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Another 'terrorist' bites the dust! image America fulfils Every Definition of a Terrorist State Letta Tayler via justin, Saturday, Dec 29 2012, 10:50pm
The following recent example only adds to the SIX (6) million plus INNOCENT CIVILIANS KILLED by the USA since the Indo-Chinese war -- a record of which every American can truly be proud!

Either by commission or omission every American is responsible; the population hides behind DENIAL and COMPLICIT PASSIVITY -- the, "look what your country is doing for YOU," myth actually reads, 'look what Corporatists and Plutocrats are doing for THEIR bottom line!' And to dispel another enduring American myth -- the WORLD HATES YOU because you are mass murderers, torturers and thieves! Get it straight, YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM THE TRUTH ANY LONGER.
(story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text The MYTH of Legal TORTURE and other American Myths jude, Friday, Dec 28 2012, 10:57pm
There is probably no greater crime against humanity than the deliberate TORTURE of another human being, YET the United States falsely believes it has legalised this most heinous crime against all humanity!
international / prose / post

text Your Neighbour is YOU! june, Thursday, Dec 27 2012, 11:26pm
They just 'don't seem to get it' these days! America is RACING toward a Totalitarian State -- indefinite detention without charge or trial and extra-judicial (CRIMINAL) Presidential 'kill lists' -- and what are the irresistible masses doing about it, SWEET FUCK ALL?
international / prose / post

text US Sets New Record for Illegal Drone Strikes in Afghanistan reg, Wednesday, Dec 26 2012, 10:36pm
Russia Today ran a story detailing the increased frequency of Drone strikes in Afghanistan this year. However, it hasn't yet occurred to Russia -- a party to the US criminal enterprise -- to supply the means to prevent these strikes as the US did successfully against the USSR. The solution is written in your own Russian history of defeat; how are tough and resilient Afghan tribesmen expected to combat Drones without support from a superpower? Are you also reading this yellow China?
international / prose / post

text Clarifying Your Inalienable Rights judd, Tuesday, Dec 25 2012, 10:28pm
Powerful (minority criminal) forces are at work today destroying, by any means available, the Rights and Liberties we have enjoyed since our forefathers fought to have them enshrined in our founding documents and established into LAW. Clear proof of this trend exists in the form of an extra-judicial Presidential 'kill list' and the NDAA indefinite detention 'law' without charge or trial, which brazenly attacks the Fifth Amendment entitling all citizens to due process.
international / prose / post

obama_indefinite_detention.jpg image Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention Stephen Lendman via sal, Tuesday, Dec 25 2012, 10:05am
Since taking office, Obama has authorized numerous police state measures while failing to eliminate others, Guantanamo Bay, for instance. Obama 'talks' reform but follows hard line policies as did his predecessor, George W Bush. Civilian killing Drone warfare has increased dramatically under Obama -- the Drone President! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

John Lennon image "And so this is Christmas and what have WE Done?" sol, Monday, Dec 24 2012, 10:31pm
The message is the SAME. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The ‘Life is War’ Ideology of America jim, Monday, Dec 24 2012, 7:17am
The forces that finally succeeded in taking control of the USA and most of the western world are currently going to great pains to promote, via the mass news and entertainment media they own, the belief that life is (perpetual) war; indeed a persistent colloquialism is, ‘life is war,’ but that adage was never intended to be applied or interpreted literally.
international / prose / post

skull_bones322.jpg imageaudioPDF Document Obama chooses John Kerry to replace Clinton Jim Lobe via lyall, Sunday, Dec 23 2012, 9:31am
This puppet show is becoming tedious: with the departure of cabal puppet, CFR Hillary 'we came, we saw, he died' Clinton, from her official post, Bilderberg puppet Obama has chosen 'Bones' man, John Kerry to replace her. If you recall, John Kerry and G W (and H) Bush have a number of things in common, which all stem from their membership in the secret society, 'Skull & Bones 322!' If we trace the associations of most of today's leaders in Industry, politics and finance we would soon discover that most are members of secret societies -- the last truly independently elected President was JFK -- and 'they' made short work of him! Nevertheless, secret minority groups are easily and EFFECTIVELY dealt with by a population determined to RESTORE JUSTICE and moral order to their respective societies. [You have no idea how much these secret criminal groups fear an AWAKENED and AWARE POPULATION!] (story and 2 images and 1 audio file and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text The Torture Chronicle Philip Giraldi via liz, Sunday, Dec 23 2012, 7:47am
If there is one word missing from the United States government's post-9/11 lexicon it is “accountability.” While legal, though illicit, sexual encounters apparently continue to rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, leading to resignations, no one has been punished for malfeasance, torture, secret prisons, or extraordinary renditions.
international / prose / post

