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Aaron Swartz image Hacker, Activist Aaron Swartz Commits Suicide at 26 Violet Blue via indigo, Saturday, Jan 12 2013, 7:06am
If hackers are to remain an effective political force for good I cannot stress the ANONYMITY RULE enough -- some things are done with an identity other things are done ANONYMOUSLY! We own the wire only as long as the man cannot nail us. We maintain internet freedom only as long as we avoid traces and identification by fifth rate hackers working for the government -- WE ARE ONE; WE ARE NO-ONE -- therein lies our strength and SURVIVAL. Let this tragic loss be a lesson to every digital warrior on the planet -- RIP Aaron Swartz. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Impulse of Infinite Creation sol, Friday, Jan 11 2013, 11:34pm
I am a mystic so by definition I am extremely familiar with the Godhead and the ongoing process of creation.

Knowing God is like ‘falling off a cliff’ into Eternity for me, easy, though the simile implies much.
international / prose / post

text 6 million citizens clean up garbage worldwide but overlook political capitals staff report via sam, Friday, Jan 11 2013, 9:18am
It is commendable that so many international citizens are conscious of hygiene and garbage; a staggering SIX million people worldwide mobilized to pick up and remove discarded refuse -- yet we are struck but a monumental oversight, not one political capital was cleared of its human criminal vermin and murdering corrupt filth, especially in developed western nations.
international / prose / post

Chavez admires Simon Bolivar's sword image Plutocrats Exposed - 'The Assassination of Hugo Chavez' Greg Palast via sal, Friday, Jan 11 2013, 2:32am
To many people Plutocracy -- rule by the wealthy -- is an abstraction, a 'word' bandied about by the politically educated but meaningless to the general public -- perhaps that is one reason why plutocrats rule today. The following story exposes plutocrats in action -- take note of who they are and who they marry. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Nazi Judge - later executed image The Criminal President judd, Thursday, Jan 10 2013, 11:43pm
A person that engages in extra-judicial (above the law) killing -- murder pure and simple -- is a criminal murderer and there is no white-washing the offence regardless of how much effort the German Nazis (historically) or the present American administration feebly apply-- no government has ever succeeded in subverting/circumventing universal LAWS for long. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text US Banks beat Fraud charges - The People Lose Pratap Chatterjee via sam, Thursday, Jan 10 2013, 7:11am
Ten major U.S. banks settled charges of illegally kicking people out of their homes for pennies on the dollar, under two agreements with the government announced this week. The biggest beneficiary is Bank of America which will win a get-out-of-jail free card for selling fraudulent loans to two government-sponsored mortgage finance companies.
international / prose / post

sappho.jpg imageaudio Only her rae, Wednesday, Jan 9 2013, 8:21am
Spiritual luv is universal; physical luv/sex is sweat, pleasure and crescendo; mental/intellectual love is a joke but valid as it overlaps into creative art, expression written in poetry and song. But in today's world full of digital slaves, shameless, mindless, subservient morons, to meet one such as you is beyond exhilaration -- your love is raw, gritty, gruesome, painful, ecstatic/transcendent, metaphysical but above all, unpredictable and elevating. Let the herd chase their cheap thrills forever, fuck 'em, they aren't worth a pinch of shit! (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text The Alice in Wonderland Trial of Bradley Manning continues suzie, Tuesday, Jan 8 2013, 10:56pm
The absurdist trial of a criminally accused Pentagon against accuser, Bradley Manning, proceeds in characteristic lunatic fashion. Manning allegedly revealed US military war crimes to the world; so in characteristic 'Red Queen' fashion, the criminal accused is holding the moral accuser on trial! It seems that few Americans are able to see the searing absurdity and this national scandal and moral tragedy.
international / prose / post

B-52's rained death over Indo-China image “So Many People Died:” American Indiscriminate Civilian Killing from 1965-2014 Nick Turse via tan, Tuesday, Jan 8 2013, 9:04am
And harbour no illusions regarding a President that now specifically targets civilians with a kill list. From the criminal terrorist carpet bombing of Indo-China to the 1.5 million plus civilians killed in Iraq, American war crimes continue because other nations and superpowers allow it. If your government is ally or party to US crimes against humanity perhaps some thought and appropriate action at your next government elections. The LAW is only as effective as the people's sense or morality. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

brennanobamanewciachief.jpg image Obama Nominates 'Kill List' Architect as New CIA Chief Jon Queally via sal, Tuesday, Jan 8 2013, 8:03am
At a White House ceremony on Monday afternoon, puppet President Obama officially nominated former Bush counterterrorism advisor John Brennan to be the next director of the CIA - a perfect appointment for a government criminal organisation with a license to kill, rob, terrorise, destabilise and import large quantities of illicit drugs. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

