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America’s 21st Century Dementia
by sal Sunday, Mar 2 2014, 10:06am
international / prose / post

Following Obama’s divorced from reality press statement threatening Russia over the Ukraine, US Secretary of State, John Kerry continued the psychopathology of disconnect by making the most profoundly divorced from reality statements yet.

John Kerry, demented dunce
John Kerry, demented dunce

Kerry accused Russia of 19th century military tactics for coming to the assistance of the largely Russian population in East Ukraine -- certainly an action that is more legitimate than the US/NATO intervention in Yugoslavia. "You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text," [emphasis added] Kerry told the CBS program "Face the Nation."

Kerry seemed oblivious to the historical reality that America has been invading other nations on trumped up WMD, ‘humanitarian’ pretexts for over a decade -- Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan all bear witness to America’s outrageous covert ops, LIES and brutal military aggression!

Now consider that Russian forces have not opened fire on anyone, in fact, their non-aggressive presence has prevented fascist forces needlessly spilling innocent blood as occurred in Western Ukraine. Now compare the chivalrous Russian actions to the violent primitive actions of American rustics in Yugoslavia and elsewhere; the US intentionally bombed a CIVILIAN European capital city, Belgrade, for Christ's sake and killed hundreds of innocent civilians, a WAR CRIME by all definitions and international standards! You wish to say something, John, you brainless moron?

However, that effort was just for openers; after disregarding Serbian sovereignty and international law, the US amputated the province of Kosovo and installed an Interpol listed organised Albanian criminal as the puppet prime minister of the stolen territory -- to which century would you liken that behaviour, John, you indescribable twit?

Should I mention the oil-thieving invasion of Iraq based on the largest pretext/LIE of all, WMD that never existed, which was confirmed by independent UN inspectors PRIOR to America's CRIMINAL INVASION!

As a result of that 19th century military invasion over one million innocent civilians were killed and over five million Iraqi citizens were displaced. That brutal and rustic effort earned the US the first holocaust of the 21st century, to which century would you liken that effort, John, you brainless idiot?

Then there was Libya, a debt-free nation that enjoyed very high living standards comparative to other nations in the region, how does it go again, “we came, we saw, he died!” The infamous words of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton admitting America's involvement and taking responsibility for the proxy murder of Col. Gaddafi and the bombing of affluent Libya back to the stone age by ally NATO that flew 26,000 air sorties and bombing raids which killed thousands of civilians they swore to protect! Give the world a break from your FEEBLE LIES, Kerry!

There’s much more of course but the point has been made so even Americans are able to grasp it. Re-iterating PNAC and America’s perpetual war ideology would only add more emphasis on the clearly psychopathic, divorced from reality dunces that are running the USA at this moment in history.

However, what the world would really like to know John, is who in the hell did you expect to fool with your facile inverted logic and gross hypocrisy? You make a very costly error imagining the world is as easily duped as your own genitally groped, lobotomised, American population!

[John Kerry’s current credibility rating is minus 100!]

If international courts pursued and pressed charges against culpable US officials for war and other heinous crimes against humanity, types like Kerry and Obama would be less inclined to insult the intelligence of the average 12 year old.

Story from Reuters follows:

Kerry condemns Russia's 'incredible act of aggression' in Ukraine
by Will Dunham

(Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday condemned Russia's "incredible act of aggression" in Ukraine and threatened economic sanctions by the United States and allies to isolate Moscow, but called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

"You just don't in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text," Kerry told the CBS program "Face the Nation."

The Ukraine crisis has taken already strained U.S.-Russian relations to new lows. Kerry did the rounds of the Sunday morning television news shows to emphasize the Obama administration's condemnation of Russia's moves.

Russia still has "a right set of choices" that can be made to defuse the crisis, Kerry said. Asked on the ABC program "This Week" if the United States has "any military options on the table" to address the crisis, he said that President Barack Obama "has all options on the table."

However, he added, "The hope of the United States and everybody in the world is not to see this escalate into a military confrontation. That will not serve the world well, and I think everybody understands that."

He told the NBC program "Meet the Press," "We want a peaceful resolution through the normal processes of international relations."

Putin won permission from his parliament on Saturday to use military force to protect Russian citizens in Ukraine, ignoring warnings from Obama and other Western leaders. Russian forces have already bloodlessly seized Crimea - an isolated Black Sea peninsula where Moscow has a naval base.

"It's an incredible act of aggression. It is really a stunning, willful choice by President (Vladimir) Putin to invade another country. Russia is in violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia is in violation of its international obligations," Kerry said.


Kerry said Obama told Putin in a 90-minute phone call on Saturday "that it was imperative to find a different path, to roll back this invasion and un-do this act of invasion."

Kerry said G8 nations and some other countries are "prepared to go to the hilt to isolate Russia" with a "broad array of options" available.

"They're prepared to put sanctions in place, they're prepared to isolate Russia economically, the ruble is already going down. Russia has major economic challenges."

Kerry mentioned visa bans, asset freezes, trade isolation, investment changes as possible steps, adding: "American businesses may well want to start thinking twice about whether they want to do business with a country that behaves like this."

"There are very serious repercussions that can flow out of this. There are a broad array of options that are available, not just to the United States but to our allies," Kerry added.

Kerry also called on the U.S. Congress to work with the Obama administration on an economic package to assist Ukraine.

Kerry's comments came amid a chorus of condemnation from Washington and its allies.

Ukraine has asked for help from NATO, Britain and the United States, as co-signatories with Moscow to a 1994 accord guaranteeing Ukraine's security after the breakup of the Soviet Union. Ukraine's security council has ordered the general staff to put all armed forces on highest alert.

Kerry said the United States is "absolutely prepared" to boycott a scheduled G8 meeting in Sochi, Russia, in June. The city also hosted the Winter Olympic Games last month.

Obama cancelled a visit to Moscow last September to protest Putin's refusal to help rein in Syrian President Bashar Assad in that country's civil war, although he did attend a G20 summit in St. Petersburg.

The White House said on Saturday the United States will suspend participation in preparatory meetings for the Sochi summit. Kerry said recent events "put at question Russia's capacity to be within the G8."

"If Russia wants to be a G8 country, it needs to behave like a G8 country," he added.

The crisis began in November after Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraine's Russian-backed president who was ousted a week ago, triggered protests by spurning a political and trade deal with the European Union.

(Additional reporting by Emily Stephenson, Andy Sullivan and Jim Loney; Editing by Frances Kerry)

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