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text Global Protest Organised for 1000th Day of illegal Incarceration of Bradley Manning staff report via jude, Wednesday, Feb 20 2013, 11:13am
Hero of our time and prisoner of conscience Bradley Manning sets an outstanding example in a world that has almost forgotten morality and justice. Manning is being tried by those forces he accuses of heinous war and other crimes against humanity; his trial is yet another American legal travesty to be added to 'kill lists' and 'indefinite detention.' Manning has displayed an unusual and extremely rare fortitude and courage, unlike narcissist and coward, Julian Assange who capitalised on Manning's selfless bravery. Citizens and people of conscience everywhere are invited to protest Manning's illegal torture and incarceration inflicted by the PROVEN criminal US military -- embedded link below:
international / prose / post

Pope Ratzinger image Criminal Vatican may attempt to Shield Pope from Prosecution staff report via martin, Wednesday, Feb 20 2013, 8:38am
The Vatican is probably the oldest known surviving criminal organisation in the western world; however, its numerous, varied and heinous crimes have not escaped the historical record. The Vatican has enjoyed impunity only due to the protection various monarchs and States have provided throughout history -- well, times have changed; America is now the most powerful criminal organisation/State on the planet and it seems its Masonic values do not extend to shielding the Pope or Vatican from the long arm of retribution. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

despisedgillard.jpg image Washington and Corporate Lackey Oz PM Gillard Rejected by Australia baz, Monday, Feb 18 2013, 10:37am
One can only wonder what disease paralyses the Oz Labor Party; corporate loving, carbon tax, five full scale US bases with occupation troops on our soil, plus a record of attempting to grant sweeping eaves-dropping powers to Corporate bosses to spy on the private emails and other private digital communications of employees and her gut loosening speech delivered to the US Congress professing her undying allegiance to an American regime that brags of 'kill lists', 'indefinite detention' and murdering innocent civilians -- but the icing on this fetid cake is yet to come, it's her complete incompetence (mining tax) and total disconnect with the local population that makes her about as popular as a leper at a vegetarian dinner party! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Your Cowardice Leads Directly to Your Enslavement jude, Sunday, Feb 17 2013, 8:41am
The corporate media goes to great pains never to mention a simple home truth, which is behind all today’s political and social ills and is also the key to finding a solution to the current social decline.
international / prose / post

Senator Nick Xenophon image Oz Senator Nick Xenophon in custody in Malaysia over unofficial visit with anti-government elements David Penberthy and Brad Crouch via sal, Friday, Feb 15 2013, 9:44pm
Inept Oz politicians running errands for Washington can always be relied upon to blow it one way or another. This latest embarrassing situation has exposed attempts by lackey Oz politicians to interfere in Malaysia's impending elections. Please read the following comically biased media report from CFR Murdoch sources to appreciate the planned interference. One can only wonder which nation represents the 'democracy' constantly referred to in the story -- perhaps it is the 'democratic' totalitarian, indefinite detention, kill list, police state U.S. model we should all emulate and impose on other nations! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PDF Document Intrusive violations without suspicion now legal in US David Kravets via rees, Friday, Feb 15 2013, 8:50pm
The Department of Homeland Security’s civil rights watchdog has concluded that travelers along the nation’s borders may have their electronic [devices] seized and the contents of those devices examined for any reason whatsoever — all in the name of national security. [Emphasis added.] (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

hsbc.jpg image Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail Matt Taibbi via stan, Friday, Feb 15 2013, 8:19am
How HSBC hooked up with drug traffickers and terrorists and got away with it. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Obama's Secret Killing Court Judge Andrew P. Napolitano via clark, Friday, Feb 15 2013, 7:17am
President Obama willingly admits he dispatched CIA agents to kill an American and his teenage son and the son's American friend while they were in a desert in Yemen in 2011. He says he did so because the adult had encouraged folks to wage war on the United States and the children were just "collateral damage." He says further that he'll do this again when he is convinced that killing Americans will keep America safe. He says he knows the adult encouraged evil, and his encouragement caused the deaths of innocents. The adult was never charged with a crime or indicted by a grand jury; he was just targeted for death by the president himself and executed by a CIA drone.
international / prose / post

logo.coles_1.jpg image Coles Supermarket Fails to Adequately Respond to Valid Customer Complaints Editorial team, Friday, Feb 15 2013, 1:14am
We have obtained a copy of an email written to 'Coles Customer Care' requesting that serious issues be addressed and remedied. Months have passed since the original complaint was made and yet the complainant, despite numerous previous requests, has not received any adequate responses from Coles management.

