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text Spark jack, Monday, Apr 28 2014, 9:57am
international / poetry / post

text U.S. Re-Colonises the Philippines henry, Monday, Apr 28 2014, 1:52am
Filipinos worked very hard to gain independence from the U.S. in the early 90's but they clearly have not estimated the degree of corruption in the current government, which has signed a deal to allow the U.S. to (in effect) re-colonise the region as a military outpost. The consequences are simple and devastating, like the servile Australian government, the Filipino government has allowed the U.S. to make a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET of the Philippines when it provokes war with China, as it has done with numerous other sovereign nations over the past decade -- a very revealing track record that only a FOOL would ignore.
international / prose / post

Malcolm Fraser (left) with perpetually reviled John 'CIA facilitator' Kerr image Former Oz PM denounces current slavish attitude to criminal U.S. Robert Manne via lex, Sunday, Apr 27 2014, 12:08pm
Hated by progressives for his role in Gough Whitlam's [CIA instigated] dismissal and his ultra-conservative foreign policies as Liberal PM, Malcolm Fraser today believes Australia should cut all military ties to the US. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

audio America vs Russia - an Orchestrated Conflict Kuang, Sunday, Apr 27 2014, 1:07am
When two large dogs fight over a bone it’s always the ‘smaller,’ smarter and faster ‘fox’ that gets the prize, and so, the Russian-American conflict proceeds according to the irresistible forces that have been cleverly set in motion (plan). (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

obamalying.jpg image Big Lie American Politics and WWIII jude, Saturday, Apr 26 2014, 7:38am
It was fascist leader Adolf Hitler who said, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed!” Enter today’s neo-fascists in Washington -- note that America has allied itself since the Balkan wars with known fascist and extremist groups that all fought with Hitler during WWII, Albanians, Bosnians, Croatians and now western Ukranians -- coincidence? I think not! The world is CLEARLY dealing with a new fascist, military expansionist, America; and if you require additional verification, look no further than puppet dunces, John Kerry and Barack Obama, who have both been lying through their transparent teeth since they failed to capture the valuable assets of the Ukraine -- western (fascist) Ukraine has no natural resources to speak of, hence the panic to regain control of eastern and southern regions. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Abbott in Parliament image Simply Withdraw Support From American LIES and Imposed Realities trudy, Friday, Apr 25 2014, 11:43pm
Oz PM and pathetic Washington lackey, Tony 'errand boy' Abbott, is attempting to justify his purchase of "72" F-35 strike fighters which are known to have serious shortcomings and are proven dogs in aerial combat, especially against the Russian SU-30 Sukhoi, which Australia's very close neighbours have purchased at a fraction of the cost that servile Abbott is paying for the Lockheed F-35s. However, Abbott offers the Oz public an 'unassailable' excuse for his obsequiousness to Washington, "You never know what’s around the corner!" Is this transparent moron, lackey, clown for real? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Techniques vic, Friday, Apr 25 2014, 11:43am
international / poetry / post

Hockey (left) and PM Abbott, no brain between them! image Dunce Hockey is taking fall for Abbott baz, Friday, Apr 25 2014, 12:08am
Perhaps a short history lesson for you, Joe. Did Keating take the fall for narcissist Hawke, NO, he showed him up to be the useless prick that he was/is and then took his job. [Please note, in no way am I extolling the non-existent virtues of ANY politician, I am simply stating historical fact.] Did corporate-serving, brazen LIAR Gillard accept responsibility for ‘show pony’ Rudd’s failings, whose idea of leadership was arranging photo ops, NO, she dispatched him with a Murdoch/Washington approved dagger in the back and he never got over it? Why then are you, Joe, taking the fall for Abbott, facilitator to the PLUTOCRACY? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Joe 'custard face' Hockey image Oz Treasurer - Air and Sunshine are NOT Free sarge, Wednesday, Apr 23 2014, 11:51pm
"Nothing is free" harps Oz treasurer Joe Hockey at every pre-budget press conference, but to be sure, allow us to enlighten you, Joe! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Joe Hockey, disingenuous image Corporate serving Oz Treasurer to target Vulnerable in May Budget sid, Wednesday, Apr 23 2014, 5:27am
Budgets should be simple, those that benefit most from Oz should return most to Oz; for private transnational corporations that run with their profits offshore to avoid their tax responsibility it should translate into large penalties or heavy tax burdens.

