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Night lights of Divali image Metamorphosis sylph, Tuesday, Nov 27 2012, 10:53am
i saw u (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

palestinians.jpg image Britain's sordid offer -- justice to the wind for Palestinians judd, Monday, Nov 26 2012, 9:24pm
In a deal worthy of a despicable exploitative former colonial power under the influence of Zionist bankers, Britain SAYS it is willing to back Palestinian Statehood if Israel is not pursued for war and other crimes against humanity, of which Israel is one of the world's major offenders! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

lehmanbrothers.jpg image Criminal US Bank directly Involved in Massive Oz Government Corruption Scheme cass, Monday, Nov 26 2012, 7:26am
It was only a matter of time before Australia's Independent Commission Against Corruption uncovered criminal US Banker involvement in Australia's largest government corruption and fraud case to date. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

attachment Simple and Self-evident watson, Sunday, Nov 25 2012, 10:03pm
Human beings survived and took evolutionary supremacy as a species primarily due to their co-operative INNATE instincts as social animals -- in other words human success was and is dependent on co-operation and mutual assistance. From the primeval past to today that is the open secret of human social success! (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Liberation cynth, Sunday, Nov 25 2012, 10:39am
unceasing praise
international / poetry / post

audio Influx jess, Saturday, Nov 24 2012, 11:07am
of the progeny (story and 2 audio files)
international / poetry / post

text Mourning sol, Friday, Nov 23 2012, 11:04am
another dawn
international / poetry / post

The Lone Moron image Can YOU believe those American Morons? gemma, Friday, Nov 23 2012, 12:21am
After appalling recent historical events, which include LIES about the illegal bombing of Belgrade and the NATO appropriation of Kosovo, the illegal invasion of Iraq and subsequent CIVILIAN holocaust, remember, "we KNOW" they have WMD, mobile anthrax labs, nuclear materials etc -- all LIES, everything a LIE and the American people still haven't learnt that the nation is run by criminals controlled from Wall St. Where are all the arrests for the greatest murdering criminal fraud of the century? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Jack Kennedy image This is why Zionist Bankers and the Plutocrats Murdered Kennedy John F. Kennedy via justin, Thursday, Nov 22 2012, 8:37pm
Shall we choose the noble cause and take the baton handed to us by men governed by reason and humanism or should we remain slaves to the evil MURDERING filth that had Kennedy and numerous others assassinated so they could do exactly to the world what the are doing today -- murdering millions and destroying everything for the profit of the very few! It is time to RESTORE JUSTICE AND PEACE TO OUR WORLD and eliminate the filth that have hijacked our democracies. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Media Propaganda and the Right to Self-Defense judd, Thursday, Nov 22 2012, 7:27am
The linked story is typical of the content from most mass media outlets -- they have almost universally portrayed the Gaza conflict as a fair fight when nothing could be further from the truth.
international / prose / post

allseeingeye_obama.jpg image California Installs 'TrapWire' Surveillance Face Recognition george, Wednesday, Nov 21 2012, 8:41pm
Alarm bells recently sounded regarding a software package that could be hooked into the ubiquitous street and other surveillance camera systems of the world. Its primary capability is to RECORD in a data base (illegally in most nations) every face in its multiple view finders and then almost instantly recognise (and monitor) a face among millions in real time! This is surveillance and privacy intrusion gone mad! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obamadronesexecutioner.jpg image I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning lewis, Tuesday, Nov 20 2012, 8:33am
This outburst straight from the Red Queen's court. Obama parroting the Zionist line makes for a revealing faux pas! Questioned by reporters on the Gaza conflict during his SE Asian jaunt, Obama replied, "... we are fully supportive of Israel's right to defend itself ..." even though Israel summarily executed a high profile Palestinian leader which triggered a retaliatory response and the ensuing conflict! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman image The Bigger they are the more they Require Regulation rex, Monday, Nov 19 2012, 7:36am
It's no secret that insufficient oversight and regulation of the major banks and financial institutions resulted in the global economic crash of 2008 -- a crisis the world continues to struggle with but could have easily avoided. The literal 'too big to fail' notion was exposed as mirage/myth -- as we now all know, it was the biggest that not only failed but brought the house down with them! The removal of regulatory safeguards by Wall St servant president, Bill Clinton, ensured abuse and instability in the future. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

