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Putin image Putin - a corrupt coward and western bought puppet mitch, Monday, Apr 14 2014, 12:17pm
As stated previously not one former Soviet leader would have allowed NATO to surround Russia with missile systems, thereby giving it a critical first strike advantage -- BUT PUTIN DID! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Bush, total fear - first shoe-throw image A Few Home Truths jed, Sunday, Apr 13 2014, 12:45am
Consider the US backed Syrian intervention and the fact that US paid Muslims are fighting and killing sovereign Muslim nationals -- Islamic “brotherhood” is a MYTH, Muslims have been killing each other since that paedophile Mohammed made his heavily plagiarised initial religious mutterings and drew his sword against his own kind. Man has created every known (convenient) ‘God’ since recorded history began, FACT! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text 'Sam' of the Dead -- Zombie Democracy in the U.S. Ajamu Baraka via lyle, Saturday, Apr 12 2014, 12:36am
I have always found discussions on democracy in the U.S. curious and at times hilarious. While I have always been impressed by the skillful way elites construct a narrative of democratic values and practice in a country that is, in reality, the antithesis of a democracy, the fervor with which that fairytale is embraced, even by intellectuals, has always been a source of curiosity for me. But at other moments, like the one we are in now, I can’t help but find some of the arguments used to support the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent McCutcheon decision—and even some of the comments lamenting how the decision will destroy democracy in the U.S.—somewhat funny.
international / prose / post

text Paedophile/Poofter Christian Churches in Dismay -- Jesus had a wife! Scott Kaufman via jude, Friday, Apr 11 2014, 1:50am
Ancient Coptic text dated to 700 CE disproves Vatican forgery theory. Furthermore, of course Jesus may have had a wife, he was a Jewish man and social reformer born of a woman. It may also disappoint the Churches to learn that soon the truth of Jesus will become plain. He couldn't fly or raise the rotting dead -- the blind he cured and the dead he raised were socially blind and dead to the truth his message delivers -- there was absolutely NOTHING supernatural about Jesus, Buddha or any other religious leader, but of course that didn't suit the powers of the time that decided to make Jesus something other than human for enslaving purposes. I can hardly wait to hear the hysterical homosexual screams of clerics, religious poofters and Church paedophiles denouncing the text.
international / prose / post

martinakis4.jpg image Surrealpolitik: Washington’s Wonderland Imposition on a Rational World jess, Thursday, Apr 10 2014, 1:32am
The absurdist fictional worlds that Lewis Carroll superbly creates in his novels has hit the streets today as reality and has recently been termed, Surrealpolitik, a very apt description. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

'Dishonest' CEO, Ian McLeod image Coles Forced to Retract “False and Misleading” Claims shopper via sam, Monday, Apr 7 2014, 8:55am
But where is perpetrator CEO Ian McLeod, to comment on the court decision? McLeod was/is DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LANDING COLES IN THE FEDERAL COURT over a number of dubious, if not flagrantly dishonest, retail practices -- but he got his bonuses, so who gives a shit? McLeod stepped down from his position as CEO a few days before Federal Court proceedings and by so doing advertised to the world his lack of character and profound COWARDICE; we are certainly not surprised that this bonus-chasing, hit run, cowboy CEO is hiding behind his inept lower management team; he is tipped to take his money and run to the Middle East later this year, he certainly is a known sordid quantity in Oz and his position is becoming less viable by the day. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

nosferatu.jpg image IMF Austerity for Western Ukraine Defended as 'Price of Independence' Jon Queally via jake, Sunday, Apr 6 2014, 10:00am
Now that resource scarce western Ukraine has become an American vassal and slave to Western Banking interests, it can look forward to a taste of American democracy characterised by corrupt politicians, yawning inequality, double (legal) standards, police oppression, genital groping at airports, indefinite detention without charge or trial on suspicion and extra-judicial assassinations all in order to keep Ukrainian 'democracy' safe -- Stalin is laughing in his grave! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

vrksasana.jpg image Russia Recommends Yoga to ease US Tension over Crimea Maria Tadeo via serge, Sunday, Apr 6 2014, 2:46am
The unstated aspect of this story is that 'Regime Change' -- a US interventionist obsession -- is illegal according to all known international laws. But that hasn't deterred the rogue US fomenting violence and numerous revolts in other nations and installing unrepresentative criminal extremists into office to serve Washington, Western Banks and other Corporate interests. Unlike the vote held in the Crimea, the so-called Ukrainian government has no legitimacy whatsoever, until such time as the People vote a legitimate government into office that represents them NOT Western Banks and Corporations. Notice how the IMF and western banks were falling over themselves to throw large enslaving loans at the Ukraine, which was accepted by the corrupt puppet 'government'. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