tracebook2.jpg imagePDF Document The Digital Slaves of the 21st Century lilith, Sunday, Jan 6 2013, 11:46pm
It hadn’t really hit home until I read this on a previous post: “In ancient Rome the State utilized chains and physical bonds to restrain their slaves, however, today's new slave groups have been far more effectively enslaved via DIGITAL MEANS, especially [via] the ubiquitous 'smartphone' and other … 'smart' software packages and portable digital devices. Indeed, today's slaves wear their digital chains with pride; they derive a (perverse) sense of belonging as members of the largest group of slaves known to history.” (story and 2 images and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

puppetonastring.jpg image Puppet President and LIAR signs Pentagon bill Maintaining Guantanamo and Indefinite Detention Bill Van Auken via stan, Sunday, Jan 6 2013, 1:06am
Are there any Americans left 'hoping' against 'hope' that the US president is not a lying, cheating servant to the Plutocrats? If so they sure must have sore arses! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Kim Dotcom image US Police and Agencies Puppets to the Corporations tom, Saturday, Jan 5 2013, 11:44pm
In yet another instance of US state regulators breaking laws and committing crimes to serve their Corporate masters, lawyers for MegaUpload's Kim Dotcom have discovered more improprieties! Soon the entire WORLD will be in NO DOUBT whatsoever just who the US military, FBI, CIA and State police REALLY SERVE -- and it's not the public! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Google's war on ART and culture -- Poetry only Site De-listed gwen, Friday, Jan 4 2013, 11:40pm
Google recently spent $25 million to influence the outcome of a US anti-trust inquiry into its proven unfair and monopolist practices, specifically, manipulating data searches. In any other nation, using money, promises or coercion to directly or indirectly influence the outcome of a regulator's inquiry into improper practices would be considered a serious crime but not in Corporate controlled America where corruption is systemic and hides behind tortured language, in this case, "lobbying!" Well, lobbying may be fine but when huge sums of money are utilised to buy favours and 'sway' a regulator's decision, we call it CRIMINAL CORRUPTION and a full inquiry should be instituted into the ENTIRE sordid AFFAIR!
international / prose / post

text Self-Imposed Limitations and Extra-Dimensionality ned, Friday, Jan 4 2013, 7:58am
Few people are aware of the constraints they impose on themselves -- to be unaware and accept learned habitual responses is considered normal these days. Few realise that we humans have an amazing, almost magical resource available to us should dire circumstances threaten or a strong need arise.
international / prose / post

googledollar.jpg image Google: you call it 'Lobbying,' we call it insidious Corruption Tony Romm via jess, Thursday, Jan 3 2013, 9:03pm
Instead of ignoring Washington — as rival Microsoft did before its costly monopolization trial in the 1990s — Google spent about $25 million in lobbying, made an effort to cozy up to the Obama administration and hired influential Republicans and former regulators. The company even consulted with the late Robert Bork and The Heritage Foundation and met with senators like John Kerry to make its case. In other words, these traditional outsiders worked the system from the inside. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

alice_hatter.jpg image High Treason judd, Wednesday, Jan 2 2013, 1:45am
The highest treason is committed by a nation's leaders and in this regard America once again leads the world. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Naomi Wolf image The FBI, Banks and Occupy - Stating the Obvious as 'News' jan, Tuesday, Jan 1 2013, 11:02am
The US alternative media is in a righteous buzz 'now' that it's been (conveniently) revealed that Corporatists, Bankers, the FBI and other State regulators worked closely together to destroy the ‘strawman’ OWS movement, which they originally created to flush out dissidents and make a violent propaganda statement. FBI documents obtained under FOI are 'revealing' though they have been "heavily redacted," that adds credulity to an otherwise absurd revelation of the obvious, but only in (lobotomised) America. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

clintonh.jpg image We came, we coagulated, we Died! Karen DeYoung via justin, Monday, Dec 31 2012, 10:40am
Leading American psychopath Hillary Clinton has apparently developed a blood clot to the brain after a fall triggered by dehydration. Though I personally wish no direct harm to this ignorant, psychopathic, murdering bitch, I would refer to immutable universal laws of which Clinton and her ilk are entirely unaware. No-one gets out until every 'jot and tittle' is accounted for and the 'slate' is clean. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

trinat.jpg image It can only get worse! wes, Sunday, Dec 30 2012, 11:30am
What could be worse than a single rogue superpower? Two or three criminal superpowers! The American presidential 'kill list' is focused on Yemen at present but the strikes are killing innocent women and children, not 'militants.' Russia and China remain oddly inactive and silent after a decade of uninterrupted Pentagon marauding around the globe. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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