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Colin Powell lying at UN image Breaking Point Ten Years Ago Today Simon Black via stan, Thursday, Feb 7 2013, 7:09am
Exactly ten years ago to the day, I was in the Kuwaiti desert waiting for George W. Bush to ‘make his decision’. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

yes_we_can_murder.jpg image Obama Grants Himself License To Kill Judge A. P. Napolitano, Thursday, Feb 7 2013, 6:50am
After stonewalling for more than a year, federal judges and ordinary citizens who sought the revelation of its secret legal research justifying the presidential use of drones to kill persons overseas – including Americans – claiming the research was so sensitive and so secret that it could not be revealed without serious consequences, the government sent a summary of its legal memos to an NBC newsroom earlier this week. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

torturegitmo.jpg image Report: Over 50 Corrupt Administrations Assisted the CIA Outsource Torture Spencer Ackerman via jan, Tuesday, Feb 5 2013, 9:31pm
In the years following 9/11 the CIA ran a worldwide program to hold and interrogate suspected 'terrorists' and members of al-Qaeda, sometimes brutally. It wasn’t alone. The agency had literally dozens of partners in crime that helped in various ways large and small. However, it has never been clear until now just how many nations enabled CIA rendition and torture on behalf of the criminally corrupt American administration. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

logo.coles.jpg image Unlike its competition Coles supermarkets are NOT the 'Fresh Food People' shopper, Tuesday, Feb 5 2013, 10:26am
Yet another example of Coles inept management sees Royal Gala apples on sale this week at $3/kilo but things are not as rosy on the inside as they are on the outside. An unacceptable percentage of these out-of-season apples have browning flesh on the inside! This is the result of extended storage in oxygen depleted nitrogen storage environments which is able to store apples for years, but at a nutritional cost. Long storage 'fresh' food suffers severe nutritional deterioration though it may appear nice enough. But Coles management just can't seem to get the balance right, or is it just greed and speculation taking precedence over quality and health regulations? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Chris Hedges image COURAGE, The Missing Crucial Ingredient kris, Monday, Feb 4 2013, 10:12am
I am always amused by the articles and lectures of American progressives and leftist commentators, like Chris Hedges, calling on the American masses to free themselves from the yoke of Corporate bondage and rally to the call of freedom and democracy; notwithstanding, few Americans know the meaning of the word, democracy! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Juliar Gillard, the most reviled PM in Oz political history image Into the Political Abyss for Detested Gillard Government dasha, Sunday, Feb 3 2013, 11:36am
The latest effort to elect former censorship and current minister for red underpants headdress, Stephen Conroy, as the leader of the Senate is probably as good an indicator as any other that it's all downhill for the Oz Labor Party -- clearly, there is a heavy price to pay for hanging onto reviled Juliar Gillard, who is political poison on two legs and bobbing bird head. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Controlling the international flow of money staff report via ben, Sunday, Feb 3 2013, 10:00am
The recent past saw the religious elevation of free market or laissez faire capitalism punctured by reality and collapse in 2008; laissez faire capitalism was then renamed the global economic crisis -- so much for unregulated capitalism.
international / prose / post

audio Perfection is Incapable of Creating Imperfection jax, Saturday, Feb 2 2013, 11:08am
The title refers to a game of logic I used to play on my religious teachers while I was attending high school. I would put it to them in the form of a question and then refer to the world outside and social history, which is to put it mildly, imperfect to the point of psychopathology. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

Tony 'no balls' Burke image Japan Ignores Oz government demand for whaling fleet to leave Oz Southern Waters baz, Friday, Feb 1 2013, 11:04pm
Environment Minister Tony 'no balls' Burke, lodged an official complaint to Tokyo regarding Japanese whaling ships encroaching on Oz economic zone waters. The complaint, which no doubt was a huge source of mirth to the Japanese, was immediately and contemptuously ignored -- there is a price to pay for shameless cowardice and kowtowing to America's every criminal whim, including allowing US occupation forces on Australian sovereign soil. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

israelif15.jpg image Criminal US Interventionists Sanction Continuing Israeli Strikes on Sovereign Syria staff report via zac, Friday, Feb 1 2013, 9:54pm
Israel has attacked multiple targets in Syria after its initial strike on a science research centre says U.S. intelligence official. He also added that the White House gave Israel a 'green light' to carry out more such attacks in the future. So there you have it, an enduring criminal partnership that extends back to the criminal attack on the USS Liberty through to Mossad involvement in 9/11 (face existing facts) to attacks on Syria today. As stated in the sub-heading, it all stops when cowardly and corrupt Russia and China decide to enforce existing International Law. Until that point in time, China and Russia are clearly criminally complicit. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert image Popular American Satirists/Comedians Serve Elite Interests jess, Friday, Feb 1 2013, 12:03pm
Before howls of protest begin allow me to qualify; if political comedy in America is not supported by strong accusation, social agitation and demands for justice then it serves the interests of the powers or ruling plutocracy. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Reprehensible LIAR, mass murderer and war criminal image When Truth, Moral Conscience and the Courage of a Woman tried to Stop a War Ray McGovern via sal, Friday, Feb 1 2013, 12:13am
The year 2013 is the one-decade anniversary of the U.S. political/media system’s failure to stop a criminal President from launching a war of aggression on Iraq. It was a shameful time when only a few brave individuals, like the U.K.’s Katharine Gun, did the right thing, ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern reports. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