Email printed below with permission: (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Oz Supermarket Leaders Attract Media Attention for Improper and Incompetent Behaviour staff report via shopper, Thursday, Feb 14 2013, 11:57pm
The head of Australia's competition watchdog says it was hard to get grocery suppliers to come forward to give evidence about alleged improper practices by Coles and Woolworths.
international / prose / post

We win, you lose! image Oz Supermarket Duopoly Investigated by Regulator Malcolm Maiden via sam, Thursday, Feb 14 2013, 6:40am
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Rod Sims' disclosure that the competition regulator has escalated an investigation into the two big supermarket chains over possible anti-competitive behaviour towards suppliers is a watershed moment. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Not Obama! image State of Delusion Address: Rebuilding America With War Crimes Finian Cunningham via neal, Wednesday, Feb 13 2013, 9:06am
From beginning to end, Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech was replete with delusion and falsifications. His promise of building an “America that lasts” was predicated on a sentimental, but utterly disingenuous notion of selfless teamwork. The invocation of American military “heroes” and their “achievements” during nine years of waging war on Iraq as an exemplar of how to salvage his nation from economic and social catastrophe was both sickening and laughable. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text There is no way to legalise extra-judicial, targeted murder, America judd, Tuesday, Feb 12 2013, 10:44pm
I make the accusation at America collectively, not to puppet fall guy Obama and other political servants of the minority, unrepresentative corporate and banking elite.
international / prose / post

googleporn.jpg image Mystery porn bug confounds Google Asher Moses via tpee, Tuesday, Feb 12 2013, 5:03am
It is no secret that only fifth-rate hackers work for BiG Brother Corporations such as Google. First rate hackers work for Democracy, Free speech and Liberty. Now, extrapolate this minor 'anomaly' which Google dunces are unable to remedy and consider more sophisticated attacks of this nature that would cripple Google -- a mega-corporation which falsely imagines, as market leader, it can do as it pleases and simply buy its way out of trouble as it has recently done with the US anti-trust regulator. Google also forgets how it got to where it is today! You reading this Schmidt, you reprehensible deviant? Read on and weep into the future. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

coles4.jpg image Coles Supermarkets - a clear case of mismanagement shopper, Monday, Feb 11 2013, 8:30am
Readers will recall our regular posts on 'Coles' (search box) supermarkets in Australia and clear cases of top-down mismanagement, false advertising, reconstituted milk products, patently false claims of food freshness, and the 'importance' of customer relations. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Data Suppression and Censorship Today bosey, Sunday, Feb 10 2013, 10:18pm
Since Google avoided heavy penalties and restrictions from the US anti-trust regulator -- by spending $25 million on ‘lobbying’ (corruption) inernet data ‘management’ has taken a turn for the worse; Google now does not announce or apologise for new algorithms that disadvantage some sites, chairwoman Eric Schmidt, just approves it and to hell with the rest, as he now owns the regulator -- corruption money talks!
international / prose / post

text U.K. Becomes Vassal State of U.S. Conrad Jaeger via sal, Saturday, Feb 9 2013, 1:17am
How does it feel Britannia? No real economy to speak of and now this -- a sorry fate awaits all aspiring Imperialist nations. Keep your eyes on your usurper, America, it is destined to be the shortest lived empire in history; it is failing faster than it is expanding. Though to be accurate, we are aware it is the same mercantile, commercial forces at work -- they have merely shifted base position to the USA. The notion of 'nations' is for the ignorant slave masses to rally behind in times of need -- anyone got a coloured piece of cloth, I need a 'flag' to wave? Get with it sheeple, it's the tiny global elite vs the overwhelming global masses -- nations/States are ideological corrals for herd animals.
international / prose / post

text NDAA provision -- old plan to silence dissidents now realised trudy, Friday, Feb 8 2013, 9:30am
When puppet Obama dutifully signed the NDAA into law for his masters -- the global Banking and Corporate elite -- on ‘new year’s eve,’ few people realised that targeting citizens for indefinite detention had been planned almost a decade earlier. The evidence surfaced in American vassal State, Australia, in 2005.
international / prose / post

text Make Believe Democracy in Oz stacy, Thursday, Feb 7 2013, 9:57pm
The universally reviled Oz PM, Juliar Gillard -- who represents Washington (bases and occupation troops) and the Corporate/Banking sector (Carbon Tax) -- recently announced that Aussies will go to the polls in September. Normally this news would have been greeted with great relief as the Oz population now has a known date on which to exercise its prerogatives and turf Gillard and her witless Party into the political wilderness for eternity, but not this time; the choice presents no real choice at all!
international / prose / post

Joseph Goebbles, Nazi Propaganda Minister image Obama Launches Neo-Goebbels Era Patrick Henningsen via mitch, Thursday, Feb 7 2013, 8:14am
How much money does it cost to get populations to think a certain way? Answer: it requires a blank cheque. But can Americans really afford it? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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