However, treasurer Joe Hockey is targeting vulnerable pensioners and not sharing the REAL burden with tax avoiding corporations -- it appears that the treasurer is just another stinking corporate lackey puppet! The Oz population should shove one those billion dollar (72 ordered) F-35 lemon fighter jets down Hockey's LYING, treasonous, throat -- and to think, what a nice guy brother Charles Hockey is! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Superior design and combat ability, Sukhoi jet fighter at a fraction of F-35 costs image Oz Abbott Gov Compliantly Confirms ‘Increased’ Order of ‘72' F-35 Flying Lemons mitch, Wednesday, Apr 23 2014, 12:28am
As the rest of the intelligent, independent world withdraws support from America’s latest jet fighter flying lemons, the custard-faced, Washington compliant, knee-walking, Oz lackey government increases orders of this fault-ridden, under-performing, over-priced, flying disaster. Need we mention the recent telephone exchanges between Lockheed Martin, Washington and the Abbott ‘yes boss’ government? However, PM Abbott’s undisguised servility to a foreign power (treason) is not the issue today. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Rotations of Venus image Mystic Rose ryall, Tuesday, Apr 22 2014, 1:14pm
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

text Truth takes a Holiday reg, Monday, Apr 21 2014, 9:37am
international / poetry / post

cat.jpg imagePDF Document Breaking the Spell nano, Sunday, Apr 20 2014, 4:49am
In order to understand the human condition we must draw upon human experience in its totality, including all known written and oral traditions. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

Coles' MD, Ian McLeod image Coles Recalls Chocolate Easter Eggs after Boy Suffers Severe Reaction shopper via stan, Friday, Apr 18 2014, 10:19am
It seems that the blind pursuit of profit has brought Coles undone yet again; however, the latest episode is no joking matter as lives could be in jeopardy. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Ed Snowden, CIA/NSA operative image One Spy/Agent to another - Putin Identifies Snowden as a U.S. intel Agent jackie, Friday, Apr 18 2014, 12:54am
Make no mistake about Putin's revelation during a televised live Russian Q&A. After clearly identifying Snowden as an U.S. agent, former KGB agent, Putin, responds to a live question from Snowden and says, "we are going to talk one professional language," that is, as one spy to another! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Things as they Are stefan, Thursday, Apr 17 2014, 1:38pm
I find it extraordinary that almost the entire world has overlooked the fact that since the orchestrated, illegal, Balkan intervention -- which continues today in the Ukraine -- the USA has continually aligned/allied itself with extremists and former fascist Nazi groups. For example, the US has consciously, intentionally allied itself to former Axis powers and nations/groups that fought with Hitler’s Nazis during WWII. Muslim Albanians (modern Kosovars) fought with Hitler against Yugoslavia and allied powers during the second world war; the US has also allied itself to one of the most brutal Nazi groups of WWII, the Croatian Ustashe, indeed Croatia fought against the allies and Yugoslav partisans in WWII, add to that another inglorious Balkan group of friends, Bosnian Muslims, which of course fought with Hitler against the allies and Yugoslavia!
international / prose / post

text Disc rathe, Wednesday, Apr 16 2014, 11:48am
international / poetry / post

Former NSW Premier, Barry O'Farrell imagePDF Document NSW State Premier Forced To Resign smiley, Wednesday, Apr 16 2014, 12:12am
Barry O’Farrell, the newly elected conservative NSW State leader resigned today after misleading the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) over accepting a ‘gift' of a $3000 bottle of 1959 Penfold Grange wine. (story and 2 images and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

text Participation and Recognition judd, Tuesday, Apr 15 2014, 1:22pm
Participation in the institutions of a system reinforces that system whether that participation is in opposition or conformity.
international / prose / post

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