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text The Moral Paralysis of a Nation shaz, Wednesday, Aug 21 2013, 12:35pm
The highest profile miscarriage of Justice in the WORLD occurred yesterday with the sentencing of brave young Bradley Manning by a military ‘court;’ Manning received 35 years jail for informing the WORLD that the Pentagon is a criminal organisation and by implication serves the interests of elite Corporate and Banking criminals rather than what it was constitutionally commissioned to do by the people, that is, protect the nation from its enemies, DOMESTIC and foreign -- killing 500,000 Iraqi children and over one million innocent civilians in a corporate OIL GRAB certainly does not fall within the bounds of legal military action.
international / prose / post

bpa.jpg image BPA -- Plastic Food Containers Proven Harmful staff report via stace, Wednesday, Aug 21 2013, 1:02am
Products like plastic bottles, plastic toys, tinned foods and soft drink cans made using the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) have been linked to childhood obesity. Children who have higher levels of BPA – a plasticiser commonly used in food and beverage cans, sippy cups, bottles, toys and many other products for babies – had a greater risk of being obese, according to a new study. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Manning and civilian victims seek Justice image Bradley Manning Sentencing Arguments skip, Tuesday, Aug 20 2013, 1:42pm
Manning's defence calls for maximum 25 years incarceration -- with a defence like that who cares what the prosecution argued! Instead of demanding exoneration for Manning and calling for the guilty to be prosecuted (I know) defence lawyers sold Brad down the river -- what did people expect from a farcical trial in a partial, illegal court? An independent international court dealing with war crimes was the only hope for Manning and his defence should have insisted on it! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Editorial -- take note all social reformers, h/activists, strategists and tacticians lynx (moderator), Tuesday, Aug 20 2013, 12:54pm
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." -- Henry David Thoreau
international / prose / post

colesdown_1.jpg image Wesfarmers Coles -- Email Update II shopper, Tuesday, Aug 20 2013, 10:48am
Due to a reader complaint made to this site the following email response is now available. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text US - Afraid on Command William Boardman via jess, Tuesday, Aug 20 2013, 12:46am
We are a country at war, President Obama reminded us in his notable May 23 speech about “contemplating the future of warfare here in the 21st century.”
international / prose / post

Fraud, LIAR and slave - puppet president, Barack Obama image Fake Obama, Fake Terror Threat Prof. James Petras via di, Monday, Aug 19 2013, 9:25am
Is it a sign of sheer desperation, stealing the headlines away from the scandals that currently plague the world's leading civilian killing, terrorist nation, America? Or is it a sign of fraying/slipping, losing it, after all, how many false flag anthrax letters, 9/11's, grassy knolls, USS Liberties etc., can America take -- no more it seems, saturation has been reached? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

colesdown.jpg image Wesfarmers Coles -- Latest email Exchange with Inept Management shopper, Monday, Aug 19 2013, 12:16am
But for the inability to see and pursue a simple and fair solution the entire organisation suffered. Corporate managers and directors may find the following email valuable and instructive. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

The original trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus image The Language of Sacred Geometry stylus, Sunday, Aug 18 2013, 1:24am
A tradition which originated in ancient Egypt (perhaps earlier as ancient ‘Hindus’ record this knowledge) and taught to elite initiates for centuries, including the best Greek minds of the time, survives today but only just, as this period is one of the ‘darkest periods’ in the history of human evolution. I refer to the ‘language’ (which must be appreciated) of geometry that imparts more than is seen by casual observers or many of the best mathematicians today. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

