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Abbott and Rinehart at gala dinner image Abbott's Pledge to Gina Rinehart is Destroying Barrier Reef staff report via snowy, Thursday, Jul 24 2014, 1:58pm
Tony Abbott sold his soul the night of the pre-election 'Gala Dinner' (use search box in left Column) thrown for him by plutocrats Murdoch and Rinehart, but duplicitous and treacherous Abbott had no idea the "coal dust" would be kicked back into HIS face so soon. The following story emphasises Abbott's complete servitude to the singularly driven wealthy elite and his total disregard for the nation, its people, and the environment. Abbott LIED his way into Office and remains PM under false pretences; I am no constitutional lawyer but surely safety provisions must have been written into law that allow for the removal of unrepresentative, LYING and destructive leaders from Office. The nation must act quickly to remove zealot Abbott from office before he ruins everything -- nothing good could issue from something so vile, rotten and treacherous as Tony Abbott. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

LOL image The Stealing of America ... John Whitehead via dulcie, Thursday, Jul 24 2014, 1:32am
All western nations are currently under siege by unrepresentative forces that work within corrupt governments to psychologically oppress and economically enslave the masses -- the most rudimentary research reveals that REALITY. The following story is set in American but as international readers would soon discover it relates to all western and a host of other nations. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image Leading Economists Decry the LIES of Oz PM Tony Abbott judd, Wednesday, Jul 23 2014, 2:26pm
It seems that reputable international economists, including Nobel Prize winner, Prof J. Stiglitz, all decry the flagrant LIES Oz PM Tony Abbott utilised in order to gain office and immediately impose a European AUSTERITY economy on one of the world's wealthiest nations, Australia! Abbott's BRAZEN dishonesty and reputation for serving the global plutocracy is well known nationally, however, it seems that his sordid reputation is now becoming known globally. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Encounter wisp, Monday, Jul 21 2014, 2:26pm
international / poetry / post

Putin image Mouse Putin finally squeaks on MH-17 rade, Monday, Jul 21 2014, 1:10am
Reprehensible COWARD, Vladimir Putin (Libya, Yugoslavia, Iran, Palestine etc etc) finally breaks silence on the flak he is receiving over the MH-17 disaster. In a nutshell he condemns the west for using the incident to further its political ambitions! However, it is widely known that the west deliberately ORCHESTRATES EVENTS to further its political aims, so who is listening? Good one, Vlad, you non-event. Are you saying to heroin addicts its bad to shoot heroin? You fuckin' imbecile! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Why David DeGraw's 'Wave of Action' Failed sadh, Sunday, Jul 20 2014, 3:34am
The simple answer is that everybody that sub-scribed was waiting for someone else to do the work and take action. Such tactics are doomed to fail before they get off the ground, as is now historically evident.
international / prose / post

2nd lost 777 from the nation that held open U.S. war crimes trials image The Front Page and its Uses nano, Saturday, Jul 19 2014, 2:29am
Was it an oversight or did the corporate mass media consciously choose NOT to dwell -- indeed in most instances not to publish -- the criminal targeting of civilians by the USA during the Indo-Chinese war of the sixties and seventies? “Carpet bombing,” as everyone should be aware is indiscriminate bombing, which means that no regard whatsoever is given to the civilian population. The USA killed approx. 4-5 million INNOCENT CIVILIANS during the Indo-Chinese war and conducted additional criminal bombing campaigns on neutral countries in the region, Cambodia and Laos. The end result of these HEINOUS, clearly intentional criminal tactics -- designed by Kissinger to break the will of the people -- was that the USA infamously FAILED and LOST the war in Indo-China! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin image MH-17 The Tangled Web of WWIII rade, Friday, Jul 18 2014, 1:48am
Really! The neo-con led USA effectively declared war on the entire world fifteen years ago and the loss of MH-17 is a casualty of that US declared war; or haven't YOU noticed the USA has been at constant war for the past 15 years? (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Julian Assange image Assange responds to Abbott government slur on his character pip, Thursday, Jul 17 2014, 1:55am
It is not often we see eye to eye with authoritarian narcissist Julian Assange, however, a highly accurate statement of fact deserves very broad publication. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Empire in Decline - the first trigger domino Pepe Escobar via swan, Wednesday, Jul 16 2014, 11:28am
Yes, it’s unravelling, largely as a result of its own misguided, foolish policies, however, the first real external threat to the dominance of the greenback has taken its first tentative steps in the form of the BRICS Bank.
international / prose / post

yellowstone.jpg image Call it Intuition rayn, Tuesday, Jul 15 2014, 12:11pm
Over the years, like most people that do not live in a box, I learned a thing or two about existence, in fact, very early in my free -- mother and father were lost causes, as a result I received no religious, ethical, moral or other instruction or indoctrination from either parent except that drink and drugs were necessary to cope with life and that if I had a child that child presented a target for abuse not of love and affection! And so it was that I was free, and oddly enough I never lamented my lot, though when visiting friends' houses I was enthralled almost hypnotised to see how relatively normal families functioned. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

murdochabbott6.jpg image Murdoch on Abbott - an exercise in Unreality and total Disconnect clancy, Sunday, Jul 13 2014, 1:30pm
Never before have I attempted to make a statement/quote an entire article, as a single quote would be inadequate and far too thin. However, regarding the little bewdy below, which speaks volumes, we have the classic exception. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Entire world is able to detect the Stench that Issues from Washington Paul Craig Roberts via sal, Friday, Jul 11 2014, 10:55am
Call it arrogance, insularity or just plain denial but America is in big trouble today.

