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Legendary Internet Creators Demand FCC Cancel Attack on Net Neutrality
Jake Johnson via tim, Monday, Dec 11 2017, 8:35pm
More than 20 internet founders and industry leaders wrote an open letter warning FCC plan to kill net neutrality poses "imminent threat" to the web.
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New World Disorder – The Next 20 Years: Hope or Despair?
Graham Vanbergen via james, Monday, Dec 11 2017, 7:18am
There is no doubt that the world is facing a wave of unprecedented uncertainties from political and civil unrest, conflict and terrorism to seemingly never-ending financial turmoil, climate change, the struggle for resources and disruptive technologies. Like it or not, no matter where we are, we are living in a new world disorder. (story and 1 image)
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The SHOCK of the STUPID and Divorced from Reality
pat, Sunday, Dec 10 2017, 9:28pm
Prior to Trump the only leaders that made absurd outlandish divorced from reality remarks were the leaders of North Korea, though as we know, most of those claims and remarks were ignored due to their implausibility and ‘out-there’ nature. However, when a US president engages in ridiculous claims, lies, morbid sensitivity and ‘out-there’ language, the effect is shock as people expect those ‘keepers' surrounding the president to explain things and moderate any pathological, volatile irrational outbursts -- but as the world is aware, no such moderation exists in relation to Trump. Trump, though completely enslaved by the deep state, is allowed to take the prize for the world’s leading imbecile leader, the deep state knows he has no effect whatsoever on their agenda and plans. But what of the rest of the world? (story and 1 image)
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claire, Sunday, Dec 10 2017, 6:07am
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Yankee GO HOME: Saudi/US Proxy forces -- IS, Nusra, al-Qaeda and the rest -- Roundly Defeated ..
cyd, Saturday, Dec 9 2017, 10:12pm
The USA has never had ANY legal basis (uninvited by the sovereign Syrian government) to occupy Syria and conduct combat operations, the feeble UN excuse notwithstanding. However, with the total defeat of ALL US/Saudi proxy fighters, America is now legally considered a HOSTILE occupation force and as such would pay the price, that is, DIE if you remain illegally in Syria and Iraq. As Bob Dylan once sang, ‘It’s all over now baby [red, white and] blue.’
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zed, Saturday, Dec 9 2017, 10:01am
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Pointing the Finger or Taking Responsibility
jaxie, Friday, Dec 8 2017, 10:36pm
Indeed, laying blame is always easier than taking responsibility which involves remedial ACTION. I am always struck by how the American media leads the population in the blame game. It’s Trump’s fault, or the Russians or North Korea's, whoever/whatever but never our fault! The point is Americans have one of the safest Constitutions in the world yet the PEOPLE ignore or avoid THEIR responsibility to remove any president/government that has proven destructive to the nation, and surely, among other past administrations, errant and shallow thinking buffoon Trump is a prime example of a destructive incompetent dumb president that is ruining the nation as I write this piece.
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Corporate Power and Big Banks Have Killed Democracy
Richard Moser via gail, Friday, Dec 8 2017, 8:29pm
The rise of Corporate Power was the fall of democracy. Over the long haul, US politics has revolved around a deep tension between democracy and an unrelenting drive for plunder, power and empire. Granted that our democracy has been seriously flawed and only rarely revolutionary, yet the democratic movements are the source of every good thing America has ever stood for.
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The US Deep State 'Hiding' in Plain Sight
jill, Thursday, Dec 7 2017, 7:35pm
Yet another expose' of the REAL ruling authority in the US. It should become obvious to all that presidents are merely salad dressing, regardless of Party, once installed they ALL serve the deep state, plain to SEE!
