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Arrogant Abbott image Abbott robbing the poor and vulnerable and giving to Corporations and Himself darcy, Sunday, Jul 6 2014, 3:39am
Notwithstanding the gift to mega-wealthy corporations and Oz plutocrats of reduced taxes and outrageous regulatory allowances, like allowing the dumping of mining waste on the Great Barrier Reef, a pre-election favour to Gina Rinehart; and the $60 million plus that Abbott has spent on searching for missing airliner, MH370; and the tens of BILLIONS he is contracted to spend on the Lockheed Martin “F-35 proven flying lemon”, which has recently been recalled yet again due to another major (fires) design failure, servile dunce Abbott now finds it necessary to spend over $4.5 million/year from taxpayer funds and money stolen from services education and necessary welfare, on himself! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

CFR lackey Hillary Clinton and NSA active agent, Ed Snowden image Active agent Ed Snowden wants to come in from the Cold baz, Saturday, Jul 5 2014, 3:33am
Self-incarcerated and “gifted” Julian Assange has egg on his narcissistic face and Glenn Greenwald will forever be remembered as the world champion useful idiot. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

4thjuly.jpg image Clueless on the 4th sam, Friday, Jul 4 2014, 9:53am
It’s the 4th of July, a meaningful date on the American Calendar -- it marks/celebrates hard won American Freedom from oppression, but O, how far from that is America today? (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

audio It’s Not easy being Human sybil, Thursday, Jul 3 2014, 12:48pm
Primates are divided into two groups, those that have a conscious choice and those that are driven by instinct, which of course reduces all but one primate into the later group, only one primate is able to choose, though some would hardly believe it. (story and 1 audio file)
international / poetry / post

text The Land of the Dead ryall, Wednesday, Jul 2 2014, 12:21pm
international / poetry / post

text Truth/Eternity wisp via stan, Tuesday, Jul 1 2014, 3:34am
international / poetry / post

mouthfullofmurdoch.jpg image Political Incrementalism des, Saturday, Jun 28 2014, 12:22pm
Whenever ruling elites wish to impose highly distasteful policies onto the masses they do it incrementally -- inch by inch over an extended period of time. This method is less likely to cause a reactive response and delay the imposition of whatever new evil elites have in mind for the moronic masses. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Are you talking to ME? image Murdoch's 1975 "Kill Whitlam" Order stace, Saturday, Jun 28 2014, 1:25am
Prior to reposting this story every Aussie should be made aware that DEMOCRACY does NOT allow for UNREPRESENTATIVE 'king makers' or breakers to control the halls of power -- who the fuck does Murdoch think he is gallivanting around the western world SUBVERTING DEMOCRACY, terrorising politicians and arranging which leader HE decides will be elected via the sheer persuasive force of his media empire. Murdoch's behaviour is tantamount to political SUBVERSION and all governments should legislate that media groups/barons found guilty of extreme BIAS, with a view to manipulating election outcomes, would have ALL their media enterprises nationalised in the PUBLIC and State interest. It is a VERY SIMPLE MATTER INDEED TO bridle types like Murdoch -- consider also that his media empire serves NO USEFUL PUBLIC PURPOSE and would NOT be missed if it disappeared overnight! (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

A vulture and a pig, an unlikely pair image Gore is a Fraud and Palmer's dishonesty could be weighed baz, Thursday, Jun 26 2014, 4:05pm
For those not familiar with the less than illustrious career of elitist puppet, Al Gore, read this 2011 publication exposing his gross hypocrisy and conflict of interest via his relationship with carbon tax/ETS designer, Goldman Sachs! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Inevitable Recession and a New World Devoid of Washington's Arrogance Paul Craig Roberts via sal, Thursday, Jun 26 2014, 3:17pm
June 25, 2014. A final number for real US GDP growth in the first quarter of 2014 was released today. The number is not the 2.6% growth rate predicted by the know-nothing economists in January of this year. The number is a decline in GDP of -2.9 percent.
international / prose / post

