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Google, your data suppression methods are obvious, easily recorded, abysmally inept and generally pathetic.

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text Rogue State Agencies and Institutions walker, Tuesday, Dec 4 2012, 11:38pm
Democratic States are designed to serve the people, the MAJORITY, and all associated State agencies and institutions should defer to the democratically elected leaders of State who represent the PEOPLE. However, that situation is so far from the current reality and prevailing circumstances that it presents as an absurd tragedy or grotesque travesty! A good case in point is the KNOWN drug dealing and murdering CIA, which, after JFK threatened its structural existence, decided to become autonomous.
international / prose / post

text Too much conjecture misses the point molly, Tuesday, Dec 4 2012, 9:18am
The video below came highly recommended, it is enjoyable, rational but limited; how I wish people would take the next step, it seems the entire alternative community is in chorus on this simple but limited point of fact -- that we are star dust.
international / prose / post

googlecensored.jpg image O, What Tangled ‘Algorithms’ We Weave, Google! luce, Monday, Dec 3 2012, 12:23am
After a scathing attack on Google chairperson, Eric ‘sweetie’ Schmidt, regarding not listing the previous three words in general searches, we note they have returned to listings but only for this new site, Jungle Drum! You will no doubt be very troubled to learn that the three words in question first appeared (on numerous occasions) on our sister site, Cleaves Newswire, which has a continuing Internet presence of seven years plus, YET it failed to appear in Google search listings, which PROVES beyond any doubt that data juggernaut Google intentionally censors, backgrounds and improperly ‘manages’ data/sites in its searches! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

digitaltunnel.jpg image The Tighter Surveillance and Security become the FREER the UNDERGROUND Hacker Community! litz, Sunday, Dec 2 2012, 10:07pm
Yes, lamers, dunces and detestable GUTLESS slaves; inherent in the NEW social equation is:- expanding (draconian) DIGITAL surveillance and storage technologies mean more resources and opportunities for hackers -- how much money and how many IDs do we need today slaves, too fuckin' easy? Yes, that's right, MORONS, the more the 'man' digitally fucks you, the more we fuck the 'man'. How do you feel now, you miserable, lame, COWARDS? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Brazen Attack on Democracy Andrew Gavin Marshall via stan, Saturday, Dec 1 2012, 10:13pm
The TPP is perhaps the most dangerous development in recent times, as it backgrounds most democratic imperatives/principles in deference to Corporatist desires for profit and exploitation. The TPP actually has the unprecedented power to override the GOVERNMENTS of member nations -- a full and immediate inquiry into all participating governments must be held, as it is clear that signing politicians have committed TREASON.
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning, hero of our time image Corporate Media constantly side-stepping the Issues Glenn Greenwald via fay, Saturday, Dec 1 2012, 9:09pm
The following story by former alternative journo, Glenn Greenwald, is typical, symptoms and appearances are covered but God forbid we focus directly on the CAUSE, let alone emphasize and run with the TRUTH until it is addressed en masse and the problem RECTIFIED in the same way saturation (constant) coverage of the criminal Vietnam war brought it to an END! Have we forgotten the power and art of REAL journalism? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Lloyd 'shylock' Blankfein image Goldman Sachs’ Lloyd Blankfein, the Quintessential Shakespearian Jew Ivan, Saturday, Dec 1 2012, 8:04am
When we speak of corporatists and extreme social parasites one name stands above the rest as the most vile; the quintessential Jew, Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of the most sordid Bank in the WORLD, Goldman Sachs! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

anonymousstratfor.jpg image Conflicts of Interests Abound in American 'Red Queen' Law judd, Friday, Nov 30 2012, 10:10pm
Yet another high profile court case in America involving a clear conflict of interests -- the most conspicuous to date is the accused US military sitting in 'judgement' of the accuser Bradley Manning; that remains 'the' conflict of interests of historical proportions! However, following some distance behind is the gross conflict of interests of the judge involved in the Jeremy Hammond hacker case. It has been revealed that judge, Loretta Preska's husband was a victim of the alleged hacking exploits of the accused -- this constitutes a clear conflict of interests. Nevertheless, in new 'laws of convenience' America, where presidents boast extra-judicial kill lists, anything goes, and the judge may not be forced to withdraw from the case. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Waging Endless War on the Noun 'Terror' gram, Friday, Nov 30 2012, 8:09pm
Have you ever asked an American -- all legends in their own 'exceptional' minds and 'geniuses' by nature -- how to wage war on a word? I am not being facetious or wise-assed; if we look behind the absurd strategy of waging a perpetual war on the noun, 'terror,' it quickly becomes evident that such a tactic enables war mongers to attack anyone they choose by simply making the accusation that the target is a 'terrorist!'
international / prose / post

