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coleslogo3_1.jpg image Coles Integrity Watch -- UPDATE of Email Exchange shopper, Saturday, Jul 20 2013, 10:19am
Following are recent emails to 'Coles Customer Care;' however, due to copyright restrictions we are unable to publish the Coles emails, nonetheless, the extremely detailed customer responses paint a very clear picture indeed.

This material is published in the public interest -- readers would note that Wesfarmers Coles Supermarket Chain has recently been fined ($61K) by the ACCC for "misleading and deceptive conduct." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Noam Chomsky image Noam Chomsky is in denial about 9/11 Mark H Gaffney via judd, Saturday, Jul 20 2013, 8:03am
During a recent interview on Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky stated that he believes Osama bin Laden was probably behind the attacks of September 11, 2001.i The statement was curious because in earlier interviews Chomsky described the evidence against bin Laden as thin to nonexistent,ii which was accurate and, no doubt, explains why the US Department of Justice never indicted bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning, hero image Military ‘Judge’ allows “Aiding the Enemy” charge for Manning jen, Thursday, Jul 18 2013, 12:01pm
After lawyer Barack Obama pronounced Manning guilty during pre-trial submissions, “he broke the law,” and Assange who stood accused of ‘criminal’ activity (without a court decision) by former Oz PM and US lackey Juliar Gillard, is anyone really surprised by the recent actions of a proven criminal US military ‘court’ to pursue Manning on the most serious charge of "aiding the enemy" to make an example of him in order to deter others from revealing sensitive and compromising information to the world? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

colesdown.jpg image Coles Supermarket Frost/ice Affected ‘fresh’ Veg and Recalcitrant Management shopper, Thursday, Jul 18 2013, 12:09am
Before proceeding we should first establish that the American modelled Coles supermarket chain seems to be the only outlet in Oz that displays ice intolerant (easily frost damaged) fresh produce on ice-filled display trays over extended periods; a routine that drastically damages stock by reducing nutrients, quality and storage life. With the exception of broccoli and brussels sprouts, which are shipped in ice, almost all other fresh vegetables on sale in Oz supermarkets are frost/ice INTOLERANT, which simply means that contact with frost/ice severely damages the product – this particularly applies to the now popular Asian varieties. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Driven Snow dan, Wednesday, Jul 17 2013, 11:01am
international / poetry / post

obama_toasting_dead_babies.jpg image Levar Burton, Actor -- "I do this because I live in America!" lete, Tuesday, Jul 16 2013, 11:10pm
A must see video on the reality on the ground in America; the difference between the media induced dream and ACTUAL REALITY couldn't be more pronounced.

Disseminate this video widely -- it's about time we confronted some hard realities. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

toomuchtothink.jpg image The Battle is Really for Your Mind grey, Monday, Jul 15 2013, 2:02pm
We laugh every time mainstream (CFR) news covers stories of domestic Drone surveillance simply due to the very well-known fact (by specialists and the socially aware) that a UAV is a sitting duck in the sky regardless of how ‘sophisticated’ it is purported by the powers to be. Most of us remember the Iranians hacking into remote systems and hijacking the most sophisticated surveillance Drone the USA possessed – a simple proof of concept/point. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

burning_constitution.jpg image American Coup d' etat Dr. Paul Craig Roberts via judd, Monday, Jul 15 2013, 12:40am
America has suffered a coup d'etat, but the population is hesitant to acknowledge it. [Notwithstanding that the majority imagines we are speaking about a two-door car].

The regime ruling in Washington today lacks constitutional and legal legitimacy. Americans are ruled by usurpers who claim that the executive branch is above the law and that the US Constitution is a mere "scrap of paper." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Glenn Greenwald, concerned for his personal safety image Glenn Greenwald attempts to distract from Snowden’s nothing-new ‘Leaks’ lex, Sunday, Jul 14 2013, 2:59am
In a Guardian piece today, Ed Snowden’s carefully selected journo mouthpiece, Glenn Greenwald, is characteristically attacking Reuters for ‘manipulating’ an interview he conducted with another news outlet -- this entire scenario is becoming quite the entertainment of the week and may soon take on the character of a soap opera with Greenwald’s offended homosexual ‘sensitivity’ now interfering with objective reporting/reality. It is becoming quite the laughable matter in view of recent events; neither Greenwald nor Snowden have released any really compromising material to date, the material released so far has been known for decades and continues to be freely available in the public domain; i.e. that the NSA has been conducting ILLEGAL global surveillance for decades under various code names including the now infamous but widely known, “Echelon,” an earlier form of PRISM! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

nsa.jpg image Ed Snowden And The Born Yesterday Syndrome mann, Saturday, Jul 13 2013, 11:27am
Syndrome - Definition: “A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterise a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition."

