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Google, your data suppression methods are obvious, easily recorded, abysmally inept and generally pathetic.

The simple fact that you actively engage in suppressing this and other alternative news sites means we have won and TRUTH will prevail in the end.
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Why is Google’s Eric Schmidt So Afraid?
by Jan Oberg via stacey - Counterpunch Friday, Nov 24 2017, 10:30am
international / prose / post

RT documents (video and text) that Eric Emerson Schmidt, the Executive Chairman of Alphabet – an American multinational conglomerate that owns Google – is working on “de-ranking” alleged propaganda outlets such as Russia Today, RT – the world’s third largest television network – Sputnik and numerous other alternative news sites.

Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt
Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt

Who is Eric Schmidt?

On the Wikipedia link you can read more about Mr. Schmidt, one of the richest persons on earth, an advocate of net neutrality, a corporate manager and owner of a lot, a collector of modern art, etc. And you can read about his heavy involvement with Hillary Clinton’s recent campaign and the Obama administration and about Schmidt’s involvement with the CIA and Pentagon.

Eric Emerson Schmidt’s name is associated with the world’s largest and most systematic data collecting search engine, Google, that millions upon millions use. School children, teachers, parents, media people, politicians -- you and I daily “google” what we need to know.

While we do that, Google tracks everything about us and if you are searching for a thing to buy, say a camera, be sure that camera ads will shortly after turn up on your screen. And they know everything we are interested in through our “googling” including political interests and hobbies.

Playing God

This very powerful corporate leader with an open political orientation has decided – as will be seen 58 seconds into the video – that the Internet and its hugely dominating search engine a) shall cave in to political pressure, b) de-rank at least these two Russian media organizations because c) as it "knows" they are “propaganda outlets” (it isn’t discussed at all or compared with US or other countries’ media) and d) in the name of political correctness it is OK to limit freedoms, particularly views and opinion-formation.

In fact, it says in a few words that he/Google will utilize a computer program and mechanism called an algorithm – which shall decide what you are able to source via Google. Google playing God in other words.

Conspicuously, de-ranking – read censorship – policies shall not affect the mass media (as far as we can understand from this clip at least and not from this backgrounder. In fact the mass media is the leader for disseminating fake news and planted stories, omitting facts and perspectives, sources and also disseminating propaganda and outright lies regarding US illegal wars around the world.

It’s Russian [and alternative] media that is targeted, and naturally we ask, who is next, and where does it all end? (“Wherever they burn books, in the end they also burn human beings.” – Heinrich Heine).

Obvious human rights violation

This type of political paternalism is not only totally unethical and foolish, it’s a violation of human rights. It cannot be defended with the argument that other countries and media outlets also use propaganda. The Western world – the U.S. in particular – calls itself ‘the free world” and gladly, without the slightest doubts, fights and kills to spread that "freedom" around the world and has done so for decades.

We humans have a right to information without interference – at least if international law counts. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

You abuse power, Mr. Schmidt

Mr Schmidt, you are blatantly and clearly interfering with the rights of millions, if not billions of people, to know. To seek information and inform themselves and shape their opinions.

With your few words you abuse your almost unlimited digital, political, economic and ‘defence’ power – much worse than if you had sexually abused [boys] or only one woman for which older men today are fired or choose to resign.

This has to be stated irrespective of whether we like or dislike Russia and its media. That is not the issue here. These censorship policies must be opposed simply because it is slippery slope, Mr Schmidt.

You ought to stand up and use your powers with principles and vision: To protect the Internet against every and each reduction of freedom. Freedom for all, also the fake news-makers however you define them. Yes, there is another solution for that problem and it is not your paternalism.

It is unacceptable for you to decide what is good for others and collect data about us all which is only good for your bottom line.

Has the West really become so insecure about itself?

Censorship – de-ranking – and information warfare is not the solution to anything. A strong society or culture that believes in its own moral values and vitality does not censor. Dictatorships and police States do.

Mr. Schmidt has much more power than many state leaders but he is not up to it and how would he be able to re-rank themes and media again in the future.

Has the West, the US and Western culture become so weak, so afraid at the sight of the global future and so morally deranged and bankrupt that it cannot withstand opposition? Or does not believe it can compete intelligently with opposition and other views? If so, that is where the Soviet Union was in the early 1980s and we all know what followed, total collapse. So, watch the writing on western, especially American, walls!

Education and trust

There are much better solutions – if you think. Google them yourself, Mr. Schmidt.

It’s education – education of young and old to learn to identify what is trustworthy and what is not. It is dialogue and the free flow of information that liberates with dignity – desist from succumbing to the lowest of levels of human nature, which you accuse others of doing, Mr. Schmidt.

And there are more solutions.

Making democracy, freedom and human rights stronger – by believing and trusting in human beings, their intelligence and solidarity. When Google de-ranks, it de-humanises. It offends the intelligence of the world’s users of the Google search engine.

It sinks to the low level where fakers and liars are – devoid of morals but passionate about selling a particular message/world view even if totally unfounded/fabricated.

What are you so afraid of, Mr. Schmidt?

If I were Eric Schmidt I would be afraid of being perceived as a “useful idiot” or an an evil operator on behalf of US militarism.

After all Schmidt was/is a member of various US government security and Pentagon related boards. And he spoke at the Halifax Security Forum filled with military defence people and hardliners who have an agenda which views Russia, North Korea and Iran as problems, of course never the perfect civilian killing US itself. One of the panels deals with the “Post-Putin Prep,” interesting to say the least!

Regime change in Russia assisted by "truthful" Google?

Mr. Schmidt and his corporate fellows should also be afraid that millions will become more sympathetic to Russia Today, Sputnik and even Russia itself precisely because all people reject authoritarian control.

There are no wars on the ground without information war. If Schmidt’s Google fights political wars with censorship and de-ranking, many of us will be departing to more peaceful, rights-respecting and ethical search engines than his. So until further: #BoycottGoogleSearch

[Grammatically edited]

Copyright applies.

[Eric 'sweetie' Schmidt is also a known deviant and in today's climate of exposing abusers, harassers and deviants, it won't be long before he is compromised regardless of his money, which he uses to keep mouths shut.

Schmidt has much to lose playing lackey to elite interests and essentially acting as a censor for elite political and corporate interests. Is it really worth the risk of ruin, 'sweetie,' as you will be a hunted and despised individual? Think about what you have to lose, even though the CIA has already got you by the balls, so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't -- good luck, 'sweetie'. And some people imagine you're all-powerful in the information industry.]

Yes, Mr Schmidt, be afraid, be very afraid!
Yes, Mr Schmidt, be afraid, be very afraid!

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