Captain Imbecile image The American Dreamboat sandy, Friday, Nov 30 2012, 9:58am
International readers are able to derive much amusement at America's huge expense by simply questioning average Americans on the state of their nation and society in general. For example, ask a topical question like, 'what is the principal issue of the Bradley Manning case?' (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

artpalestine.jpg image Palestinians win UN recognition staff report via stan, Thursday, Nov 29 2012, 10:52pm
THE UN General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly -- 138 in favour, 9 against and 41 abstentions -- to recognise Palestine as a non-member state, handing a major triumph to president Mahmud Abbas in the face of fierce US and Israeli opposition. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Losers denni, Thursday, Nov 29 2012, 10:23am
abound (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

Thaci and Clinton image Kosovo PM, Hashim Thaci, soon to face Organ Harvesting Charges staff report via tovi, Tuesday, Nov 27 2012, 10:43pm
After years of testimony exposing organ harvesting by the KLA, which includes a book written by former prosecuting attorney for the ICC at the Hague, Carla del Ponte, it seems that Justice may finally be served in the Balkans. It's 'uncanny' how to date all major KLA, Croatian, Bosnian Muslim and other non-Serb war criminals have been exonerated during their initial trials or on appeal BUT the much maligned and victimized Serbs continue to be demonized by the powers that be. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Pfc Bradley Manning image Bradley Manning Defense Seeks Dismissal of all Charges AFP via jay, Tuesday, Nov 27 2012, 10:00pm
Bradley Manning's defense team filed an appeal Tuesday calling for all charges to be dropped based on clear evidence of “unlawful pre-trial punishment” while Manning was held in custody at Quantico Virginia. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

palestinians.jpg image Britain's sordid offer -- justice to the wind for Palestinians judd, Monday, Nov 26 2012, 9:24pm
In a deal worthy of a despicable exploitative former colonial power under the influence of Zionist bankers, Britain SAYS it is willing to back Palestinian Statehood if Israel is not pursued for war and other crimes against humanity, of which Israel is one of the world's major offenders! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

lehmanbrothers.jpg image Criminal US Bank directly Involved in Massive Oz Government Corruption Scheme cass, Monday, Nov 26 2012, 7:26am
It was only a matter of time before Australia's Independent Commission Against Corruption uncovered criminal US Banker involvement in Australia's largest government corruption and fraud case to date. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

attachment Simple and Self-evident watson, Sunday, Nov 25 2012, 10:03pm
Human beings survived and took evolutionary supremacy as a species primarily due to their co-operative INNATE instincts as social animals -- in other words human success was and is dependent on co-operation and mutual assistance. From the primeval past to today that is the open secret of human social success! (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

The Lone Moron image Can YOU believe those American Morons? gemma, Friday, Nov 23 2012, 12:21am
After appalling recent historical events, which include LIES about the illegal bombing of Belgrade and the NATO appropriation of Kosovo, the illegal invasion of Iraq and subsequent CIVILIAN holocaust, remember, "we KNOW" they have WMD, mobile anthrax labs, nuclear materials etc -- all LIES, everything a LIE and the American people still haven't learnt that the nation is run by criminals controlled from Wall St. Where are all the arrests for the greatest murdering criminal fraud of the century? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Jack Kennedy image This is why Zionist Bankers and the Plutocrats Murdered Kennedy John F. Kennedy via justin, Thursday, Nov 22 2012, 8:37pm
Shall we choose the noble cause and take the baton handed to us by men governed by reason and humanism or should we remain slaves to the evil MURDERING filth that had Kennedy and numerous others assassinated so they could do exactly to the world what the are doing today -- murdering millions and destroying everything for the profit of the very few! It is time to RESTORE JUSTICE AND PEACE TO OUR WORLD and eliminate the filth that have hijacked our democracies. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Media Propaganda and the Right to Self-Defense judd, Thursday, Nov 22 2012, 7:27am
The linked story is typical of the content from most mass media outlets -- they have almost universally portrayed the Gaza conflict as a fair fight when nothing could be further from the truth.
international / prose / post

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