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Tillerson and Mattis Attempt to Sell Endless, Pre-emptive Wars of Aggression
by Stephen Lendman via justin - ICH Friday, Nov 3 2017, 8:37am
international / prose / post

In Monday's testimony before Senate Foreign Relations Committee members, puppets RexTillerson and Jim 'it's fun to shoot people, mad dog' Mattis, urged congressional authorization for unlimited permanent war-making anywhere in the world – a shocking indictment of a rogue state threatening humanity’s survival and risking eventual catastrophic nuclear war.

Buffoon and puppet Trump flanked by Tillerson and Mattis (right)
Buffoon and puppet Trump flanked by Tillerson and Mattis (right)

Fact: [UN] Security Council members alone may authorize one nation attacking others – only in self-defense, never preemptively.

The September 14, 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) flagrantly breached international law. Neither Congress or presidents can legally wage war without SC authorization.

Throughout its post-WW II history, America has raped and destroyed one nation after another preemptively and illegally without just cause.

It remains unaccountable for high crimes against humanity, war and genocide. The Trump administration is conspiring with Congress to continue waging naked US aggression against any designated adversary – extra-judicially.

Tillerson lied saying the AUMF authorizes US force against the Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS and “associated forces,” citing their so-called terrorist threat when none exists, notwithstanding the fact that the CIA and Saudi Arabia created and support most of these terrorist organization.

In the 1980s, America created Afghanistan’s Mujaheddin fighters, today’s Taliban. It created and supports al-Qaeda, ISIS and other terrorist groups, using them as paid imperial foot soldiers, in order to destabilize targeted nations and effect regime change, yet it uses these groups as pretexts to wage endless wars of aggression against sovereign resource rich or strategically important nations, threatening no one.

Tillerson: the Trump administration “should not be time constrained” and “must not be geographically restricted.” Any congressional limitations on war making “embolden(s) our enemies” – created enemies to use as pretexts for permanent world-wide wars.

No new AUMF is needed, he said, unjustifiably claiming “the President has the power under Article II of the Constitution to use military force in certain circumstances to advance important US national interests, including to defend the United States against terrorist attacks.”

Mattis expressed support for the same endless aggression policy, saying “we must recognize that we are in an era of frequent skirmishing, and we are more likely to end this fight sooner if we don’t tell our adversary the day we intend to stop fighting.”

“Any new congressional expression of unity, whether or not an AUMF, would present a strong statement to the world of America’s [criminal] determination” – to wage endless wars of aggression, he failed to explain.

The so-called global war on terror is the greatest hoax in modern times – created by Washington to wage endless wars of aggression against sovereign independent nations, in order to enslave them, loot their resources and exploit their people as serfs.

That’s what America’s geopolitical agenda is all about, the 9/11 mother of all state-sponsored false flags launching war on humanity, enlisting other rogue states as partners to wage it, using ISIS and other terrorist groups to do its fighting and dying on the ground.

America’s phony war on terror is being waged covertly worldwide, US special forces are infesting most countries with coveted resources, including nearly all African nations.

Nothing is reported by the compliant, elite owned mass media except when incidents like the killing of four US special forces in Niger are revealed. Even then, covert missions abroad aren’t fully explained, Congress and most likely Trump are kept uninformed.

Trump once he gained office was immediately co-opted by America’s military/industrial complex, becoming the latest in a long line of US puppet, warring, presidents.

He’s continuing Bush/Cheney/Obama wars, escalating them and threatening new nuclear conflicts.

North Korea and Iran are prime targets, perhaps Russia and China are listed for war/destabilization later, the USA is hell bent on neutralizing any nation or imaginary threat to its lunatic plan for global dominance. That is the goal Washington seeks, regardless of all legal and other considerations, and the horrendous innocent human toll.

Despite credible information easily accessed online from reliable sources, the vast majority of Americans are ignorant and/or dismissive about the truth and Washington's published plan (PNAC) – the American people remain unaware of the grave danger posed by Washington’s permanent war doctrine/agenda.

If Washington is not curbed, the irradiated chickens would surely come home to roost in the form of thermonuclear detonations – but by then it would be too late to act.

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