WWIII -- Putin Directly Would take Blame
by uri Saturday, Jul 23 2016, 10:26pm
international /
prose /
US aggression is a given, it has even been published by the neocons themselves , “Full Spectrum Dominance” and “Pax Americana,” are just two lunatic, megalomaniacal quotes from the neocons, which psychopaths maintain their rule in Washington. And so today the situation has escalated to the brink of nuclear war, or haven't you noticed? But who’s really to blame for this exceedingly dangerous situation? Putin, of course!
Mouse Putin, a dangerous disgrace
Could you imagine any Russian leader of the past allowing NATO/US offensive missile systems to be installed on Russia’s borders, not a chance, yet mouse Putin timidly sat back and allowed western forces to gain a huge advantage by placing offensive missiles within close proximity to Russian capitals and strategic sites -- never in Russian history would such an event have transpired. Putin was on the western payroll at the time, he is as corrupt as the word itself, however, when either forced by his military or realising the situation was untenable to the extreme he withdrew his support/compliance from the mass murdering western elite and now faces the RAW truth/REALITY of his inactions; the USA is hell-bent on dominating the entire world. It’s not too late however, barely! Russia must without hesitation, compromise or timidity, remove the nuclear threat from its borders, no superpower, especially America, would stand for it Mr mouse Putin!
So we, the entire globe, now face a nuclear fiasco, never has that threat been more accentuated/acute, not even the Cuban missile crisis compares, though nuclear war hung on a silken thread at that time.
Had Putin stood his ground and demanded that NATO remove its missile installations and withdraw, NATO would have ceased its provocative incursions; neocon lunatic Paul Wolfowitz publicly stated when America initiated its “perpetual war” hegemonic plan in the Balkans and Middle East that, to paraphrase, ‘we [the US] have learned that Russia will not support its allies or oppose us [the USA]!' So what is the price of hesitation and spinelessness in the global strategic sphere? Either capitulation, which the west is hoping for, or outright WAR, this game of either bluff poker or pathological madness must end otherwise we are ALL doomed.
The west has RIGHTLY assessed Putin as a coward, therefore to save the world Russian nationalists and patriots must remove him from power as it is already KNOWN that he doesn’t have the spine to risk war for the sake of freedom and sovereignty, though he squeaks plenty but never FOLLOWS THROUGH, Syria is nothing when the mother country is threatened.
Russia, [and China] if you value your freedom and sovereignty there is no choice but to make very plain indeed, that NATO/US aggression if not IMMEDIATELY reversed/halted will result in a pre-emptive strike on the USA itself and the NATO western alliance of criminal, mass murdering nations.
When the media washed American people become aware in no uncertain terms that they are faced with the final outcome of their leaders' insanity -- OBLITERATION, the situation would be resolved one way or the other. Indeed, it’s plain to see that rational, intelligent diplomacy has FAILED miserably, so it leaves no other option but plain, unambiguous language and the NECESSARY ACTIONS that MUST follow.
Face off and Assert yourself, Russia
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