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scalesjustice.jpg image The US and Assange -- Proof, Lies and the Art of Deflection/Deception ricco, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 11:25pm
The Corporate controlled mass media is currently saturated with reports on Assange, who appears to be a genius at attracting media attention but some are beginning to wonder at possible machinations behind the scenes. British MPs and former diplomats have recently added to the sensationalist media activity by introducing ridiculous sexual assertions regarding the guilt or innocence of Assange in the alleged sexual misconduct issue -- it's not a 'case' yet! HOWEVER, the corporate mass media appears to be pushing a 'line' or is, at the very least, extremely happy to distract the WORLD from the CORE ISSUE, and that is what, you easily distracted dunces? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Ecuador ready to negotiate on Assange conditional to UK withdrawing Threat to Raid Embassy Eduardo Garcia via juan, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 10:47pm
QUITO, Aug 21 (Reuters) - Ecuador is ready to negotiate over the fate of Julian Assange if Britain withdraws a threat to raid its embassy in London where the WikiLeaks founder has sought refuge, President Rafael Correa said on Tuesday.
international / prose / post

obamasmug.jpg image Duplicitous LIAR Obama now openly blasphemes judd, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 1:07pm
In a stunning and extraordinary outburst Obama now expects the WORLD to believe that God is responsible for HIS 'kill list,' indefinite detention and HIS child/civilian killing illegal Drone warfare! In a recent interview (see link) Obama probably went as low as it is possible to go by attempting to shift responsibility for HIS personal evils onto God! “First and foremost, my Christian faith gives me a perspective and security that I don’t think I would have otherwise: that I am loved. That, at the end of the day, God is in control," Obama said. Well, anyone with a brain and some familiarity with Jesus Christ would simply say, reprehensible, LYING, murdering, bastard! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The musings of scientists over the 'beginning' of the universe reg, Tuesday, Aug 21 2012, 2:14am
You would think that after centuries of recorded declarations emphatically stating that the universe is INFINITE -- which means it has no BEGINNING or END -- the modern scientific community would have caught on by now, but no, scientists are bound by their own self-imposed limitation of 'measurement,' which word in Sanskrit (ma-ya, 'to measure') means illusory! How do you measure infinity?
international / prose / post

Universally reviled lying bitch, Juliar Gillard image Oz Carbon Tax - Price Hikes Across the Board rex, Monday, Aug 20 2012, 11:55am
While opposition leader Tony Abbott has been harping on energy price increases and haranguing reprehensible LIAR, PM Gillard in parliament, the Oz population is facing monumental hikes in prices across the board particularly where it hurts at supermarket checkouts. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

dnastrand.jpg image DNA Data Storage next Quantum Leap Geraint Jones via digby, Monday, Aug 20 2012, 10:29am
The amazing data storage capability of DNA notwithstanding, this story is primarily extolling the virtues of extra-dimensional advantages. The primary reason DNA dwarfs known digital storage methods is simply due to the fact that DNA stores its information in THREE dimensions whereas today's conventional digital storage methods only encode data in two dimensional form. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Proven liar and war criminal, Rumsfeld leads lackey Oz ministers, Downer and Hill image Former Oz PM and defence chiefs demand Inquiry into Oz role in the illegal Iraq Invasion mitch, Monday, Aug 20 2012, 12:10am
Well, it's about time, as the entire nation is aware that Howard the coward kowtowed to Washington's every lying whim prior to the illegal invasion of Iraq, which resulted in over one million innocent civilian deaths and over four million displaced Iraqis and a ruined State; in other words, the invasion of Iraq was a criminal action from start to finish. The historical record of orchestrated and concerted LIES tells the ugly story of John 'aluminium tubing' Howard's participation in a 'coalition of willing criminals' when a wary world would have none of it. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

ALBA group of nations united behind Correa image Rafael Correa warns UK, "You don't know who you're dealing with!" nicco, Sunday, Aug 19 2012, 12:49am
In a previous article I referred to the adept political manoeuvring of Ecuador's president in relation to the Assange asylum case -- the unfortunate Aussie at the centre of this row seems to have taken a backseat to the real politik of the situation that is unfolding before our eyes. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Artwork by tiger-tyger imageaudio Serpents Dance Only in the Sky cube, Saturday, Aug 18 2012, 11:18am
where dragons are born (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / poetry / post