A plague of global proportions exists today; it is characterised by what has been described as a 24 hour memory and an inability to achieve even the slightest degree of objectivity. It is as though the masses live in a Matrix movie with particular emphasis on an infamous statement made by one of the characters who was aware of the enslaving program and fake steak he was eating but chose to live in the enslaving dreamworld rather than make the supreme effort to free himself from it's insidious and nefarious influence -- the first Matrix movie as an allegory of our time couldn't be more accurate! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Snowden and the Failed Baiting of China judd, Friday, Jul 12 2013, 12:16pm
According to reports released by WikiLeaks and Russia Today, Ed Snowden has accepted all offers of asylum, including Putin’s offer conditional to not releasing data that could “harm our American partners!" So if you ever wondered why Russia fed slavic Yugoslavia to the dogs and sat back and watched NATO/US devastate Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now Syria, then wonder no more, the Russian leadership is in bed with the criminally corrupt Americans or rather the moneyed forces that control the White House and Congress.
international / prose / post

text Walmart Rebuffed: Take note Oz (Coles) Supermarket Chain Sarah Lazare via Coles shopper, Friday, Jul 12 2013, 2:24am
The Washington DC city council passed a 'living-wage' bill Wednesday, rebuffing Wal-Mart's virulent public opposition to the legislation, which included a Tuesday op-ed in the Washington Post in which the retail giant declared it will pack its bags and leave the city before it pays humane wages.
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning, an exceptional human being image Bradley Manning Sold Out mitch, Thursday, Jul 11 2013, 1:18pm
There is something very disturbing about the Manning case and that is everyone involved, including Manning’s defence team, is playing charades. The media refers to this charade as a trial when in fact it is pure pretence. It is legally and logically IMPOSSIBLE to conduct a fair trial when the (proven) criminally accused (Pentagon) is sitting in judgement of the accuser (Manning); are we clear on that? It is simply impossible to obtain an impartial verdict in those circumstances. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Edward Snowden image Ed Snowden’s Achievements to Date – None! stan, Wednesday, Jul 10 2013, 12:05pm
The NSA whistleblower and duped journalist who was carefully selected to reveal what we already know -- that we are all under constant surveillance by the American NSA -- continue to occupy the ‘front pages’ around the western world to the great expense of other more critical news. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Juliar Gillard, traitor to the people, servant of the elite image To Foreign Julia Gillard Defenders and Apologists sal, Wednesday, Jul 10 2013, 4:50am
First, allow me to state emphatically that Oz has some of the most robust and protective family laws and anti-discrimination laws in the WORLD, many of which were pioneered by Aussie women -- you will note that it was one such pioneer, Germaine Greer, who referred to Gillard’s posterior as a, “big arse” while speaking disparagingly about Gillard’s awkward and poor taste in dress, on national TV. That is only ONE relevant issue the mass media chooses to sideline/omit when it seeks to sell or distract! Following are a just a few FACTUAL considerations to take into account when assessing why Gillard is loved by Washington and REVILED at home. Take note international media and I challenge all major outlets to oppose these verifiable, historical facts. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

kaliconjugating.jpg image Kalika radh, Tuesday, Jul 9 2013, 1:31pm
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

Sydney dust storm image Red Powder lou, Monday, Jul 8 2013, 12:56pm
. (story and 2 images)
international / poetry / post

Bradley Manning, Hero of our time image Manning and the Prevailing INJUSTICE of American 'Justice' judd, Monday, Jul 8 2013, 2:06am
Bradley Manning's case was a farce from the beginning -- we have the absurd situation of the proven criminally accused placing the accuser on trial for revealing the accused, Pentagon, engages in constant and deliberate criminal activities. Yet the population goes along with this travesty of justice which is the military trial of Bradley Manning. So, I will state it again as plainly as I am able -- the Pentagon is a PROVEN criminal organisation which commits war and other crimes against humanity then deliberately i.e. consciously, attempts to hide those crimes from the public/world. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Heartbeat rayn, Sunday, Jul 7 2013, 1:54pm
international / poetry / post

text Non-Events of the Week sayed, Sunday, Jul 7 2013, 12:04pm
Remember the very first orchestrated uprisings against Mubarak in Egypt, after which the US attempted to install their puppet, Mohamed El Baradei as leader, well it looks like they may have succeeded 3rd time around; when will Egyptians learn to persist with their massive demos until they get what the majority wants?
international / prose / post

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