MLK and Malcolm X -- the will to freedom NEVER dies! image Political Assassination Spree russ, Sunday, Nov 18 2012, 10:51am
It was during the 60's social revolution that the shadowy conservative executive ruling class gave the order and goodbye Jack and Bobby Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King jr and a host of other lesser known activists. They didn't stop with political activists; rebel pop stars started going down, Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, later Lennon. Coincidence you think when every one of these victims was against mainstream conservatism -- think again! That era saw more political assassinations than any other period in American history and only a fool would think it coincidence. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

iphone5.jpg image Apple iPhone, Big Brother's Surveillance Wet Dream becomes Reality george, Sunday, Nov 18 2012, 12:07am
One wonders for whom these latest euphemistically named, 'presence technologies,' are designed to benefit most! The latest patent application by Apple involves ID 'ing users based on heart rate, skin tone, breathing rates and face recognition technologies, including an auto zooming camera to keep the face in focus as it moves -- give my anonymity and PRIVACY a break please! It is clear that these outrageous surveillance features or 'presence sensors' are designed for integrated, centralised surveillance by 'Big Brother' -- the minimal real benefits for users do not warrant the EXTREME INTRUSIVENESS by any stretch of the imagination. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Eric Schmidt image Open Message to Google Chairman, Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt shirl, Saturday, Nov 17 2012, 10:07pm
We note that the three word search string -- Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt -- which occurs on this and other sites has mysteriously disappeared from Google searches. I mean really Eric, 'sweetie', you big girl, are you really so thin-skinned or would you care to explain the wonders of this new 'algorithm' to the WORLD -- LOL! We're simply highlighting once again that Google hasn't learned a thing, bad habits die hard it seems -- manually intervening to suppress or CENSOR data got you in hot water with anti-trust regulators all over the WORLD, Eric. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Federal investigation into Paedophilia in Oz Religious Institutions lawler, Saturday, Nov 17 2012, 10:04am
Forced by political pressure and circumstance, nationally despised, unrepresentative Oz PM, Juliar 'carbon tax, five US bases' Gillard, has been forced to hold a Royal Commission into institutionalised paedophilia in the Catholic Church and other major religious organisations. God knows the public has been patient, waiting hundreds of years for such an inquiry and for justice to finally be served on the reprehensible filth that hide behind clerical garb to satisfy their perverted desires.
international / prose / post

Hillary Cinton -- 'you came, we saw, YOU died!' image Revealing Travel Arrangements for American Leaders trixie, Friday, Nov 16 2012, 9:18pm
Recent visits to Australia, a friendly ally, by US State officials were extremely revealing, not so much for their primary purpose, which was to inspect strategic naval bases in WA and SA for US military expansion in its soft, acquiescing colony, Australia -- we should not forget that TREASONOUS Juliar Gillard in one sweep of the pen signed over an unprecedented F-I-V-E full scale military bases of occupation on Oz sovereign soil -- but for the travel arrangements now characteristic of travelling US officials and the EXTREME paranoia and FEAR Americans display to the world. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Subdued stacie, Friday, Nov 16 2012, 9:03am
international / poetry / post

text Upholding International Law judd, Thursday, Nov 15 2012, 9:29pm
The question TODAY is not whether the 'indefinite detention, kill list,' USA and genocidal, fascist Israel are terrorist nations because all the civilian killing, statistical evidence/FACTS CLEARLY indicate they are! The question that should be bellowed across the entire GLOBE is, WHERE IS CHINA AND RUSSIA when other States engage in flagrant breaches of International Law and War Crimes Conventions?
international / prose / post

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