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Rudd dutifully implements Reserve Bank levy on savings image Global Financial Meltdown Inevitable Sid, Thursday, Aug 1 2013, 2:21am
In a recent interview on Fox News, flamboyant American billionaire Donald Trump, predicted an American financial meltdown due to “ballooning national debt,” which interestingly goes against the arrogant public statement of former Fed chief Alan Greenspan, who almost laughed when confronted with the proposition that American debt may undermine the nation; to paraphrase, ‘it is impossible for a nation that prints the world’s default currency to be debt constrained, we would simply print our way out of debt if the need arose!’ [Search youtube for his comments.]

Do not be deceived, there are many misleading and contradictory reports about this "levy" in the local press; however, the fact remains, the idea was initially recommended to government by Genn Stevens, governor of the (RBA) Reserve Bank Australia -- have we got it, now? This unjustified, external lien on personal savings is an Australian precedent and represents the thin end of the wedge; recent history verifies the fact, take another look at new Bank legislation in Cyprus, Europe and the USA (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text America is Running out of Suitable Psychopaths jed, Wednesday, Jul 31 2013, 3:12am
The ruling plutocracy is lamenting. With Obama’s use-by date exceeded, this puppet president is now fully transparent and so ‘on the nose’ he is rank. As a result of ‘his’ liberal kill list, Drone wars, indefinite detention and global surveillance policies, etc., he is no longer viable to remain in office. So who is being groomed to replace him?
international / prose / post

Pfc. Bradley Manning -- abandoned by the amoral American Population image Bradley Manning: The Expected 'Looking Glass' Verdict Ed Pilkington via Alice, Tuesday, Jul 30 2013, 4:05pm
Manning was found guilty of 20 of the 22 charges brought against him by a proven criminal organisation (U.S. military) which, according to reason, ethics and logic, effectively defines Manning as INNOCENT! Meanwhile the war criminals Manning exposed were indirectly found innocent and sentenced to freedom. Such is American 'justice' today! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Australis darcy, Monday, Jul 29 2013, 2:15pm
international / poetry / post

Should be: "Free Brad Manning, Indict the Guilty" image The Manning Trial and Criminal Inversion judd, Monday, Jul 29 2013, 11:20am
I just read that Bradley Manning supporters from more than 40 cities in America staged a demonstration at the offices of Maj. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan (note that name), convening authority of Manning’s case in Washington. Unsurprisingly, the peaceful efforts of protesters were to no avail, as the vast majority of Americans allow the killing of INNOCENT little children in illegal wars and the railroading of Manning to continue, notwithstanding that it was for the people that Manning sacrificed his personal Freedom and well-being – the ‘gratitude’ of the American people is beyond measure, to be sure! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text [A rare open] Communication from the Underground jude, Sunday, Jul 28 2013, 2:41am
it sure is, brother -- but as unintentionally deceptive as that excellent text is -- it misses the point -- if i may elucidate:
international / prose / post

audio Just for the Fun of it! lexi, Saturday, Jul 27 2013, 12:47pm
The world’s largest problem is solved by the world’s simplest solution. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

bflag.jpg image If the USA ... judd, Saturday, Jul 27 2013, 12:17am
America is a known quantity, so if you seek liberation and victory ... (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Irresistible ... stace, Friday, Jul 26 2013, 1:07pm
international / poetry / post

text Restore Representative Democracy, it’s that Simple nano, Thursday, Jul 25 2013, 12:20pm
I have just completed reading a transcript of an interview with defeatist rhetorician, Chris Hedges, and if leopards continue to have spots then Hedges has maintained his negativity and defeatist discourse.
international / prose / post

Bo Xilai, quintessentially Chinese image China: what is old is new again staff report via kwai, Thursday, Jul 25 2013, 3:06am
China has always been an Imperial ‘kingdom’ and remains so today. Those that imagine otherwise are deluded or simply ignorant. Thousands of years of inculcated cultural values do not disappear with a change of Emperor. Mao’s revolution was just another regime change with the Imperial blueprint firmly intact. In other words, the only thing that changed with Mao was the Emperor’s face and style of centralist, autocratic rule. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Arcs zed, Wednesday, Jul 24 2013, 1:56pm
international / poetry / post