sophocles.jpg image The WORLD must ask THE Question judd, Friday, Apr 4 2014, 11:25pm
“Call me old fashioned,” an Aussie magistrate recently commented from the bench, “but I continue to believe in law and order!” The contextual situation was a sarcastic refutation of the absurd attempts of a barrister (QC), representing a multi-millionaire organised crime figure, to transform the law into an ass. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

The Oxford Hotel today - a far cry! image Recall ryall, Thursday, Apr 3 2014, 12:43pm
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

text Hardware ‘Backdoors’ and The Boeing Company (MH370) lex, Thursday, Apr 3 2014, 1:04am
I’m not one for conspiracy theories, I deal exclusively in hard verifiable realities and here’s a few to mull over, and tempting as it may be, I’m not about to launch myself into the bottomless pit of conjecture, however, some historical knowns require airing at this time. Search for relevant corroborative material yourselves, it will do you all good, I’m spread too thin atm to spoon feed.
international / prose / post

text Austerity for Oz by any other Name trudy, Wednesday, Apr 2 2014, 11:06am
Does the Australian public really have to endure this claptrap from Abbott's conservative government in view of the grotesque fact that company directors and CEOs are taking home tens of millions in 'wages,' not shares or other benefits. Do not dare mention increasing the cost of living with increased GST while allowing Corporations to rape our nation's/OUR wealth and take the profits offshore to avoid their full tax responsibility to the people.
international / prose / post

text Effortless reg, Tuesday, Apr 1 2014, 1:30pm
international / poetry / post

text 'Fee Market' Proposition Exploded by High Speed Traders denni, Tuesday, Apr 1 2014, 8:20am
You have always suspected that trading on the stock market was somehow on the nose, the following video simply explains how and why -- this is also one for the geeks.
international / prose / post

text Singing Wind stef, Monday, Mar 31 2014, 10:18am
international / poetry / post

text Flight MH370 and the MYTH of NSA Global Surveillance lyx, Monday, Mar 31 2014, 12:55am
Commentators and analysts that post to this site have repeatedly stated that the “NSA could not find their dicks to take a piss” -- in other words that global surveillance is a myth -- but of course that reality does not apply to the millions of desperate morons that identify themselves on the Internet by name or traceable plastic; I have been using the Internet since its early inception and no-one in any agency has ever been able to identify me or any of my colleagues/associates as we learned very early the VALUE and POWER of ANONYMITY!
international / prose / post

text John Kerry, let the [Ukrainian] People Decide -- shove it down his throat! darcy, Sunday, Mar 30 2014, 10:51pm
After a heated exchange between Russian and American ‘officials’ and diplomats at the 'Paris talks,' buffoon John Kerry acknowledged an impasse and said the final decision rests with the [Ukrainian] people.
international / prose / post

handembrace.jpg image YOU are either the Solution or the Problem stan, Saturday, Mar 29 2014, 12:49pm
It really is time to stop pointing the finger at others regardless of how heinous they may be, as finger pointing is a futile and fruitless pursuit -- we all know too well! If the society in which you participate begins to rapidly decline morally and ethically then it is you that must reverse that trend, and it is not as difficult as you may first imagine. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Total Loss of Integrity and Credibility stan, Friday, Mar 28 2014, 12:20pm
Most commentators would argue that America had lost its credibility as a Republic and a bastion of democracy, liberty and freedom long before the Balkan intervention, however, we could safely assert that the Balkan intervention was the beginning of the new wave of American permanent war foreign policy (codified as PNAC) as the US was now free of Soviet interference and could safely attack former Soviet allies without too much concern for the consequences.
international / prose / post

Puppet and clown image The LIE of the Century judd, Friday, Mar 28 2014, 2:39am
In the context of Obama attempting to call Putin black, and portray him as a global aggressor, he came out with the following gem, which will no doubt go down in history as the most dissociated statement any world leader could make.

"But even in Iraq, America sought to work within the international system. We did not claim or annex Iraq's territory. We did not grab its resources for our own gain. Instead, we ended our war and left Iraq to its people in a fully sovereign Iraqi state that can make decisions about its own future." -- Barack Obama (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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