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chinavsamerica.jpg image Unacceptable kuang, Tuesday, Oct 10 2017, 1:39am
The world cannot, and hopefully will not, allow lunatic Trump, goaded by the Pentagon, to which he deferred foreign policy matters, to initiate a war with North Korea. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Russian FM, Sergei Lavrov -- empty words thanks to disgraceful coward Putin image “Actions Speak LOUDER Than Words”, Russia cyd, Monday, Oct 9 2017, 11:23pm
The Russian FM, Sergei Lavrov, has done it again, how absolutely ineffective and meaningless, words do not cut it in Washington, you dumb Russians. Lavrov “warned” the USA not to escalate the Korean crisis, which infant imbecile Trump is aggravating to the extreme with his rants and tantrums. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text No Shortage of Heroes dulcie, Monday, Oct 9 2017, 12:04am
In a world populated by nose-ringed digital slaves today, which are intentionally alienated by the digital media, it seems that heroes have become a rare occurrence. However, that is not the case as any designated hero of the past, if still living, would inform you that they are just people that acted beyond the call under extreme duress, we often hear, “anyone would have done what I did under the circumstances,” or “there was no choice but to act.” In fact heroes are often created by circumstance. Indeed, we are all potential heroes, at least those of us that have maintained an independent identity not formulated and shaped by the digital media.
international / prose / post

text How Billionaires Become Billionaires Prof. James Petras via suzie, Sunday, Oct 8 2017, 8:43pm
The answer, to put it succinctly, is by CHEATING and exploiting the system, however, the information offered below is useful and accurate. It amounts to engineered privilege and begs the question, why do average people which carry their nations on their breaking backs tolerate these gross injustices and obvious rorts?
international / prose / post

psychwardusa.jpg image Psych Ward USA John Davis via jess, Sunday, Oct 8 2017, 12:00am
It started at the end of the fifteenth century. A cohort of brutal, sociopathic Europeans, fresh from the torture rooms of the Spanish Inquisition, and later from duty in the religious wars, arrived on American shores to kick butt. By 1610, they and their successors, by steel sword, axe, knife, and pike, biological pathogens and very occasionally by blunderbuss, had killed fifty million largely stone-age indigenous people. In the northern temperate zone of this vast continent, some of those mass murderers became the founding patients of the Psych Ward; others followed, less blood thirsty perhaps, but they too quickly adopted the deadly imperial ethos established by those first conquerors. This is the institution in which we Americans now find ourselves immured. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Sec.of State, Rex Tillerson -- who said what? image Calling a spade a spade and a Moron a Moron jake, Saturday, Oct 7 2017, 11:10pm
Rex Tillerson infuriated Trump by accurately portraying him as what he is, a MORON! Now, a personality flawed, ignorant narcissist cannot stand for this type of truthful revelation/appellation though the entire civilised world OUTSIDE the US is aware of the fact. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

chinarussia_pact.jpg image Gold Convertibility of the Petro-Yuan Federico Pieraccini via suzie, Saturday, Oct 7 2017, 1:02am
While Washington is doing its criminal best to STEAL the precious oil resources of weaker Middle Eastern nations, China, and to a lesser extent untrustworthy Russia, have been exploiting America's manic singular focus on THEFT. China has been investing heavily in Pacific and Indian Ocean Island nations, Africa and Latin America, it has made HUGE gains in these regions; why not, the USA is known to be linear in thought, behaviour and action? And so the entire world outside the Middle East is Russia's/China's oyster. So far ahead of America are the achievements gained that China is now on the verge of dumping the greenback as the default trading currency of the world. It offers a very alluring incentive and that is Gold convertibility of the Petro-Yuan. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text DOD, HUD Defrauded Taxpayers Of $21 Trillion From 1998 To 2015 Whitney Webb via jess, Friday, Oct 6 2017, 10:17pm
Last year, a Reuters article brought renewed scrutiny to the budgeting practices of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), specifically the U.S. Army, after it was revealed that the department had “lost” $6.5 trillion in 2015 due to “wrongful budget adjustments.” Nearly half of that massive sum, $2.8 trillion, was lost in just one quarter. Reuters noted that the Army “lacked the receipts and invoices to support those numbers [the adjustments] or simply made them up” in order to “create an illusion that its books are balanced.”
international / prose / post

Putin, as he is! image Putin Cops ANOTHER Overt Whack in the Mouth from Washington Moon Of Alabama via shirl, Friday, Oct 6 2017, 9:03pm
One wonders at times how much belittling Putin can take. I have never forgotten a prominent neocon blurting, at the time of the Iraq illegal intervention, when asked a question by the media about a possible Russian reaction, the answer was couched in LAUGHTER, "what can Russia do, ha, ha, ha?" How historically accurate. Putin has caved like the COWARD he is on every occasion he faced Washington criminal aggression, his protest mouse-squeaks over Libya have gone down in history. But what did Putin "DO?" Nothing to support Libya against the OVERT US/NATO CRIMINAL attack on that nation and the assassination of its leader, which criminal travesties Putin could have easily prevented by simply supporting that Russian ALLIED nation. And so his cowardice is legendary in Washington and deservedly so. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Short, Sweet and to the Point -- You’re Covered by Copyright Law jasmine, Thursday, Oct 5 2017, 5:40am
Understand that you own the copyright on your person, image, behaviour and anything that issues from YOU. Which means that mega-Tech companies that profit from your behaviour online or elsewhere, your image, or any other direct and indirect emanation, are in BREACH of copyright as they PROFIT from almost everything you do, say and choose in the digital realm. Without your explicit consent to EVERY transaction they make, like selling for profit data accrued from your actions/behaviour etc, -- they are liable and you are entitled to COMPENSATION as their stupid consent agreements do not completely inform the user how PERSONAL data, including behaviour/actions, is being used.
international / prose / post

