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Liar and Dunce John Kerry -- watch videos carefully, no-one can hide LIES! image John Kerry has ‘Evidence’ lory, Sunday, Sep 1 2013, 11:28pm
"We have signatures of Sarin in hair and blood samples ...” said John Kerry to the international media -- it seems some urgency exists regarding PRODUCING CREDIBLE evidence that Assad’s forces used chemical weapons, an illegal U.S. military attack on Syria requires the best fabricated ‘proof!' (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Expendable Lackey image Elites Ready to Sacrifice Obama to International Justice [UPDATE] sam, Saturday, Aug 31 2013, 12:23pm
The first thing puppet politicians should learn is that they are entirely EXPENDABLE -- they are bought and owned commodities of the ruling Plutocracy, fact. So it is with a sense of great joy that we/the world now witness criminal, mass murdering Plutocrats, which own the USA, offering one of their expendable political puppets for sacrifice. 'Go it alone,' we can almost hear them ORDER, 'we will ensure that nobody gets you in the USA;' well, no-one can ensure any such thing as a bullet easily proves -- and we may well wonder who is pulling the trigger this time! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Criminal Absurdity of Washington judd, Saturday, Aug 31 2013, 12:04am
"Secretary of State John Kerry accused Syria of using chemical weapons to kill 1,429 people, including 426 children."

Now let's see, how does that compare to Bill Clinton's medical embargos on Iraq that resulted in over 500,000 dead CHILDREN -- questioned on the matter U.S. Secretary of (sociopathology) State, Madeleine Albright said, "IT WAS WORTH IT!"
international / prose / post

text Beyond wisp, Friday, Aug 30 2013, 1:34pm
international / poetry / post

American naval vessels present as viable targets image Obama - America is a law unto itself! sol, Friday, Aug 30 2013, 9:29am
In so many words - that is the message puppet president Obama delivered to the world yesterday regarding a highly probable unilateral military strike on Syria. Obama made it plain in a press release; he couldn’t give a shit what any other nation thinks or what International Law may have to say about an illegal unilateral military assault. Obama answers only to his Zionist plutocrat masters -- Obama is a Kissinger creation, after all! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

cameronobama.jpg image Washington Lackey David Cameron Loses crucial Syria War Vote sal, Thursday, Aug 29 2013, 11:59pm
It seems the Brits have lost their taste for illegal, staged and painfully OBVIOUS wars of regime change and resource appropriation -- thank you, Tony Blair! Cameron was voted through the floor on the issue (story below). It is known that the USA has no need for any assistance fighting its criminal wars, however, it attempts to pressure or force other nations to be complicit in war and other crimes against humanity as it doesn’t wish to be the sole criminal target in a world where law and order have been restored. But all is not lost, the Australian Parliament is known for its spineless, servile lackey politicians today -- they are ever-ready to ‘jump’ at Washington’s behest or orders! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

woolieslogo.jpg image Woolworths shows Coles the Way shopper, Thursday, Aug 29 2013, 10:59am
While the management of Wesfarmers Coles’ remain paralysed from the known Corporate disease, ‘managerial group-think paralysis,’ Woolies surges ahead with dynamic initiative, innovation and the shedding of non-performing enterprises. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Satellite CONFIRMED: Rockets Launched from Rebel position and Mossad Involvement in False Flag Op! Tony Cartalucci via stan, Thursday, Aug 29 2013, 12:56am
The Wall Street Journal has confirmed what many suspected, that the West's so-called "evidence" of the latest alleged "chemical attacks" in Syria, pinned on the Syrian government are fabrications spun up from the West's own dubious intelligence agencies.

The Wall Street Journal reveals that the US is citing claims from Israel's Mossad intelligence agency fed to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a repeat of the fabrications that led up to the Iraq War, the Libyan War, and have been used now for 3 years to justify continued support of extremists operating within and along Syria's borders.
international / prose / post

bush_t.jpg imagePDF Document Greatest Argument for Civil/Individual Action Against Obama and Bush Regime Officials judd, Wednesday, Aug 28 2013, 1:56pm
How ANYONE in the USA can sit by and allow this monumental injustice to occur is beyond belief. Obama’s Dept of ‘Justice’ is about to grant ‘absolute immunity’ to Bush and key members of his criminal administration for the concerted, orchestrated and DELIBERATE LIES they disseminated that led to the illegal invasion of Iraq and the human holocaust that followed -- one million innocent civilians slaughtered and over four million Iraqis displaced and Obama is about to defy reason, logic, history, LAW and ORDER and grant immunity to the most heinous criminals of the century -- what the fuck is wrong with you America? What these actions CLEARLY amount to is one criminal administration covering for a previous criminal administration -- that is obvious! America, if Obama is allowed to get away with this legal travesty and offence to civilisation, then kiss your nation goodbye because it would confirm that the nation is completely in the hands of criminals. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Reflections rae, Tuesday, Aug 27 2013, 1:01pm
international / poetry / post