Over a decade after the 9/11 false flag conspiracy the US has lost its ability to convince the free world of just about anything. Washington's constant LIES, deceptions and gross propaganda are largely to blame notwithstanding the population does not want to know that the USA is the world's leading civilian killing therefore terrorist nation; and that is just to mention one crime of many hundred that the US commits almost daily. Indeed, REALITY is closing in on criminal Washington and dreamboat America!
international / prose / post

text SECRET TPPartnership, CETAgreement & C-CITreaty & TRIBUNALS are INSIDER TRADING David E.H. Smith, Friday, Jul 11 2014, 2:30am
There is a great deal to worry about regarding the secrecy surrounding the negotiation of the TPPartnership, CETAgreement & C-CITreaty, NAFTA, et al. What the global corporate economy is trying to install is a network of insider trading where the non shareholders of Canada, both; Native & non Native, have to pay the new penalties & damages for legislation that corporate Canada instigated by way of its representatives within the government of Canada when these corporations were still considered to be "good corporate citizens" of Canada, & before corporate Canada decided to throw in with the other corporations in North America, the European Union, China, the nations of the trans Pacific, et al. Some have called this round of "arrangements" the end game to centralize & minimize the number who can participate in the global wealth. How much of the information that can "undo the damage" of the last "arrangements," are the "opposition" parties depriving Canadians?
international / prose / post

Old headline -- increased unit order now puts the figure at $A75 billion! image Oz PM - scraping the bottom of the leadership barrel Hayes Brown via dan, Thursday, Jul 10 2014, 12:16pm
Regardless of how much the Murdoch press supports its man in office, a reviled dunce remains a reviled dunce. Lockheed Martin, US weapons corporation 'extra-ordinaire,' has created a heap of shit in the sky -- the few times it actually takes to the air -- this incredibly costly, proven under-performing lemon, just keeps getting more expensive with every newly discovered failing and design fault. The F-35 is a nightmare with wings and you can imagine how desperate the yanks are to unload this piece of shit onto unsuspecting clients in order to keep Lockheed Martin viable. This multi-billion dollar piece of junk is threatening to bring down the entire LM company, as numerous nations revise their orders. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

secret.jpg image iiNet joins other internet giants to battle TPP Allie Coyne via sal, Thursday, Jul 10 2014, 1:12am
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is CORPORATE RULE by stealth -- it allows corporations to overrule the decisions of democratically elected sovereign governments -- that means Sovereignty and the Will of the People are forfeited to the private sector, which is currently implementing on a global scale, draconian social policies (enslavement) and massive oppression of the global masses. Research the matter and be shocked that any representative government would even contemplate selling democracy down the drain and joining the vile TPP -- but as we are too well aware Mr Tony 'plutocrat serving' Abbott, corruption in western governments is rife today. Nevertheless, LAWS covering corruption and treason are always available to deal with these matters and treacherous unrepresentative leaders. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Big Lie and its Adherents dart, Wednesday, Jul 9 2014, 2:05pm
Many readers will be astounded to learn that some of our most outspoken 'critics' of the 'powers that be' concur or toe the 'official' line on one critically important issue, which is the foundation stone upon which ALL the LIES and justifications for the erosion of our civil liberties and freedoms are based -- 9/11! And I warn some readers they may be in for a rude shock regarding the identity and integrity of these individuals.
international / prose / post

toiletpaper.jpg image 21st Century Financial Warfare Al, Wednesday, Jul 9 2014, 3:37am
Prior to posting the RT interview with economist Michael Hudson I would remind readers that Libya, prior to the 'humanitarian bombing campaign' and assassination of its leader, was an affluent, socially stable, DEBT FREE nation. Now compare with the 'liberated,' fragmented, tribal warring, debt enslaved (to European/US Banks) thoroughly ruined Libya of today! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Vassal States and the Global Elite nano, Tuesday, Jul 8 2014, 11:37am
The following video has been around for some time, it reveals an extremely disturbing reality about (pretend) democracies and the shadowy dark forces that manage them. We know today that the information contained in the original script, which two leaders of 'independent' nations sold to their respective nations as authentic, was entirely fabricated and is now known to be a monstrous pack of LIES that cost over 1.5 million innocent lives -- a truly horrendous planned criminal act imposed on a rather naive trusting world in 2003. But has the global community rectified this now widely known historical crime and moved on? (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text Obit uri, Monday, Jul 7 2014, 12:47pm
international / poetry / post

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