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text The incriminating TRUTH of the Bali Bombings Prof Michel Chossudovsky via stan, Sunday, Oct 14 2012, 12:01am
Prior to reading the following article I would remind readers that successive spineless, subservient TREASONOUS Oz governments have a track record of sacrificing Australian citizens for political purposes -- the Balibo Five, David Hicks, Julian Assange, the Bali Nine, to name just a few despicable, cowardly sell-outs; HOWEVER, none compare to the 88 Aussies killed in the Bali bombings. It is about time all Aussies became aware of some additional FACTS relating to this crime.
international / prose / post

fracking_protest.jpg image Thousands Protest Toxic Fracking in Oz sarah, Saturday, Oct 13 2012, 11:13pm
'Fracking,' otherwise known as 'Coal Seam Gas' mining, is a highly destructive water table polluting form of harvesting gas energy from underground coal deposits. CSG activity most often occurs on our most fertile arable land which is why Transnational -- short-term profit only driven -- mining companies must be stopped or moved off sensitive, critical food-producing land and water aquifer areas. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Laying Time kay, Saturday, Oct 13 2012, 10:52am
international / poetry / post

text Supremacy of Cyber Reality staff report via mini, Friday, Oct 12 2012, 11:42am
I recall high ranking veterans of WWII, unanimously saying that the war was won and lost in the air. History seems to support this view, but today is a different world.
international / prose / post

gayobama_1.jpg image The Fag President May be Marked for the Dust Bin sam, Friday, Oct 12 2012, 9:54am
Let's call a spade a spade, Obama prefers men and his favourite sexual engagement is having his black cock sucked by WHITE males -- very revealing indeed! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Reprehensible Oz Government uses social tragedy to order Internet Censorship judd, Wednesday, Oct 10 2012, 11:55pm
I am cynical enough as it is, however, I could hardly believe what I read today in a mass media report (reproduced below). The attempt of the Victorian government to brazenly Censor the Internet using, of all things, the Jill Meagher tragic rape and murder case is beyond the pale! This is NOT characteristic of the Australia I was raised in!
international / prose / post

Julia Gillard, unprincipled, lying bitch image Gullible US masses accept Gillard's viral misogyny rant as authentic stef, Wednesday, Oct 10 2012, 12:38pm
O, you poor gullible slobs! Any fool that believes that Juliar Gillard's little prepared rant went viral accidentally or organically is sorely deluded. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text NSW Police Lying through teeth to avoid Murder charge jude, Wednesday, Oct 10 2012, 9:09am
We've seen it all before, pathological personalities attracted to policing in order to vent their mental illness while hiding behind a uniform. While society in general tolerates these aberrants, when they wantonly kill and then LIE clumsily in order to avoid responsibility, the problem must be addressed and remedied.
international / prose / post

israelobamastrike.jpg image An Unavoidable Confrontation rae, Tuesday, Oct 9 2012, 10:57pm
Try as they might to avoid a confrontation, superpowers Russia and China will be forced to nuke America and its western European allies -- wise and prudent counsel would advise the sooner the better. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Lady Gaga and Assange pose together image Gaga and Assange -- it's all about us! mira, Tuesday, Oct 9 2012, 11:02am
It's a sign of the vacuous content of today's media that two media addicted narcissists meet and pose for a shot. But really, the only thing these two could have in common is their self love -- TS Eliot is rolling in his 'hollow' grave! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Crapture: An American Reaction to an American Religious Psychosis bea, Monday, Oct 8 2012, 11:56pm
"O Gawd of the Wholly Crapture, when you finish smitething and tribulating all of these gawdless haethans, freaks, and unchosen flotsam and jetsam of thy most dangerous creation, man, please rapture up all of thy most venemous, foolowers before they turn the beauty of this most beautiful world you created into a barren radioactive wasteland -- Awomen."
international / prose / post

Afghan Freedom Fighters image 12 Year War -- Taliban Mock US/NATO 'Forces' rasul, Monday, Oct 8 2012, 12:13pm
The Afghan conflict enters its 12th extraordinary year and the Taliban seized the opportunity to mock US/NATO forces and rightfully so. Pathetic and delusional US/NATO forces have made no progress whatsoever in Afghanistan -- regardless of how distorted the Western media portrays the clearly LOST WAR! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

chavezsupporters.jpg image Hugo Chavez Wins Democratic Election benito, Monday, Oct 8 2012, 8:22am
Much to the disappointment of Washington and Wall St, Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, has won another six year term in office. I guess real democracy works even in view of manipulation from the US, the people of Venezuela have democratically decided on THEIR representative and it's Hugo! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

pentagon1.jpg image Clear and Present Terrorist Threat lex, Sunday, Oct 7 2012, 12:19pm
In order to defeat the enemy you must first be aware of the identity of that enemy. In that regard we should all have no doubts as to the identity of the leading terrorist threat the WORLD faces today. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Red Queen, artwork by Tim Burton image UK Terror suspects Extradited to US to face Red Queen 'Justice' hatter, Saturday, Oct 6 2012, 10:56pm
The absurdist sell of an EXTERNAL terrorist threat continues with the extradition to the US from the UK of a number of radical, moron, Muslim activists suspected of terrorist acts. This major distraction occurs while proven, mass murdering INTERNAL terrorists, Bush, Cheney, Kissinger, Rice, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle etc, etc, -- the list is very large indeed and far exceeds in number any external 'threat' -- remain free to laugh at the moron AMERICAN public that is so easily duped and distracted. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

su30mksukhoifighterjet.jpg image UAV Drones: Sitting Ducks in the Sky mimmi, Saturday, Oct 6 2012, 9:32am
As stated some time back, UAV drones are no match for manned fighter aircraft, none whatsoever. In fact, the drone terror campaign the US wages from the White House, "you won't see it [drone missile] coming," smirked child killer Obama at a press conference, is a complete joke! Get over it, as drones are absolutely no match for piloted jet fighters or high altitude surface to air missiles. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Revolutionary Power of Song and Poetry marco, Friday, Oct 5 2012, 11:50pm
I cannot stress this information enough, and please verify every claim I make for yourselves.

Ever since written language, and before in relation to song, poets have encoded and formulated the direction -- most religious texts are essentially poetic narratives -- of society. Now be aware that today vile, mass murdering financial elites have no talent or resource in this regard; effective, inspirational poetry and revolutionary song arise from an innate sense or the just hearts of men and women.
international / prose / post

text America's counter-productive and costly Wars jed, Friday, Oct 5 2012, 12:00am
It was with much mirth that non-Americans watched the 'debate' between left and right puppets Obama and Romney. Much time was given to debt the deficit and the economy, if you could call it that -- the 'economy' is riding on the Fed printing fiat money which is no economy at all. However, we would rather focus on debt, waste and the real forces destroying the nation.
international / prose / post

Aid worker, Pippi Bean image Oz Aid Worker Abandoned and Betrayed by Government Michael Bachelard via dan, Thursday, Oct 4 2012, 9:28pm
To Australia's enduring shame, successive Oz governments have a habitual track record of selling citizens to the dogs. It seems that government can't do enough to assist foreign abusers maltreating our citizens. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

penis_art.jpg image The Flying Penises of Bhutan sunny, Thursday, Oct 4 2012, 12:46pm
The Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan is noted for depictions of flying, ejaculating penises. Phallic art can be seen everywhere. Representations of erect ejaculating phalluses are said to bring good fortune/fertility, ward of evil spirits and protect the area on which they are painted or sculptured. (story and 5 images)
international / prose / post

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