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saudicamel.jpg image Dumbass US Threatens Conventional Military Response Against Cyber Attacks lynx, Monday, Oct 22 2012, 11:45am
There's only one 'minor' problem, the source of expert cyber attacks cannot be traced, so whose chimney is gonna attract the missiles? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

antarctica2.jpg image Antarctica losing 190 million tonnes of ice per day Ben Cubby via sal, Monday, Oct 22 2012, 2:34am
Antarctica is shedding an average of 190 million tonnes of ice every day, according to a landmark study that used satellites to "weigh" the vast land mass. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

invertedflag.jpg image America's Great Leap Backward dan, Monday, Oct 22 2012, 2:05am
Consider if you will, the circumstances that led to today's permanent imperialist wars.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and with China slowly emerging from a pushbike society, the USA was at a threshold, to lead the world unchallenged into a co-operative peace of united nations or to make a retrogressive blunder and opt for military conquest, Empire! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text CIA Addicted to Civilian Killing Drones jude, Saturday, Oct 20 2012, 10:22pm
Despite the fact that Drones are clearly imprecise weapons of terror, the cowardly CIA wants to expand its fleet of Drones; notwithstanding that the CIA is liable for every civilian killed, as it is NOT a military organisation.
international / prose / post

Nick Minchin image Former Oz Senator Exposes Gillard Government Inept Charade staff report via reg, Saturday, Oct 20 2012, 9:45pm
With the advantage of an insider removed from active politics, former conservative Senator, Nick Minchin, spoke freely and accurately (for once) when he referred to the $25m cost of obtaining a TEMPORARY seat on the UN Security Council as, "disgusting!" He also highlighted that Oz has all the influence of a neutered bull or toothless tiger in influencing the decisions of permanent members on the Council. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

David Hicks and former PM, John Howard image David Hicks Vindicated, War Criminal John Howard yet to be Charged judd, Saturday, Oct 20 2012, 1:03pm
John Howard's political pawn, David Hicks, vindicated. A US appeals court has highlighted that Hicks' retrospective charge is invalid. However, no such claim could be made regarding the evidence that exists damning former PM John 'aluminium tubing' Howard, as a gutless lackey, mass murderer and war criminal. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

goldmansachs.jpg image Carbon Tax, boon for Bankers no effect on Climate staff report via sam, Friday, Oct 19 2012, 12:09am
The reason CO2 emissions increase dramatically each year is simply because energy needs and other Corporate factors force nations to abandon pledges to reduce emissions in favour of other priorities. Make no mistake, designers of this Tax, Goldman Sachs and mega-corporations, have always known it would be ineffective in mitigating global warming. However, it provided and excellent 'green' excuse to implement a Carbon-based penalty economy for the monied elites. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Don't Vote, March rees, Thursday, Oct 18 2012, 12:11pm
Let's see if we can figure out why?
international / prose / post

rip.jpg image America R.I.P Paul Craig Roberts via sal, Thursday, Oct 18 2012, 8:37am
During the second half of the 20th century the United States was an opportunity society. The ladders of upward mobility were plentiful, and the middle class expanded. Incomes rose, and ordinary people were able to achieve old-age security. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Rogue Superpower jude, Wednesday, Oct 17 2012, 12:42pm
As the WORLD faces the existence of a rogue, terrorist superpower in the form of Zionist banker, corporate controlled imperialist America and its pathetic lackey client state allies, whose leaders vie with each other to see which is more servile or expert in kowtowing to Washington, the growing cynical masses are confronted with an extremely pressing, critical choice; are they to continue passively accepting criminal leadership, increasing social divisions and more global destruction or are they ready to say enough is enough and alter the destructive direction their UNREPRESENTATIVE minority-ruled nations are taking? THESE ARE THE MAJOR CRITICAL ISSUES OF OUR TIME, not the scripted TRANSPARENT, claptrap presidential debates or created political gender war distractions that are fed to us via the privately owned (CFR) controlled mass media! (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

antice.jpg image Antarctic climate facing 'rapid' changes staff report via sal, Tuesday, Oct 16 2012, 8:42am
Australia's chief Antarctic scientist says claims by climate experts about [rapid] environmental changes in the southern continent are not alarmist. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Death of Participation and the Illusion of Democracy mandrake, Monday, Oct 15 2012, 11:25am
Take for example the current political choice in Australia; Juliar Gillard the Banker whore and Washington doormat and Tony Abbott, arch Catholic conservative, servant to the Corporates and misogynist. Or the US choice; two automatons serving the plutocrats, George W Obama and pathological lying multi-millionaire, Mitt Romney.
international / prose / post

text The incriminating TRUTH of the Bali Bombings Prof Michel Chossudovsky via stan, Sunday, Oct 14 2012, 12:01am
Prior to reading the following article I would remind readers that successive spineless, subservient TREASONOUS Oz governments have a track record of sacrificing Australian citizens for political purposes -- the Balibo Five, David Hicks, Julian Assange, the Bali Nine, to name just a few despicable, cowardly sell-outs; HOWEVER, none compare to the 88 Aussies killed in the Bali bombings. It is about time all Aussies became aware of some additional FACTS relating to this crime.
international / prose / post

fracking_protest.jpg image Thousands Protest Toxic Fracking in Oz sarah, Saturday, Oct 13 2012, 11:13pm
'Fracking,' otherwise known as 'Coal Seam Gas' mining, is a highly destructive water table polluting form of harvesting gas energy from underground coal deposits. CSG activity most often occurs on our most fertile arable land which is why Transnational -- short-term profit only driven -- mining companies must be stopped or moved off sensitive, critical food-producing land and water aquifer areas. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Supremacy of Cyber Reality staff report via mini, Friday, Oct 12 2012, 11:42am
I recall high ranking veterans of WWII, unanimously saying that the war was won and lost in the air. History seems to support this view, but today is a different world.
international / prose / post

gayobama_1.jpg image The Fag President May be Marked for the Dust Bin sam, Friday, Oct 12 2012, 9:54am
Let's call a spade a spade, Obama prefers men and his favourite sexual engagement is having his black cock sucked by WHITE males -- very revealing indeed! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Reprehensible Oz Government uses social tragedy to order Internet Censorship judd, Wednesday, Oct 10 2012, 11:55pm
I am cynical enough as it is, however, I could hardly believe what I read today in a mass media report (reproduced below). The attempt of the Victorian government to brazenly Censor the Internet using, of all things, the Jill Meagher tragic rape and murder case is beyond the pale! This is NOT characteristic of the Australia I was raised in!
international / prose / post

Julia Gillard, unprincipled, lying bitch image Gullible US masses accept Gillard's viral misogyny rant as authentic stef, Wednesday, Oct 10 2012, 12:38pm
O, you poor gullible slobs! Any fool that believes that Juliar Gillard's little prepared rant went viral accidentally or organically is sorely deluded. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text NSW Police Lying through teeth to avoid Murder charge jude, Wednesday, Oct 10 2012, 9:09am
We've seen it all before, pathological personalities attracted to policing in order to vent their mental illness while hiding behind a uniform. While society in general tolerates these aberrants, when they wantonly kill and then LIE clumsily in order to avoid responsibility, the problem must be addressed and remedied.
international / prose / post

israelobamastrike.jpg image An Unavoidable Confrontation rae, Tuesday, Oct 9 2012, 10:57pm
Try as they might to avoid a confrontation, superpowers Russia and China will be forced to nuke America and its western European allies -- wise and prudent counsel would advise the sooner the better. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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