tassels and Conch sadh, Tuesday, Sep 26 2017, 7:28pm
international / poetry / post

theguillotinelarge.jpg image Sanctions and Embargos -- the PEOPLE Pay NOT the Elites and Politicians justin, Tuesday, Sep 26 2017, 4:56am
The North Korean leadership has declared at the UN that the USA has effectively declared war on their nation. True, no doubt, as sanctions and embargos are criminal blackmail, COERCION in a word; and when states attempt to coerce other states it is simply an act of WAR. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

kimjongtrump.jpg image Infants with Nuclear Weapons claire, Sunday, Sep 24 2017, 11:57pm
The entire civilised world is tiring of the infantile bickering of two nuclear armed ‘leaders’ that clearly do not know, or worse, are unable to cease their childish bickering. Would YOU give your infant children loaded guns to play with, not a chance? So why would you give a nincompoop, personality flawed, imbecile with no political skills whatsoever, nuclear weapons to play with? Yes, the American people must take responsibility for Trump, as they installed an idiot narcissist bereft of all diplomatic and political skills into the highest office in the land. And note, no sooner than Trump became commander-in-chief he deferred that role to the Pentagon, which today decides foreign policy, advised of course by the agencies, which have always worked hand-in-glove with the military. And what does the military know? WAR and combat ONLY. So is it a surprise that all we hear is radio, war, war, bark, bark! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Don’t be a Sap -- there is no Such Thing as a Bloodless Revolution moderator, Sunday, Sep 24 2017, 6:07am
Most half-thinking people would refer to Gandhi’s ‘peaceful’ revolution to gain Indian independence, which is misinformation as thousands of peaceful Indian demonstrators were mowed down by Imperial British machine guns. And if that is not enough to PROVE the point, consider Indian against Indian and the murderous ethnic cleansing that followed partition. In total, MILLIONS of Indians died as a result of independence. However, the cherry on the turd is the assassination of Gandhi himself. So forget bloodless revolutions, they have never existed historically in the past, present and never will in the future because, given human nature, it’s impossible -- but don’t tell that to the hamstrung politically correct left -- a league of self-castrating morons.
international / prose / post

text Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: the Nightmare Scenario Mike Whitney via jaxie, Sunday, Sep 24 2017, 12:18am
Prior to reading one word of the following article by Mr Whitney, burn a legal fact into your head -- America's interference (regime change) and military presence in Syria is grossly ILLEGAL under international law and various international conventions to which the USA is a signatory. So in REALITY there should only be one discussion, holding the USA accountable for its numerous crimes against Syria, millions of innocent people in the Middle East and elsewhere. That is the prevailing reality, so why continually avoid it? The devil only knows.
international / prose / post

text The CIA: 70 Years of Organized Crime Douglas Valentine – Lars Schall via sal, Saturday, Sep 23 2017, 11:37pm
Lars Schall: 70 years ago, on September 18, 1947, the National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA. Douglas, you refer to the CIA as “the organized crime branch of the U.S. government.” Why so?
international / prose / post

text Self Indulgence or Sugar Plum Fairy zed, Friday, Sep 22 2017, 1:09pm
international / poetry / post

text The Solution is SIMPLE james, Friday, Sep 22 2017, 12:59am
Today people are faced with the utter ruin of democratic rights, liberties and freedoms in the western world, but particularly in America, which is the LEAST of all so-called democratic nations, as is clearly evident -- America is clearly an authoritarian police/military state, where the policies of unrepresentative elites are IMPOSED on the people that tremble in fear of their unrepresentative oppressors/overlords. A far cry from real democratic REPRESENTATION. Indeed, 'democracy' today is a pathetic joke, as all we see is master-slave IMPOSITIONS.
international / prose / post

'Removal' of this treacherous Traitor is long overdue image Russia says will target U.S.-backed fighters in Syria if provoked Andrew Osborn, Phil Stewart via shirl, Thursday, Sep 21 2017, 11:02pm
Indeed, we have the absurd and highly illegal attempt by the USA, utilising its supported Kurdish proxy fighters, to prevent the Syrian government reclaiming its own lands -- now think of that situation for a minute. Also, chicken shit Putin has faced this problem in Syria almost from the time that Russia legally intervened to support the sovereign state. Consider the expression "if provoked," a cowardly and unnecessary condition as Russian and Syrian government forces have been provoked almost continuously by the USA since they initially attempted illegal regime change. If illegally occupying American forces and their proxies cut and run they would surely then face SEVERE consequences including international legal challenges. (story and 1 image)
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