President Evo Morales image Freedom and Unity for the Global Masses Evo Morales via stan, Thursday, Jun 26 2014, 1:58pm
Fifty years ago, great leaders raised the flags of the anticolonial struggle and decided to join with their peoples in a march along the path of sovereignty and independence. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

pamplets911.jpg image The 9/11 False Flag Operation Remembered at Opening of 9/11 Museum group report via vance, Wednesday, Jun 25 2014, 4:05am
Three major proofs completely destroy the Bush government 9/11 report; the controlled collapse of Building 7, the Pentagon missile strike, and a 1962 false flag proposal created by the joint chiefs (DoD), titled, “Operation Northwoods," which could have been the blue print for 9/11, so close are the similarities. So before you think, 'O, our government wouldn't do that,' THINK AGAIN! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text What oil, I thought it was about spreading democracy in Iraq? sam, Tuesday, Jun 24 2014, 1:54pm
Surely U.S. leaders wouldn’t brazenly LIE and leave themselves open to legal accountability and war crimes trials, c’mmon they are not that stupid are they?
international / prose / post

text Pools zed via sal, Tuesday, Jun 24 2014, 12:18pm
international / poetry / post

Murdoch with Brooks image No-one that works for Murdoch is Innocent! tom, Tuesday, Jun 24 2014, 11:18am
Now that we have established a factual base upon which to proceed we can cover the 'story' of the phone hacking trials in the UK. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image Leaked Report: Abbott Ready to Gut and Dismantle the ABC Matthew Knott via baz, Monday, Jun 23 2014, 10:56am
There is a history to this dastardly plot to gut and dismember the ABC; Abbott is fulfilling a promise he made to his master, Rupert Murdoch, who despises the ABC for numerous reasons, not least of which is its large patronage and trusted status in Oz. The ABC is tailored for the national interest to serve the people, unlike the mindless American style sensationalism that the Murdoch media is noted for. The Bottom line here is that Abbott is running an errand for minority private interests to the great expense of the people, but as we have already learned Abbott is NOT a man of the PEOPLE, he is a corporate errand boy and servant to Oz plutocrats, Rinehart and Murdoch. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott and his Treasurer Joe Hockey image Oz gov Hesitates to sign global agreement on Tax Evasion Georgia Wilkins via pat, Monday, Jun 23 2014, 12:40am
There is only one reason the Abbott puppet government is dragging the chain on global tax avoidance and the issue of Corporate tax evasion in Australia; and that is Abbott is protecting the minority interests he serves -- if the Oz public became aware of the scandal of mega-wealthy earners avoiding their tax responsibilities and starving the nation of funds for essential services and infrastructure, which of course forces government to extract needed funds from the poorest, most vulnerable in the community, Abbott and his cohorts in deception would be 'drawn and quartered' to a man and woman. Forget a plebiscite, they would be SHOT on sight! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Putin offers Iraq "complete support" to oust US backed ISIL Insurgency staff report via jake, Sunday, Jun 22 2014, 3:31am
Could it really be true? After handing over Libya/Gaddafi to NATO/US forces Putin remains very suspect indeed, but in a classic Titoist manoeuvre Putin's offer to Maliki to rout the terrorists would rob the USA of its stolen OIL while making it OBVIOUS to the entire world that America is behind the ISIL insurgency; this is indeed a brilliant tactical move on Putin's part though I trust that puppet as much as I trust puppet Obama.
international / prose / post

text Climbing Rainbows jude, Saturday, Jun 21 2014, 2:58pm
Do not scoff or reject the proposition, after all, you accept rule by criminal minorities that demand trillions of taxpayer's dollars then refuse to repay it; you allow unrepresentative elites to treat you with the contempt you deserve by not rejecting the total fictive crap of the 9/11 commission ineptly trying to hide the truth about the inside job that 9/11 was; 9/11 remains the biggest botched false flag operation in modern history, and you think it impossible to climb rainbows!
international / prose / post

Active Agent, Edward Snowden image Nose-ringed finch, Friday, Jun 20 2014, 1:04am
I was recently hit with a brick, metaphorically speaking, and realised something obvious -- today the obvious is secret. The brick revelation was simply, ‘where there is no WILL there is no way/action! WILL must precede all action no matter how insignificant. WILL is the prime mover, action ALWAYS follows, it is secondary to WILL. Populations today are devoid of WILL, why so? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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