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text Refuge shae via don, Monday, May 26 2014, 1:51pm
international / poetry / post

text Irresistible top, Sunday, May 25 2014, 1:38am
'Fear not for I am with you always, even until the end of time.' A scribe recently penned this sentence; it immediately becomes recognisable as a composite 'Christian' phrase attributed to social and political REFORMER Jesus of Nazareth -- no absurd magic or fantasy is required to understand the reality of his very practical message, reject perverse values, 'money, position and power' and embrace each other in Love as brothers and sisters and cooperate/share everything that the good earth has provided for our needs, simple! No one owns what has been given (to all) freely.

Well there it is again!
international / prose / post

reservecartel.jpg image Could a New Populist Movement Fight Off Oligarchy? ernie, Saturday, May 24 2014, 1:45pm
A title (above) on one of the alternative news blogs caught my eye but sadly it also carried the response to the question it raised. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Arrogant Abbott image Oz PM Tony Abbott Commits Political Suicide chloe, Thursday, May 22 2014, 12:41am
The huge irony here is that it was Abbott that helped Oz citizens adopt a ZERO TOLERANCE attitude to dishonest, lying politicians -- his CONSTANT attacks on predecessor, JuLIAR ‘carbon tax, ignore the people’ Gillard, clearly made a deep cultural impression; how HE imagined that Australians would tolerate HIS LYING and DECEPTION, which exceeds Gillard’s by the order of 10, is beyond rational comprehension; however, conservatives are known to play American style bulldozer politics, just do it and worry about consequences later. Well, that tactic, which only works on mindless morons and AMERICANS does not cut it in Oz, as is clearly evident today. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image The Abbott Betrayal Worst in Oz Political History dulcie, Wednesday, May 21 2014, 3:23am
The sheer number of shameless lies and broken pre-election promises made by the current PM Tony Abbott, not only define him as a reprehensible sell-out LIAR, scoundrel and undisguised servant of big business and the elite Plutocracy (Rinehart, Murdoch and Packer) but also as a betrayer of traditional Australian culture and values and a traitor of democratic principles -- majority representation! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Melbourne Protest image "..Tony Abbott out of office by Christmas,” shirl, Sunday, May 18 2014, 12:57am
Treacherous LIAR and DECEIVER Oz PM, Tony Abbott, now known to make universally despised Juliar Gillard look honest, is facing a united front in Parliament and from the Oz population to have him kicked from Office as soon as possible -- and a very well deserved outcome that would be! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

abbottdemo1.jpg image Tens of thousands March against Unnecessary Austerity Budget staff report via sal, Saturday, May 17 2014, 11:13pm
Aussies are acutely aware of the failed demonstrations in Europe over these exact issues but have learned that persistence pays -- the Oz nation must conduct a PLEBISCITE to REMOVE deceitful LIAR TONY ABBOTT and his cronies from office. Abbott has in the shortest space of time proven himself to be a scoundrel, LIAR and DECEIVER of the first order. Treasurer Joe Hockey throws $50,000 dinner functions but attempts to impose AUSTERITY on the nation. If Abbott does not call a double dissolution, then the people would EXERCISE THEIR DEMOCRATIC PREROGATIVE and CONDUCT A PLEBISCITE -- are you reading this, Mr. Bill Shorten? If you are not part of the solution you are part of the PLUTOCRAT SERVING PROBLEM!

Government revenue problem is solved with simple Oz 'fair go' principle; "Those that benefit most (Trillions of dollars) from the nation ( Banks, Transnationals and mega-corporations) should return most to the nation," REVENUE PROBLEM SOLVED!
(story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image Tony Abbott's name is mud Mike Carlton via shelly, Saturday, May 17 2014, 8:44am
"Well, I can understand why just at the moment politicians aren’t much trusted because we’ve had too many politicians who say one thing before an election to win votes and then do the opposite after the election…" -- Tony Abbott, Newcastle radio, June 13, 2013. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Turning lux via stef, Saturday, May 17 2014, 12:48am
international / poetry / post

text NSA Spoiler - Anonymous Digital Phone Device Goes Begging digby, Friday, May 16 2014, 1:31pm
We've all heard the hysterics about NSA global surveillance, yet no nation has undertaken legal proceedings against the NSA for breaching a myriad communications laws, though the US 'justice' system hands down 10 year jail sentences (Hammond) to individual hackers for intrusions that serve the public interest -- what is wrong with that picture?
international / prose / post