A duck shoot of criminal lackeys image The Measure of British Servility sal, Tuesday, Aug 27 2013, 11:51am
David Cameron, puppet politician to the plutocrats, recently issued a threat to The Guardian UK to either destroy the Snowden material or hand it over to the authorities. The world press was in a uproar, feeble though it was, regarding press freedoms etc; sometimes one wonders where these people have been for the past decade. The world has been under severe attack from wealthy minority interests for years, liberties and freedoms have been eroded at blinding speed, yet no-one detected a rallying cry from the mass media to preserve our hard won rights and fight against the evil that is destroying our way of life. So NOW we are outraged? For fuck’s sake go back to bed! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

fisa1001.jpg image NSA paid millions to Google and other IT companies to Facilitate Access to Private Data zane, Tuesday, Aug 27 2013, 4:40am
Are we surprised that Google chairman, Eric 'Bilderberg' Schmidt has been exposed as a brazen LIAR? Schmidt's current partner is a member of the CFR, need we say more? Google is not alone in this betrayal of public trust, MS, Yahoo and numerous other companies and providers are also involved. Perhaps in a century or two, the global population may realise -- they are living under a global elite hell-bent on containing entire populations with LIES/propaganda and surveillance. It's not about created or imaginary terrorist threats -- YOU present the only REAL threat to the greedy, mass murdering plutocrats that seek to OWN and control the entire WORLD -- YOU must be monitored! Based on current levels of national intelligence and social awareness a global police State is a sure thing -- you despicable COWARDS/MORONS. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

John Kerry discusses Syria with Lavrov image Russia all bark no bite on Syria Intervention gus, Monday, Aug 26 2013, 10:20am
The U.S. is about to shit in Russia’s face again and intervene in Syria; Putin’s “partners” are about to come to the rescue of civilians they gassed in order to directly intervene and take control of the nation -- much to Russia’s consternation. However, it should not be forgotten that Russia barked during the West’s illegal intervention in Serbia and the grossly illegal appropriation of Kosovo, which remains Serbian sovereign territory according to the UN and existing International Law and convention to this day! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

coles4.jpg image Wesfarmers Coles Complaints Dedicated Website shopper, Monday, Aug 26 2013, 1:55am
After open advice to Wesfarmers' Board and Coles' management -- over a NINE month period -- relating to a simple problem which remains unsolved, our undertaking to construct a dedicated website to handle VALID complaints against Coles from customers, staff, suppliers and contractors, should it fail to resolve this problem, which affects fresh produce shoppers and staff forced to deal with unnecessary ice tray displays that damage stock, severely reduce storage life of frost INTOLERANT vegetables AFTER purchase and pose an OHS risk to staff and customers alike, we have been forced to bring the matter to the attention of the broader Australian community via the Internet. Please refer to the latest email advice to Coles' management below: (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Autumn claire, Sunday, Aug 25 2013, 1:20pm
international / poetry / post

text Tedium rae, Sunday, Aug 25 2013, 12:15pm
international / poetry / post

text False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack on Syria. Pretext for All Out War? Stephen Lendman via sven, Sunday, Aug 25 2013, 12:21am
False flags are deliberate planned internal attacks followed by continuous propaganda and other gross distortions of the truth, which are used by US military-intelligence to 'legitimize' gross illegal activity.

Official stories of external planned attacks are always false. The Truth is always turned on its head, inverted, Orwellian style. Accusations by the criminal perpetrators are always levelled at the hapless victim. All false flag ops are used as pretexts for imperialist conquests, resource theft, militarism, unnecessary wars, mass murder, wholesale destruction, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist, criminal undertakings.

international / prose / post

audio It’s called Integrity, something the U.S. Lacks suze, Friday, Aug 23 2013, 12:38pm
After more than a decade of lying through its teeth to the rest of the world, America has finally done its dash. Today, America has ZERO credibility; in fact it is regarded by intelligent people throughout the world as a rogue, criminal terrorist nation. It continues to slaughter innocent civilians almost on a daily basis and remains the world’s leading civilian killing nation, which by definition earns it the status of the world’s leading terrorist nation -- research it and verify the facts for yourselves. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

A very Androgynous Lewis Carroll image Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning is a Woman eve, Friday, Aug 23 2013, 12:14am
Prior to my short critique I would state that Brad Manning has done more to compromise and subvert the criminal forces that control the Pentagon, White House and Washington than any other living person -- in view of that not so minor achievement we do not underestimate this ‘woman’s’ ability, talents and skills -- it is clear that the evil forces have no answer for her (ROFLMFAO!) Manning has her reasons and so far she has been entirely successful in her attack on the mass murdering criminals in power. No-one to date, including the likes of defeatists Hedges, Chomsky and the useless, ineffective rest, can hold a candle to her achievements; she has done more to EFFECTIVELY expose/COMPROMISE, SUBVERT and make a total mockery of the criminally run USA than any other person alive! The Manning ‘trial’ proved more absurd and compromising than anything written by literary genius, Lewis Carroll, in Alice’s Adventures in ‘Washington!’ (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning image ... A Heavy Price ... judd, Thursday, Aug 22 2013, 8:30am
“There is not a flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.” -- Howard Zinn (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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