video Pilger's 'The War You Don't See' dasha, Thursday, Jan 31 2013, 10:12pm
This excellent, must see, doco has been comprehensively removed from Google's youtube -- typical -- we can always count on Google to censor and make every effort to deprive the masses of accurate alternative views and news. It will remain on this site for download and dissemination unless John Pilger himself requests that it is taken down -- I'm sure that many citizens impressed with the revealing content and measured approach of this documentary will support John by purchasing a copy. That said we would make an emphatic statement regarding copyright, as we are all writers on this site. The creator of the 'text' -- which includes image and sound -- is the sole copyright holder of his/her creation/production above all other considerations and claims by third parties. (story and 1 video)
international / prose / post

drone_silhouette.jpg image Drone war inquiry -- The UN confirms client status to the US judd, Wednesday, Jan 30 2013, 11:58pm
After over a decade of illegal Drone strikes against innocent civilians and sovereign states, the UN today announced it will conduct an inquiry into the use of Drones -- it's ten years too late but better late than never if it's a thorough and impartial investigation; yea, that's a big "if" considering that Obama's first signed Drone strike order resulted in the deaths of innocent women and children in Pakistan, a sovereign nation not at war with the US. So numerous were the breaches of international law and war crimes conventions that day one wonders why the UN remained blind to these illegalities for almost a decade. Could it be that the UN is really a client institution to US Imperial ambitions -- it certainly looks that way, doesn't it, Mr Ban Ki 'lackey' Moon? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PDF Document The EU to Adopt Broad Range Internet Censorship Policies zilk, Wednesday, Jan 30 2013, 10:40pm
Following vanguard nations -- US, UK, Australia and New Zealand -- pushing for Internet censorship, the EU is soon to join the anti-freedom of speech league of totalitarian oriented nations. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Oz city to stop fluoridating water by popular demand mengel, Tuesday, Jan 29 2013, 10:30pm
The north Australian city of Cairns is to cease poisoning its citizens via the water supply. The socially and politically enlightened Mayor of Cairns stated that "involuntary 'mass medication' must not proceed without community consent." The people of Cairns now have a choice, to use Fluoride via the many toothpaste and other products available on supermarket shelves or to avoid this known toxin altogether. Well done people of Cairns; it is no secret that healthy teeth are the result of improved diet and good dental hygiene practices.
international / prose / post

audio Choose Life ben, Tuesday, Jan 29 2013, 10:45am
The past few decades have seen the rise of conservatism around the globe; the result is fundamentalist ideologies prevail and the world is what it is today -- a grotesque expression/portrait of ultra-analism, control freaking (violence) gone mad but it serves to teach the sane few the folly of formulated prescriptions superimposed on a fluid universal medium, existence! Yes, in case you hadn’t noticed, the infinite universe is in a state of constant FLUX -- that means nothing remains the same for an instant, how could it, infinity implies kinesis constant movement expansion. If infinity ‘stopped’ it would provide a reference point and become measurable or finite. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text A Brave New Social/Political Alternative jessie, Tuesday, Jan 29 2013, 8:14am
People everywhere have become disillusioned with the current global political situation. To the East, West, North and South, people are displaying their total lack of confidence in corrupt-to-the-core, bought, non-representative governments.
international / prose / post

text Screwed by the PRIVATELY OWNED Global Reserve Banking System Ellen Brown via sal, Tuesday, Jan 29 2013, 5:55am
“Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.” -- Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee.
international / prose / post

text Pacific Nations Alert Wayne Madsen via quilla, Sunday, Jan 27 2013, 10:43pm
As an Aussie player in the region I can vouch for the accuracy of the excellent article (below) from SCF. The article is comprehensive and well researched and provides a wealth of information for those not familiar with the politics of the Pacific region. America's futile but extremely destructive push for world domination is now focused on Independent Pacific Island Nations and their leaderships. However, US ambitions are easily countered, as the means the US uses to intervene in sovereign nations never changes -- they are corruption money and/or ethnic-tribal-religious divide and conquer strategies, as have been demonstrated in Yugoslavia, East Asia, The Middle East and North Africa. Whether loosely unified Pacific Island Nations succumb to this simple, but so far successful strategy remains to be seen.
international / prose / post

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