Assange image US Descends into Pathological Infantilism over Assange Asylum trudy, Saturday, Aug 18 2012, 5:44am
Scratch a sociopath and the pathology simmering just under the surface soon becomes evident to everyone; notwithstanding the numerous previous instances of outright psychopathic behaviour from the US administration. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text 'without him all this killing can't go on ..' mitch, Saturday, Aug 18 2012, 1:27am
Before I begin this discourse I would state that the primary force that put an end to the corporate and ideological wars of the 60's and 70's was the people, yes, the socially connected masses of the pre-digital age whose brains were 'wired' somewhat differently than the alienated, socially DIS-connected, 'me' generations of today.
international / prose / post

President Rafael Correa image US, UK and Sweden Outsmarted by Ecuador's Rafael Correa nicco, Friday, Aug 17 2012, 1:14pm
Nothing less than brilliant, and the cupie doll goes to Rafael Correa of the tiny Latin American nation of Ecuador! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott - 'The only thing I wouldn't do is sell my arse'. image Oz Parliament gets REAL for a change zed, Thursday, Aug 16 2012, 7:08am
INDEPENDENT Oz Parliamentarian for New England, Tony Windsor, launched a scathing attack on the conservative opposition leader, Tony 'I'll do anything' Abbott, for his brazen American style hypocrisy. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

x51a_waverider.jpg image A picture and a portrait transposer, Wednesday, Aug 15 2012, 9:42am
If a picture is worth a thousand words it simply means the viewer or reader is ignorant; however, those able to decode the various levels of discourse in any given text are slaves to no-one but masters of many. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

lies.jpg image Disinformation Brandon Smith via zeld, Tuesday, Aug 14 2012, 8:45am
The mainstream media, once tasked with the job of investigating government corruption and keeping elitists in line, has now become nothing more than a public relations firm for corrupt officials and their Globalist handlers. The days of the legitimate “investigative reporter” are long gone, and journalism itself has deteriorated into a rancid pool of so called “TV Editorialists” who treat their own baseless opinions as supported fact. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

cloudsovercapitol.jpg imagePDF Document The Normalisation of State Crime judd, Monday, Aug 13 2012, 11:30pm
Take a long look at the USA's flagrant criminal activity over the past decade and realise America's strategy is not to become a moral, civil power again, but rather to numb and familiarise the population to gross INJUSTICE, mass murder, theft on a grand scale and brutality/torture -- a very 'nice' portrait of a nation that once had the unimpeded opportunity to lead the world to the moral high ground. What a thoroughly tragic outcome for all Americans and the nations US criminal elites have invaded and seek to invade. (story and 2 images and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text The Foreign Hand of Intervention in Syria Eric Margolis via jalal, Monday, Aug 13 2012, 10:10am
It is no secret that Syria is on the neo-con regime change list, as is Iran; the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan and a number of resource rich former Soviet satellite nations have already succumbed to the illegal interventions of Western Corporate and Banker elites; but I would also state that most invaded nations requested assistance from COWARDLY China and Russia, the only combined force that is able to effectively resist the Imperial ambitions of US/NATO powers.
international / prose / post

yab_yum.jpg image Vapours bodhi, Sunday, Aug 12 2012, 12:52pm
Ladder of Lights (story and 2 images)
international / poetry / post

obamashh.jpg image The United States and its comrade-in-arms, Al-Qaeda William Blum via sal, Sunday, Aug 12 2012, 9:51am
Afghanistan in the 1980s and 90s ... Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990s ... Libya 2011 ... Syria 2012 ... In military conflicts in each of these countries the United States and Al-Qaeda (or one of its affiliates) have been on the same side. 1

What does this tell us about the United States' "War On Terrorism"? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Who is Bradley Manning? image Bradley Manning Lawyer Avoids using the "T" Word - reasons unknown! Matt Williams via smiley, Saturday, Aug 11 2012, 11:23am
Two foregone conclusions hit the newswire this week. The first is the unsurprising 'news' that politician-owning Goldman Sachs avoided fraud charges and prosecution for one of the largest frauds committed this century. The other is that Pfc. Bradley Manning, alleged WikiLeaker, will be found guilty no matter what. So what's new in America you may well ask? Well, if you must know, mafia style presidential 'kill lists' and indefinite detention without charge or trial on suspicion. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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