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Poet and Mystic, Jalaludin Rumi  image Iran's Leading Cleric Declares Psychedelics Halal, Acceptable Phillip Smith via dulcie, Tuesday, Nov 14 2017, 12:44am
In a move barely noticed in the West, more than three years ago, Iran's Grand Ayatollah Rohani issued a formal legal ruling—a fatwa—declaring that the use of entheogens and psychedelics was permissible (ḥalāl) for Shi'a Muslims for purposes of treatment and spiritual growth. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

opium.jpg image Into the Afghan Abyss (Again) Alfred W. McCoy via jess, Monday, Nov 13 2017, 10:09pm
After nine months of confusion, chaos, and cascading tweets, Donald Trump’s White House has finally made one thing crystal clear: the U.S. is staying in Afghanistan to fight and—so they insist—win. “The killers need to know they have nowhere to hide, that no place is beyond the reach of American might,” said the president in August, trumpeting his virtual declaration of war on the Taliban. Overturning Barack Obama’s planned (and stalled) drawdown in Afghanistan, Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced that the Pentagon would send 4,000 more soldiers to fight there, bringing American troop strength to nearly 15,000. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

ciaisis.jpg image Secret ISIS Withdrawal Deal from Raqqa Exposed staff report BBC via jane, Monday, Nov 13 2017, 9:18pm
Lorry driver Abu Fawzi thought it was going to be just another job. He drives an 18-wheeler across some of the most dangerous territory in northern Syria. Bombed-out bridges, deep desert sand, even government forces and so-called Islamic State fighters don’t stand in the way of a delivery. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

The dimwit, megalo prince Salman soon to be eliminated, one way or the other image The House of Saud a Tinder Box Ready to Implode tafiq, Monday, Nov 13 2017, 12:23pm
Numerous commentaries by experts on the recent arrests of multi-billionaire Saudi royals by the heir apparent dimwit pretender to the throne, prince Salman, yes the same imbecile that sparked the war in Yemen which he is losing, which has demonstrated to the world his complete ineptitudes and incompetence as a tactician and leader. However, nothing compares to the recent convulsions in the house of Saud precipitated by the same idiot prince, the Trump of the Middle East, in that a total idiot is on the loose causing all manner of grief which could easily see the house of Saud implode, as there are far too many billionaire princes and other relatives that fear for their fortunes and lives to make this absurd purge tenable. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text On The Brink Of War Abdel Bari Atwan via gail, Monday, Nov 13 2017, 2:58am
We should not let minor details such as Hariri’s resignation or the detention of [Saudi] princes and former ministers divert our attention from the real developments that are taking place in secret. Nor should we let these minor details distract us from the more dangerous phase that will follow Prince Mohammad bin Salman ‘purge’ on the domestic Saudi front. For such ‘purges’ are the preliminary move to scenarios for a war that may be the most dangerous in the region’s history. And we are not exaggerating here.
international / prose / post

text Shoreless Sea lex, Sunday, Nov 12 2017, 9:37pm
international / poetry / post

text Going, gone jack, Thursday, Nov 9 2017, 10:09pm
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the [public] is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our [any] nation." - Edward Bernays

"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are therefore those that blissfully unaware, enslave themselves." Dresden James.

international / poetry / post

text The Saudi Night of the Long Knives Pepe Escobar via jess, Tuesday, Nov 7 2017, 11:12pm
The House of Saud’s King Salman devises an high-powered “anti-corruption” commission and appoints his son, Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, a.k.a. MBS, as chairman.
international / prose / post

text Signatures fibonacci via sadh, Tuesday, Nov 7 2017, 10:32pm
international / poetry / post

text The Last Thing jean, Sunday, Nov 5 2017, 8:53pm
It may surprise many but the last thing people wish to hear today is the TRUTH, which, as most westerners know, sets us free. But that is exactly the problem. Truth is challenging but propaganda and lies placate and help induce populations into ‘safe’ fantasy worlds comforted by numbers, which clearly is the preferred option as is apparent. Facing harsh reality which truth demands, is anathema to the majority living in a dreamworld -- the American population is a good example, for instance; Americans are so averse to reality/truth they have elevated a buffoon and pathological liar (a desired necessity for fantasists) to the highest office in the land, in which position he remains even though he is compromising the nation and people on a daily basis, BUT LIES are comforting, as they enable responsibility to be deferred.
international / prose / post