text The Corporatocracy of Our Time jack, Thursday, May 15 2014, 10:11pm
It should be plain to all by now that western governments serve minority corporate elites, the 1%; gone are the days of majority rule or real democracy, today minority rule via puppet politicians like, Abbott, Obama, Cameron etc has become the deceptive charade that is supposed to be majority rule when it is painfully obvious these groomed puppets serve other interests and engage in full time DUPING of the public. But should WE, the OVERWHELMING GLOBAL MAJORITY, tolerate such an obvious abuse of our governments -- rule by less than 1% -- and a complete hijacking of our democracies and DEMOCRATIC prerogatives? Governments are installed by the people to represent the PEOPLE not MINORITY corporate or other financial interests.
international / prose / post

Schmidt and Obama, very affectionate - LOL image "Fuck EU" breeds Fuck America judd, Wednesday, May 14 2014, 1:24pm
That very fateful and indiscreet outburst of a US official referring to the EU like some dispensable puppet, seems to have prompted a reaction, though some might attribute the decision of the EU's highest court to another reason. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Ukraine, the US is dragging us towards war with Russia John Pilger via sal, Wednesday, May 14 2014, 10:08am
Why do we tolerate the threat of another world war in our name? Why do we allow lies that justify this risk? The scale of our indoctrination, wrote Harold Pinter, is a "brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis", as if the truth "never happened even while it was happening".
international / prose / post

Abbott sucking up to plutocrats Rinehart and Murdoch image Oz PM Abbott a Reprehensible Corporate-serving Scumbag mitch, Wednesday, May 14 2014, 9:29am
And so, the DUPED, easily conned, beer-swilling, wine-imbibing naive population of Australia have just had their first real taste of the character THEY voted into office and a very bitter budget taste it is! I have never been one to say, ‘I told you so,’ but ‘I told you so,’ many times. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Perpetual War and Bulldozer Politics jaxie, Tuesday, May 13 2014, 12:44pm
The “give war a chance” ideology of US neo-conservatives has failed and failed miserably for obvious reasons -- war suits only those that do not have to fight it but profit from it, as for the rest of humanity war is known as the most tragic and appalling of all human activities, we simply cannot escape the fact that humans are born to love not kill.
international / prose / post

donetsk.jpg image The Ukranian People of Donetsk Vote sal, Monday, May 12 2014, 12:10pm
In defiance of western puppet Putin, the P-E-O-P-L-E of the Province of Donetsk voted to determine their own future -- don't tell America but that is DEMOCRACY IN ACTION; no American sponsored bullets or bombs just the ballot box and the free will of the people. However, the American proxy fascist junta in Kiev has very characteristically stated that it would not recognise the determination of the people and would threaten force to impose its world view onto others -- we call that totalitarianism, fascism and oppression, what do you call it Washington? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin and 'ally' Gaddafi image What is troubling about the Ukraine crisis ... ralph, Monday, May 12 2014, 8:00am
... is not watching the USA fomenting violence and supporting neo-Nazi fascists in a takeover bid, it's watching western bought Putin taking it up the arse, AGAIN! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Abbott and Hockey image Oz Budget Comes Down on Heads of Suckers that Voted for Abbott darcy, Monday, May 12 2014, 12:10am
Abbott was a known elitist-serving quantity well before he was placed into office by Murdoch; he was known by various media nicknames, ‘the slasher,’ and 'errand boy’ (for the plutocrats) to name only two; so wherefore this whining about the austerity budget he is UNJUSTIFIABLY imposing on the people -- there is more money circulating today than at any other time in recorded history, F-A-C-T! But who has the money, morons? Good question, ay? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Sometimes styx via sal, Sunday, May 11 2014, 12:03pm
international / poetry / post

Bring Back 500,000 US killed Iraqi children and thousands of Drone Murdered INNOCENTS! image Michelle Obama, first lady to "Hypocrite of the Century" ernie, Sunday, May 11 2014, 12:34am
Look who's offended by the abduction -- not murder -- of Nigerian school girls, Michelle Obama, wife of "war criminal" and "hypocrite of the century," according to HONEST Irish parliamentarian, Clare Daly. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

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