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Trump -- the perfect president for the World’s leading Rogue, Morally Bankrupt State
by ross Wednesday, Aug 16 2017, 7:38pm
international / prose / post

I wonder sometimes why the American people are shocked by the imbecilic, impetuous, violent and extremist actions of its current president, Donald Trump; surely the recent historical actions of the world’s leading civilian killing (therefore terrorist) nation and its leaders should not surprise anyone.

America's demented president
America's demented president

Consider the numerous grossly ILLEGAL interventionist wars based on LIES and gross illegalities, which have not only killed and displaced tens of millions of innocent civilians but ruined nations and reduced them to anarchy -- well done America.

When the politically inept and morally bankrupt president failed to unreservedly condemn violent fascist extremist groups in Virginia, nothing new occurred. Trump is a fascist himself, now obvious, and is loath to condemn his brethren. However, the world seems surprised by Trump’s behaviour yet his instability and infantile violent nature, which almost triggered a nuclear war, is PLAIN to see, nothing whatsoever is hidden, it’s all par for the course in criminal, disintegrating America.

We must also realise that Trump was voted into power by the majority and so it is America that is a criminal, violent, extremist rogue State, from the grass roots up, plain to see today.

Trump is truly representative of the sick State of America, where violence is always the first option from police in the streets to the military and it all arises like methane fumes from the Washington swamp of neocons and other deep state players hell bent on perpetual WAR and illegal acquisition, which is confirmed as published neocon doctrine.

So what did you expect from Trump’s America, world? Nothing less than consistent belligerency and criminal fascist actions now played out in its streets and in political Washington -- the world takes note of a persistent and consistent pattern, nothing new whatsoever. The only difference is that Trump wears America’s character on his sleeve and rants the poisonous American criminal ideology every time he opens his filthy mouth, Trump is the real -- based on consistent behaviour patterns -- reflection of America as his election indicates.

Of course elite rulers have finally realised the international cost of the Trump presidency and so its media is now focusing all America’s pathological problems onto its leader, who in fact is really a convenient fall guy, the dunce president has no idea how easily manipulated he is, all politicians are expendable and serve a purpose and Trump is no exception.

If the world chooses to simply withdraw all support for the greenback and the Wall Street banker scum that produces it (mega-banks also own the Fed) and adopts another weighted currency standard, America would collapse overnight and the US elite know it. However, GLOBAL elites trade nations as easy as they fix international markets and so care little which indebted nation becomes the new apparent ‘power;’ perhaps that is the plan, power is moving EAST, though I am not privy to Bilderberg and global elite plans/decisions.

What is clear is that every nation is dispensable, power is relative and so America’s fate is sealed -- threatening an unnecessary nuclear war was the last straw for most of the world -- but what do we NOW hear from the elite owned media, “Trump must go,” a familiar slogan for regime change. However, Trump as indicated is not the problem, America is!

Withdrawing political support for this overtly criminal nation would see it implode, America survives by projecting its problems onto other nations and expressing its violence externally. If America is ostracized by the world, have no doubt it would implode and descend quickly into the mob rule/anarchy it has inflicted on other nations. Call it karma, as what goes around comes around, a fact of life.

So from any perspective America has brought itself undone, no external hand required, it has abused its privileges to the extreme, particularly regarding the default trading currency and deserves everything that’s coming its way.

Leaders not only reflect their nation they are their nation -- “Trump must go” clearly equates with ‘America must go,’ and without a shot being fired. Withdrawing political and economic support is the surest way to devastate any nation. Welcome to PARIAH America, world.

From the Washington Post:

Donald Trump on Tuesday afternoon gave the most disgusting public performance in the history of the American presidency. Framed by the vulgar excess of the lobby of Trump Tower, the president of the United States shook loose the constraints of his more decent-minded advisers and, speaking from his heart, defended white supremacists and by extension, their credos of hatred. He equated with those thugs the courageous Americans who had gathered to stand up to the racism, anti-Semitism and doctrine of violence that won the cheers and Nazi salutes of the alt-right hordes to whom Trump felt such loyalty.

After several days in which Trump and his advisers wrestled with what should have been a straightforward task — condemning the instigators of the unrest that rocked Charlottesville, Va., this past weekend — Trump revealed the reason that finding those words was such a struggle. He, too, is an extremist.

No one who values the best of what the United States has stood for could watch without feeling revulsion, anger or heartbreak. No one who comes from a past such as mine, which includes similar mobs rising up and ultimately collaborating in the murder of dozens of my family members in Hitler’s Europe, could view Trump’s performance without a degree of fear as well. Certainly, the same must be true for African Americans who have watched such mobs lynch their family members and seek to deny them the most basic rights.

That is why condemnation of what happened in Charlottesville came so quickly and naturally from leaders of conscience worldwide. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has stepped up to fill the void as leader of the West created by Trump’s moral bankruptcy and incompetence, immediately called the actions of the white supremacists in Virginia “horrifying” and “evil” and stated, “It is racist, far-right violence and clear, forceful action must be taken against it, regardless of where in the world it happens.” She also swiftly displayed humanity and sensitivity by expressing sympathy to the family of Heather Heyer, killed by an extreme right-wing act of terrorism in the streets of Charlottesville. Trump has yet to speak to Heyer’s family directly or visit the site of the attack, steps he took, for example, following an incident at Ohio State, when the attacker was Muslim.

From the United Kingdom to Italy to the Vatican to China, the violence in the United States and the racism of the extremists were decried by leaders who seemed to grasp the values for which the United States has fought throughout the past century. This tracks with a broader trend in which foreign leaders, some once seen as the United States’ closest allies, have found themselves having to distance themselves from the inflammatory language and actions of the American president.

Some of us have long been urging people to see that the Trump presidency was “not normal.” But we are past such discussions now. There is only one conclusion that any American patriot of either party can draw. Trump must go.

It has been perfectly natural during the first few months of this presidency for commentators and political leaders to treat Trump, his statements and actions like those of his predecessors. But in the past week, the dangers of his reflexive behavior have become even more crystal clear. In a matter of days, the president’s reckless remarks have triggered fears of nuclear war with North Korea, he threatened military action against Venezuela, he continued his quiet war against the environment and the U.S. public health system and then, in response to Charlottesville, he revealed his true colors and that he is not preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution as his oath requires. Rather, he is at war with it and its values — from a free press, to an independent judiciary, to equal protection for all under the law.

Since the Team of Sycophants will never invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him, the responsibility lies with the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, to reveal his wrongdoing. A great task is upon whistle-blowers in the government to challenge Trump’s attacks on American institutions, upon Congress to investigate not only his ties to Russia but also his possible corruption, and ultimately, upon the American people to vote out Trump supporters and enablers on Capitol Hill, and then, ensure a suitable replacement for him in 2020.

Every day Trump remains in office is a victory for the extremists. But in that same moment on Tuesday, Trump made it clear that to defeat the champions of hatred in the United States, he must go. That he also must go to preserve the United States’ standing in the world, to ensure the safety of our people and our way of life has also been made clear in the past week. It is now time that we follow his dangerous words with our own actions. It is why Heather Heyer was on that street in Charlottesville. We owe it to her and to ourselves to remove him from office as soon as the law permits. Trump himself has demonstrated the price of each day of delay.

by David Rothkopf
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