obama_tear.jpg image Monstrous! -- The Fake tear of a child killing President orson, Saturday, Dec 22 2012, 10:22pm
There are charades and charades but none more monstrous than those that veil mass murder and monumental crimes against all humanity. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Media 'Maggot,' Rupert Murdoch image Our World Ended Long Before Mayan Cycle Ended zed, Saturday, Dec 22 2012, 8:30am
Smartarses world-wide continue to poke fun at the apparent non-millennial event of the Mayan long cycle completion on 21 December. Materialists everywhere are having a grand ol' time pouring scorn on alternative new age wankers and tree huggers, but to be sure, the Mayans never predicted the end of the world -- a sensationalist western new age author attempting to rake in money from book sales is reputed to have started the rumour of the end of the world coinciding with the end of the Mayan calendar -- 'space cadets,' be advised! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

coffins_flag.jpg image Suicide takes more Military lives than Combat in 2012 Jason Ditz via sam, Saturday, Dec 22 2012, 12:04am
In 2011 the US military lost 165 soldiers to suicide, a record that narrowly beat the 2009 level of 160. This year things have gotten much, much worse, and up to the end of November the suicide deaths are up to 303. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

mayapyramid.jpg image Maya welcome new Era Mark Stevenson via kris, Friday, Dec 21 2012, 8:35am
Ceremonial fires burned and conches sounded off as dawn broke over the steps of the main pyramid at the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza Friday, making what many believe is the conclusion of a vast, 5,125-year cycle in the Mayan calendar. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, useful moron and scapegoat image Killing by Indoctrination or Conscious Design mitch, Wednesday, Dec 19 2012, 8:11pm
The US military has decided to seek the death penalty in the case against brainwashed idiot soldier, Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, who 'lost it' and went on a solo civilian killing spree in Afghanistan. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

zero_dark_thirty_weapon.jpg image Connect the Dots and it all Becomes Clear stacy, Tuesday, Dec 18 2012, 11:00am
People are beginning to realise that the senseless violence that is pervading American society is not an accidental phenomenon or the result of behavioural aberrations in an otherwise healthy society; rather, one-pointed self-centred wilfulness and the violence associated with that behaviour is the rule in America today. Proof in the form of an extra-judicial Presidential 'kill list' testifies to the fact! [With that example would any rational person really be surprised by the increasing number of senseless shootings by unbalanced citizens today?] (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text A Little Reminder sandie, Monday, Dec 17 2012, 11:39am
Remember, it's not Drones or guns that kill people, it's people that kill people!
international / prose / post

drone_pilot.jpg image Drone Pilot - Sky Demon Nicola Abé via chrissy, Sunday, Dec 16 2012, 8:58pm
A soldier sets out to graduate at the top of his class. He succeeds, and he becomes a drone pilot working with a special unit of the United States Air Force in New Mexico. He kills dozens of people. But then, one day, he realizes that he can't do it anymore. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

obama_constitution.jpg image Drone War President Obama Laments his Terrorist Actions judd, Saturday, Dec 15 2012, 11:12pm
It is established fact that imprecise (therefore terrorist) Drone warfare increased ten-fold under the leadership of Obama, a most dubious distinction that will haunt him forever in the historical RECORD. Obama has rightfully earned his name as the 'Drone War president.' (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

nctc.jpg image Massive Totalitarian Surveillance Project Underway in USA Julia Angwin via sal, Friday, Dec 14 2012, 11:20pm
It should be stated at the outset that this 'new' technological development has been in the works for some time and was entirely, almost mathematically, predictable -- Moore's (computing) law, digital economies of scale, huge cost reductions and other nefarious factors made it a certainty. That said it's just another digital resource for hackers but it's a REAL nightmare for slave society -- you were warned lamers and cowards, now suck on it! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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