text 'Paradise Papers' Reveal Tax Avoidance, Shady Dealings of World's Rich and Powerful Jon Queally via jane, Sunday, Nov 5 2017, 7:14pm
From multiple members of Trump's cabinet to the British Royal Family, document dump of offshore dealings shows how political leaders—joined by wealthy celebrities and the ultra-rich—shelter their assets, keep shady relationships secret, and game the tax systems of nations around the globe.
international / prose / post

text Grass Parrot jason, Sunday, Nov 5 2017, 9:39am
international / poetry / post

text Totalitarian Censorship Takes Next Step Andre Damon via jess, Saturday, Nov 4 2017, 10:43pm
Wednesday’s hearings by the House and Senate Intelligence committees on “extremist” political views served as the occasion for members of Congress to urge technology companies to flagrantly violate the US Constitution by censoring political speech, carrying out mass surveillance, and muzzling journalists in pursuit of the government’s geopolitical aims.
international / prose / post

text The ‘Washington Swamp,’ a Cesspool of Anti-Democratic, Totalitarian, Mass Murdering Monsters des, Friday, Nov 3 2017, 10:22pm
When Trump promised to drain the Washington swamp he struck a chord with the population and world, which was/is all too well aware of its nature, given the past two horrendous decades of illegal military interventions and oppressive, totalitarian social rule.
international / prose / post

Buffoon and puppet Trump flanked by Tillerson and Mattis (right) image Tillerson and Mattis Attempt to Sell Endless, Pre-emptive Wars of Aggression Stephen Lendman via justin, Friday, Nov 3 2017, 8:37am
In Monday's testimony before Senate Foreign Relations Committee members, puppets RexTillerson and Jim 'it's fun to shoot people, mad dog' Mattis, urged congressional authorization for unlimited permanent war-making anywhere in the world – a shocking indictment of a rogue state threatening humanity’s survival and risking eventual catastrophic nuclear war. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

gizah_pyramids.jpg image Mysterious 'space' in Great Pyramid revealed by cosmic ray Camera Belinda Smith via zed, Thursday, Nov 2 2017, 11:48pm
A cosmic camera that uses high-energy particles from outer space to see through stone has given us a tantalising glimpse of an undiscovered space in the Great Pyramid of Giza. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Mattis (left) and Tillerson, puppets, as is Trump. image Rogue State Declares it would continue to Occupy Illegally Invaded Sovereign Nation without Consent Aaron Mehta via jess, Thursday, Nov 2 2017, 9:57pm
The fact that no-one has been prosecuted for the illegal invasion of Iraq lays the foundation to continue criminal military activities, which Sec. of State Rex Tillerson, supported by Jim Mattis, Sec. of Defense, had the gaul and stupidity to broadcast to the house and world. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Russell Crowe image 'Fucking disgraceful': Russell Crowe unloads on Manus Island Crisis Fergus Hunter via shirl, Wednesday, Nov 1 2017, 10:49pm
First of all many thanks to Russell for jolting the nation's conscience. All humans have a tendency to run from unpleasant realities but some are unavoidable and MUST be dealt with in a civilised ENLIGHTENED manner, even it if takes a little rough characteristic Aussie speech to get the point home. Well done, Russell Crowe, and please do not stop there, you have the support of the majority and if you continue to use your international fame and notoriety to compromise the current, inhuman, despicable government, known for its lies, political deceptions and thorough incompetence, you and the majority of Australians which were born overseas and second generation ethnic Australians, which now comprise over 51% of the population, would win the day and restore Australia's humanitarian reputation and common decency for the WORLD to see. Put simply, Turnbull, Hanson and their xenophobic values DO NOT REPRESENT THE MAJORITY OF AUSTRALIANS. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Bahai Collective Decision-Making Michael Welton via shirl, Wednesday, Nov 1 2017, 6:42am
An interesting and thought provoking piece, who would have thought? Well worth the read.
international / prose / post

text Terrorists Buy Re-labelling In Washington Philip Giraldi via jess, Wednesday, Nov 1 2017, 1:36am
If you want to change a group of terrorists who have killed American overseas into something that appears to be much more benign, all you have to do is pay off the right people in Washington. With enough money, you can even open a nice plush lobbying office on Pennsylvania Avenue in the District of Columbia, not too far from the White House and Capitol Hill.
international / prose / post

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