sirg98.jpg image Geniuses Who Used Drugs -- And Their Drug of Choice aldous shakespeare, Friday, Aug 16 2013, 1:18pm
The article is interesting though it arrives at a false conclusion in that it attributes genius to the person and not to the effect of mind-transforming drugs. True, a certain predisposition is required to derive benefit from mind-expanding drugs; however, most (all) creative thinkers, artists, radicals etc that exist, think outside the prescribed 'box;' they are born to ride the wild wave of infinity outside the rigid formulas by which society lives. Religion, social conventions and other confines only appeal to frightened conservatives that are unable to face themselves. You see, from the perspective of infinity ALL becomes transparent, especially the mediocre machinations and convolutions of conservative minds and their fear-ridden (violent) behaviours. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Barack Amabo image The Inverse World and ‘double speak’ of Barack ‘Amabo’ ned, Friday, Aug 16 2013, 11:22am
I could hardly believe my ears when I heard Obama delivering a press statement today in relation to the ongoing violence in Egypt. “We deplore violence against civilians,” he said, while America REMAINS the world’s leading civilian killing nation, notwithstanding the fact that Obama himself presides over a monstrous civilian killing Drone war in which HE compiles ‘kill lists’ for his fleet of Drones! Now, call me old fashioned if you wish but my memory extends past the last 24 hours and my ability to focus and concentrate on one subject exceeds that of reading a postage stamp! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Bradley Manning, Hero image Bradley Manning’s Final Plea and Jumping to Hasty Conclusions jude, Thursday, Aug 15 2013, 3:18pm
I could cite a few historical examples but I won’t, simply because the masses are not worth a pinch of shit, nor do they deserve a detailed explanation; however, a succinct appraisal is warranted. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Murdering Fanatics image G’Day Damascus: Extremist Australians Joining Syria’s Rebels in Large Numbers baz, Thursday, Aug 15 2013, 2:21am
O, fuckin' great! Just what Oz needs, hundreds of battle hardened, war savvy, Muslim extremists returning to Oz after fighting/killing with Sharia fanatics in Syria! Good work Bob 'yes Washington' Carr and ASIO fuckwits. Solution is simple, we do not support terrorist extremists here; anyone is free to go and NOT return as America's wars are proven criminal enterprises, pure and simple. Fanatic Muslim fighters can go to the US where they belong -- birds of the fanatic and criminal feather. These neo-con wars are Zionist backed criminal interventions and are not justified by any stretch. 'Regime Change,' because that's what this war is, remains ILLEGAL under international LAW! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Howard and Abbott, lackeys to the Plutocrats image Mass Murderer John Howard tells Aussies to “get a life!” pat, Wednesday, Aug 14 2013, 3:03am
Former PM John ‘coward’ Howard, in an ill-considered and sloppy effort to support Tony Abbott, today told Australian citizens to “get a life;” Howard is an expert on the taking of life so his comment had all the more impact. History records Howard as a member of the coalition of willing war criminals, with Bush and Blair; he LIED to the good citizens of Australia in order to involve Oz in an illegal American war based on orchestrated/deliberate LIES, which resulted in the slaughter of over one MILLION innocent civilians, four million displaced persons and a ruined State -- an event that amounted to the first human HOLOCAUST of the 21st century, an achievement of which any inhuman being could be proud! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

fukushima_radioactive_water.jpg image Don't cry for GE, Fukushima! arturo, Tuesday, Aug 13 2013, 12:39pm
The crippled nuclear reactors at Fukushima have been described as the worst environmental disaster in history and failing another major comet impact on the scale of the one that eliminated reptilian mega-fauna -- the above claim is no exaggeration. Three hundred (300) tonnes of toxic radioactive water is flowing into the Pacific daily. The water has breached containment walls and now flows uncontrollably into the sea -- 'wonderful!' (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Hollywood Osama Bin Laden image The Creep of un-Reality jodie, Monday, Aug 12 2013, 1:27am
The strongest messages are those that bypass the conscious discriminative faculty and are delivered DIRECTLY to the subconscious. The following example illustrates the point: (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Power of One Philip Weiss via stan, Sunday, Aug 11 2013, 12:44pm
Consider the power of Edward Snowden. Six weeks after Obama declared, "I'm not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker," he's canceled a summit because of him. Obama won't be meeting with Vladimir Putin because Putin extended temporary asylum to Edward Snowden. Some news accounts say it's a new Cold War.
international / prose / post

text Major Myths Busted by the most Unlikely ... lyx, Sunday, Aug 11 2013, 12:37am
Can you guess, or are you so completely conditioned/brainwashed you can’t see the nose on YOUR face?
international / prose / post

croissants.jpg image USA Arms and Supports mindless moron fanatics in Syria Nicholas Blanford via justin, Friday, Aug 9 2013, 11:35pm
A SHARIA court in Aleppo in northern Syria has issued a religious edict banning croissants from the city, classifying them as "colonial" in another indication of the spread of conservative Islamic values in areas under the control of radical rebel groups. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Two lackeys to the Plutocrats in appropriate poses image The Oz Electorate is Awake to ‘show pony,’ ‘do-nothing,’ Kevin Rudd snowy, Friday, Aug 9 2013, 9:44am
It seems second time around PM Kevin Rudd has become all too familiar to the Oz population, which appears to have wakened to the fact that narcissist (NPD) Rudd is all bells, whistles, smoke, mirrors and very little substance/governing/action! In fact, they are the reasons, including his self-willed control freak tendencies, he was so ungraciously knifed in the back by LYING, dishonest, traitorous (5 U.S. bases) reviled bitch, Juliar Gillard, who stole his job. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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