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Provocative to the Extreme -- Trump Accedes to Netanyahu’s Demand on Jerusalem
dan, Wednesday, Dec 6 2017, 11:20pm
Declaring Jerusalem capital of Israel is probably the most provocative action imbecile, puppet Trump has taken to date, the rest has been mostly hot lunatic air. Jerusalem is the home/centre of three religions, two major, Islam and Christianity, and one minor, Judaism, based on numbers. So what does Trump do? Allow the minor player to own outright, a city that really belongs to the world -- are you reading this, useless, lackey, UN clowns? The UN would clearly be responsible for the certain conflicts that arise from this illegal and explosive declaration. (story and 1 image)
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Australia’s ‘New’ Foreign Agent/Interference Laws
darcy, Wednesday, Dec 6 2017, 9:56pm
Right on queue. Trump’s new ‘foreign agent’ hysteria has recently infected ‘sovereign’ Australia, puppet PM Turnbull and his knee-walking conservative colonial government have rushed it through parliament; a headline in the Melbourne Age reads, "Foreign interference laws: Paul Keating may have to [register] declare as foreign agent.” Well, there ya go, America’s presidential INSANITY has made its way to Australia via the Washington serving foreign agent, Libs. (story and 1 image)
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National Suicide -- Divide and Conquer strategy Within America Set to Ruin Nation
Greg Price via james, Tuesday, Dec 5 2017, 9:08pm
When a CIA director cannot trust his co-workers things are looking grim; America seems so internally divided at the present time that real enemies could simply watch its fall from the peanut gallery. I have no idea how valid the following claims are but even if they are only 30% accurate it would be enough to weaken the USA beyond immediate repair and speed of response is EVERYTHING today. A window of opportunity would appear that numerous nations would jump at. However, historically it is well known that this is exactly how all empires fall, from within! Good onya clueless Trump, you have no idea what you're really doing - LOL! (story and 1 image)
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The Neoliberal Survival Game
Kelly Wilkins via jane, Tuesday, Dec 5 2017, 9:55am
One of the ways the media has shaped the public’s attitude concerning the distribution of wealth and power in our society, has been by the dissemination of a familiar but menacing ideology, an ideology which teaches that human success and failure is determined by evolutionary fitness — ‘the survival of the fittest’ ethic [also known as 'Social Darwinism.'] (story and 1 image)
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Bitcoin FEVER and the Engineered Cryptocurrency Trap
ben, Tuesday, Dec 5 2017, 4:14am
The stupendous rise of Bitcoin’s value, which has recently breached the $10,000/unit ‘barrier’ has not been accidental or is the result of natural organic factors, which do not require a MASSIVE mass media push/SELL. Indeed, one cannot read the financial section of any mass media rag without tripping over Bitcoin trading hysteria and that occurrence alone should alert the experienced and aware.
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Subscriber Announcement -- Please read.
moderator, Monday, Dec 4 2017, 9:44pm
As most people are aware the powers have recently embarked on censorship strategies to background and silence all dissenting voices on the internet, of course using feeble excuses like 'spam filtering' and 'fake news.' Which strategies amount to censorship of any information that opposes mainstream propaganda.
As a result of these totalitarian 1984 strategies our mailouts and other broadcast services/newsletters have recently been relegated to 'spam' status by the 'regulators' and their 'mindless, but selective algorithms.'
If you have not received our usual mailouts and other broadcast information please check your email junk and spam folders and re-assign those emails to 'not spam/junk' etc. It is also advised to regularly check these folders as algorithms overrule personal choices.
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Post Modernism as Weapon
shirl, Sunday, Dec 3 2017, 9:41am
For those unaware of the post modern approach it could be reduced to the interpreter, reader, decoder, of culture constructing their own reality outside prescribed existing patterns; sounds good and seems neat and tidy, doesn’t it? However, the major flaw is that cultural subjects continue to be LED by narratives designed and broadcast by various media, 99% of which are owned by vested interests -- take note. And as we know all media today is obsessed with reducing social units or individuals to pliable subjects.
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What the REAL World is Doing Constructively while America Rants Nuclear War and Destruction
Pepe Escobar via gail, Saturday, Dec 2 2017, 10:01pm
The 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress made it clear that the New Silk Roads – aka, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) – launched by President Xi Jinping just four years ago, provides the concept around which all Chinese foreign policy is to revolve for the foreseeable future. Up until the symbolic 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, in 2049, in fact. (story and 1 image)
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“Clueless” Buffoon Trump Hangs Self in Recent Tweet
jake, Saturday, Dec 2 2017, 9:12pm
-- "The statement indicates that Trump was aware, when Flynn was forced to resign, that he had lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials.”
-- “The tweet sheds light on Trump’s appeal to former FBI director James Comey to let go of the FBI’s investigation into Flynn, and his subsequent decision to terminate Comey when he did not comply.” (story and 2 images)
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Mystic Gate
sybil, Friday, Dec 1 2017, 10:59pm
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Trace/Source Culture and its Perversions then Rectify
cyd, Friday, Dec 1 2017, 9:27pm
The US population is aghast at Trump’s clearly partial tax ‘reforms’ which clearly favour the wealthy elite and burden the already underprivileged poor, as though this cruel behaviour is a surprise. It isn’t.
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