text Unmasked Criminal USA Attempts Grab for Syrian Oil Mike Whitney via jess, Wednesday, Oct 4 2017, 6:11am
Clearly, the mask is down and it's now obvious to all that the USA directly and via its many alternating bought proxy fighters is making a grab for Syria's sovereign resource assets, primarily OIL. Of course this overt grab depends on Putin's reaction. Now consider how US ally, ISIS, assassinated one of Russia's generals in a clear diversionary tactic. Washington hopes that Putin would be true to his known COWARDLY form and defer, as he has always done facing Washington/NATO aggression in the past. Perhaps he may acquiesce again, only he knows, but his track record of abandoning allies is appalling, he is known to dump allies at the most critical time. We have a ruined Yugoslavia and Libya, and many other weaker States to offer as proof. Previous Soviet leaders would have supported such allies to the hilt if for no other reason than to check America's imperial, expansionist aggression.
international / prose / post

trumpun.jpg image The First Casualty of Terrorism is Innocence vance, Tuesday, Oct 3 2017, 11:31am
Truth may be the first casualty of war, but INNOCENCE remains the first casualty of terrorism; by definition and consequence, terrorism is the killing of innocent civilians for political purposes regardless of whether the act is committed by a clever or dumbed down sociopath -- America can expect more, much more for the following reasons. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

american_flag.jpg image The End of the Star-Spangled Empire Chris Hedges via sal, Tuesday, Oct 3 2017, 2:37am
The following rather gloomy -- for Americans -- piece is accurate and for this reason it is reposted here; however, it should be noted that the world continues usually for the better after the demise of oppressive, rapacious, mass murdering, violent empires which share common core structures/behaviours and the associated inherent weaknesses. Indeed, ALL 'great' empires first fail within usually long before external forces put an end to their terminal twitching and so it is with the USA, which nation has been unraveling for some time. Today's, and recent former national leaders and the destructive, self-interested forces that install and support them are always to blame for undermining the very principles which created strength in the first instance; all things have the seeds of destruction inbuilt genetically and socially. So is it not time to REFORM the poisonous status quo and eliminate the nation-destroying forces responsible for the rapid decline? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text RAND details terrifying future of hypersonic missile proliferation — and what US can do to stop it Bob Brigham via reg, Tuesday, Oct 3 2017, 1:03am
A new report by the RAND Corporation warns of the future proliferation of hypersonic missiles.

“Hypersonic missile proliferation would increase the chances of strategic war,” said Richard Speier, lead author of the report (PDF). “It would give nations an incentive to become trigger-happy.”
international / prose / post

Politically bereft Dunce image US Cartoon Politics vs the Reality of North Korea Benjamin Habib via dulcie, Sunday, Oct 1 2017, 3:37am
We make a lot of assumptions in relation to North Korea and a lot of them are wrong. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Conservative FM, Julie Bishop, a thorough Disgrace image Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop does Her servile Obsequious best to Flatter Trump jake, Sunday, Oct 1 2017, 12:35am
Extraordinary! The headline appearing in Murdoch rag The Weekend Australian, read: "Julie Bishop credits Donald Trump’s rhetoric with forcing China to act against North Korea" -- believe it or not. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

money_toilet_roll.jpg image Cracks in Dollar Are Getting Larger James Rickards via james, Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 11:43pm
Many readers are familiar with the original petrodollar deal the U.S made with Saudi Arabia. It was set up by Henry Kissinger and Saudi princes in 1974 to prop up the U.S. dollar. At the time, confidence in the dollar was on shaky ground because President Nixon had ended gold convertibility of dollars in 1971. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Fat, LYING, billionaire PIG that doesn't give a shit about average Americans -- Confirmed! image Exposed: Lying, Duplicitous, Disgusting Racist SELLOUT FAKE President that Serves the 1% Jenna Johnson via shirl, Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 9:55pm
So much for despicable, lying bastard Trump, who has deferred foreign policy to the deep state's 'permanent war' Pentagon and created a tax plan that favours the 1% to the great cost of the people he pretended to support, notwithstanding his overt racism, lack of political skills and inability to run a large powerful nation. But he's good at bluster, complaining, childish games (North Korea) and playing one ignorant stooge against another and distracting the public from his countless FAILURES and broken promises -- you piece of shit Trump, the sooner an angry citizen you sold out puts a bullet in your head the better for America and the entire WORLD. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Alternative Media Shoots Self in Foot darcy, Saturday, Sep 30 2017, 1:40am
The latest winger from the alternative bunch is from Alternet, before that Word Socialist Website WSWS, indeed, there is validity to both complaints of INTENTIONAL backgrounding by Google and Facebook and other major IT players able to interfere with information flows and access. However, alternative news sites have only themselves to blame as it was/is a given that the ‘man,’ would eventually contrive a plan and implement a mechanism to stifle free speech on the internet, especially those which oppose the fiction of the dominant mainstream discourse, shaped of course by the CFR.
international / prose / post

text The REALITY Behind the Media's Distorted Presentation of Germany's Elections Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Friday, Sep 29 2017, 6:13am
Despite clear evidence that Washington has chosen the path to conflict with Russia and China, European governments have not objected. Poland, Ukraine, and the Baltics even seem to demand more conflict or a quicker path to conflict. The European peoples themselves have not elected leadership that is willing to repudiate vassalage to Washington and conduct a rational foreign policy toward Russia.
international / prose / post

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