Turnbull has Irretrievably Lost the Confidence of the Australian People
by gail Sunday, Jul 17 2016, 9:14pm
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And so it goes, no-one can put ‘Humpty Malcolm Dumpty’ back together again.
Malcolm Turnbull, finished!
Astute politicians, especially in Liberal ranks, are acutely aware that once the people have lost confidence in a leader it’s over for that leader. No amount of money, advisors, marketing/media tricks, lies and empty waffle is able to restore CONFIDENCE once LOST.
Indeed, Cory Bernardi is right (for once), a true conservative party, which reflects core conservative values, would have attracted more support than Turnbull’s idiotic, disconnected waffling -- Turnbull is living with his favourite mirror in his 'own private habour-side mansion;' he proved without doubt how politically inept he really is, almost all his strategies failed and then in desperation he resorted to his millions to pay for the slimmest of all ‘victories.’
The recent deluge of mindless, mainstream media post-mortems amount to nothing, as they fail to address the core issues, Turnbull’s inflated sense of himself is unfounded, he pursued an empty, ‘cult of personality’ style American election campaign with no substance and paid the price -- Oz is not America, people here demand SUBSTANCE! The result, inept failure Turnbull is now a known quantity and is as transparent as glass, which in political terms makes him TOXIC.
Turnbull is now a LIABILITY to the party, which knows that once a leader fails as badly as Turnbull the show is over and a new leader MUST take the helm, preferably one that is connected to the concerns of the masses and OUR culture. “Agile, exciting, innovative,” etc, proved to be nothing but UNSUBSTANTIATED BABBLE which ostracised the Australian population; Turnbull was, and continues to be, DISCONNECTED to the extreme, what would he know of the concerns of the people? CLEARLY NOTHING, he belongs to and serves a tiny UNREPRESENTATIVE, wealthy elite minority, which fact is NOW painfully apparent to ALL -- Turnbull is clearly NOT a man of the people, which reality makes him a political BANKRUPT!
Highly successful Liberal premier Bob Askin was once asked the secret to his success, his response was pragmatic, to paraphrase, ‘NSW is a Labor state, so I simply implemented Labor policies,’ well doh! However, the disconnects in conservative ranks today LACK real political nous -- it’s not about ideology it’s about POLITICS, you dumbarse Libs. Turnbull has no idea, he and all his consultants and advisors must GO, to a person, they ALL lack BASIC political nous and ability, plain to see!
The Libs really have no choice but to dump Turnbull, as anyone that cooperates with now toxic Turnbull runs the risk of becoming stained by the association and jeopardising their own political careers, plain and simple to understand. In fact, the sooner Turnbull is dumped the sooner the party could embark on a positive reconstruction strategy that would make negotiating with backbenchers and Labor a much easier proposition.
Furthermore, Labor is only marginally ahead in the political stakes, Shorten simply does not have the bearing, presence and command of a Real statesman and the people know it. Today both major parties are afflicted with non-entities and flawed/deficient personalities in leadership roles, a recipe for FAILURE. It is little wonder that the Australian people are moving away from the majors in DROVES -- both parties have lost the REPRESENTATION plot!
Owned corporate puppets and political fleas
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