PDF Document Whistleblowers Past and Present floyd, Tuesday, Jul 23 2013, 1:14pm
Primarily due to the adverse propaganda they attract most people are aware of today's many whistleblowers; however, few are aware of the strong tradition of truth-telling and revealing State crime. I have selected one major truth-teller from the past and included his book (PDF) and his most famous speech. It should be noted that the person I refer to was a highly decorated Major General in the US Marine Corps, who unlike Manning, had some protection due to his reputation and rank. However, I do not wish to diminish in any way the efforts of today's whistleblowers, only highlight the fact that men and women of conscience have existed since time immemorial and that revealing TRUTH is a very old and noble tradition, especially in religious contexts -- hang your head in shame, 'Christian,' America! (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

Slaves and morons wait for birth of hereditary murderer image A Mammal gives birth -- how 'unusual!' charlie, Monday, Jul 22 2013, 11:09pm
The planet is going to hell in a hand basket; criminals have hijacked western democracies and are waging perpetual war; citizens are targeted for assassination and indefinite detention without recourse of any kind, law is flouted everywhere by governments and corrupt judiciaries; American presidents compile kill lists and pursue truth tellers; big brother and other rogue agencies conduct illegal global surveillance on everyone -- and that's just for starters! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Clearly visible from space - ancient bridge from India to Sri Lanka image The Vast Majority Died cass, Monday, Jul 22 2013, 11:21am
People‭ ‬(entire societies/civilisations‭)‬ have perished almost overnight in the past‭; ‬nations‭ ‬today‭ ‬are suffering from a historically known and measurable syndrome/plague‭ – ‬it is characterised by social paralysis in the most‭ ‬urgent‭ ‬or threatening‭ ‬circumstances.‭ ‬We saw it clearly at work during the rise of the overtly criminal Nazi regime in Germany and we see again today in the US,‭ ‬but that is not to what the title alludes,‭ ‬though I wish it was‭;‬ no,‭ ‬I refer to the many historical myths/legends‭ ‬of total annihilation that left the vast majority of human beings dead.‭ ‬Stories from pre-history refer to massive,‭ ‬beyond imagination‭ ‬cataclysms that‭ ‬destroyed almost all life on earth. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Rudd with war criminal Obama image The Oz Political Challenge -- the REAL choice dasha, Monday, Jul 22 2013, 12:58am
It was only yesterday that universally reviled, back-stabbing, lying and the most inept politician in Oz history actually made a Jesuit trained, pugilistic block-head look good and present as a viable alternative PM -- that is the effect of placing something so reviled and revolting before the public they would choose a no-talent, servile to big business, conservative in order to rid themselves of the presence of a treacherous, treasonous, lying, DESPISED, evil bitch! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

greatbarrierreef.jpg image America dumps bombs on the Great Barrier Reef mitch, Sunday, Jul 21 2013, 10:21am
Prior to the most reviled PM in Oz history -- Juliar Gillard -- being kicked from office, this treasonous bitch signed over an unprecedented FIVE nuclear capable US bases on Oz soil; which effectively makes Oz a primary NUCLEAR target in the event of a US provoked conflict with China -- good work bitch! As a portend of things to come the stupid yanks playing their favourite game, WAR, jettisoned four high explosive bombs onto the Great Barrier Reef -- good shooting, morons! This incident should alert authorities to the seriousness of Gillard's treasonous action and should hopefully result in her arrest for treason. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Federal Court Decision: Another bite at the Cherry for rejected Refugees Janet Fife-Yeomans and Gemma Jones via stan, Sunday, Jul 21 2013, 9:45am
What this means is that previously rejected asylum seekers have an avenue of appeal and would be eligible to apply for refugee status and be processed again.
international / prose / post

John 'herman' Kerry, stoned image John Kerry Attempts to Coerce Venezuela over Snowden staff report via sal, Sunday, Jul 21 2013, 2:28am
One of the definitions of terrorism is to force or coerce others -- which implies against their will -- to conform to your view or desires. Another characteristic of terrorist activity is to murder innocent civilians. It becomes immediately apparent that the USA conforms to those two criteria and others that indisputably identify it as the world’s leading terrorist nation -- FACT! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text In YOUR Face, Choke on it! lor, Saturday, Jul 20 2013, 11:38pm
Bradley Manning EXPOSED Pentagon war crimes to the WORLD in the hope that JUSTICE would be served. His singular action was extraordinarily brave and heroic, as he was fully cognisant of the consequences should his efforts be ignored.
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