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text The Point juno, Thursday, Oct 3 2013, 10:18pm
The point is not that your governments are corrupt and in the service of an elite criminal class -- that is (widely) known. Or that governments no longer represent the interests of the people -- it finished decades past. Or that government agencies and the military commit numerous heinous crimes against humanity ... etc.
international / prose / post

wtf.jpg image The Sickness is Conservatism reg, Wednesday, Oct 2 2013, 1:08am
It should be noted at the outset that all religions are conservative by nature -- a closed loop -- that is where the expression 'living in a box' originated! Conservatives FEAR the radical or the unexpected and so formulate contractive policies they imagine give them control and justify their perverse actions. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Vibrating Penis Ring selling at Coles image Wesfarmers Coles 'family' Supermarkets sell Vibrating Penis Rings irate, Monday, Sep 30 2013, 1:18am
One wonders sometimes how dunce corporate managers -- Wesfarmers in particular, whose pay is obviously not performance based -- maintain their positions in view of their many incompetent, thoughtless, insular and arrogant practices. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Clinton spooked image Perforated Propaganda pele, Sunday, Sep 29 2013, 10:32am
The NYT is a well known propaganda outlet for the elite status quo so it is not surprising to see it running more NSA propaganda stories designed to intimidate the public, as criminals and other sub-cultural groups that function in the shadows continue to do so! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Criminal America’s most successful Coup to date judd, Saturday, Sep 28 2013, 11:12am
Over the past few decades America has unashamedly embarked on an Imperial world domination plan -- one doomed to failure due to its very nature -- but hardly any commentators (very few ‘journalists’) or analysts mention it, let alone deconstruct or peel it like a grape for the world to appreciate!
international / prose / post

Journalists' journalist, Sy Hersh image Hersh: Death of Osama bin Laden ‘is one big lie! Lisa O'Carroll via stylus, Saturday, Sep 28 2013, 5:33am
Seymour Hersh has got some extreme ideas on how to fix journalism – close down the news bureaus of NBC and ABC, sack 90% of editors in publishing and get back to the fundamental job of journalists which, he says, is to be an outsider. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Building 7 ‘Demolishes’ 9/11 Lies sal, Friday, Sep 27 2013, 11:03am
There is something so overwhelmingly compromising to the government 9/11 story that it defies reason why the guilty haven’t been brought to justice to date?
international / prose / post

text Your Right to Privacy Christopher Calabrese and Matthew Harwood via sal, Tuesday, Sep 24 2013, 10:57pm
Among other eroded rights -- which YOU allowed to be stolen from under your noses -- privacy is now a thing of the past for the majority; but for those that wish to maintain anonymity and privacy be very cognisant of the words of evil Google chairman, Eric Schmidt, to paraphrase; "if you want privacy today you have to FIGHT for it!" Schmidt ALSO promised in an interview with Maddow on national television that he would never abuse his company's power. He promptly reneged on that promise after he was invited to attend the shadowy Bilderberg meetings!
international / prose / post

coleswoolies.jpg image Growers form United Front to take on Duopolists Coles and Woolies joan, Tuesday, Sep 24 2013, 11:47am
Greedy pig supermarket chains Coles and Woolies seem to have forgotten how they made their profits and who they continue to depend on for fresh produce. Duopolist supermarket chains have gained notoriety recently for their callous treatment of customers and squeezing producers to the bone but things are about to change, growers have formed a united front to challenge the duopolists. All that is required now are large farmers markets in every major suburb and it's all but over for the supermarket chains and their avaricious profiteering and callous customer/staff abuse. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Jamie Dimon, Jew Banker and criminal Plutocrat image Obama, Puppet to the Plutocrats Bob Scheer via harrison, Tuesday, Sep 24 2013, 10:32am
There is absolutely nothing unclear in Bob Scheer's story, he states what is widely known in the world today i.e., that Obama (the US presidency) serves a predominately Jewish Banker elite. We need not confuse the issue, just accept the sordid reality for what it is. Perhaps it may then occur to the US population to lock these stinking rogues, fraudsters, murderers and thieves away so they are unable to do more harm. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Nature's Harmony Disturbed bud, Monday, Sep 23 2013, 11:10pm
When Corporatism and the manic pursuit of PROFIT is the prime determinant in a social system that system collapses, as profit is an entirely ARTIFICIAL disconnected pursuit. However, as is widely known today, the pursuit of money is the prime (only) consideration of nihilistic Corporatists and Plutocrats.
international / prose / post

coleswallsign.jpg image Ongoing problem with Wesfarmers Coles Supermarkets shopper via ed, Sunday, Sep 22 2013, 11:35am
I would inform those readers that are unaware of this ongoing problem that it has been circulating around Coles' clearly incompetent management for at least nine months, notwithstanding that an effective simple solution is obvious to all familiar with the situation. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Blue tie dunces Morrison and his boss, Tony Abbott image Tony Abbott’s Asylum Seeker Solution Revealed snowy, Sunday, Sep 22 2013, 8:46am
After PNG and Indonesia virtually told Abbott to ‘go fly a kite’ over his asylum seeker 'solution,’ Abbott and Immigration Minister, Scott Morrison, have a new solution, the ostrich solution! Information on future boat arrivals will NOT be shared with the media -- what you can’t see can’t hurt you -- seems to be the new approach of Abbott’s inept conservative government. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text Erosion of Rights based on “keeping us safe" Security Myth! judd, Sunday, Sep 22 2013, 2:22am
Stop and THINK for a while; our rights have been eroded by myths and government LIES. Consider the REALITY of thousands of tonnes of illegal drugs and other contraband that POUR into the USA by land, sea and air annually and the TRUTH/reality will stand naked before you.
international / prose / post

cccc.jpg image Fair Warning -- Kosovo Reclamation druze, Thursday, Sep 19 2013, 9:43pm
Prior to this global announcement from the patient, LAW ABIDING international Serbian community/fellowship, it must be stated that Kosovo remains LEGALLY sovereign Serbian territory. As such, and in the absence of effective international intervention to restore rightful ownership, Kosovo will be reclaimed by its rightful owners by force if necessary. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

buddhist.jpg image Coursing in Perfect Wisdom bodhi, Wednesday, Sep 18 2013, 11:25am
It is said that when the Bodhisattva was ‘coursing in perfect wisdom’ he perceived that all was beyond quality and definition; that the five categories were void and that the four noble truths of Buddhism were also void/meaningless -- a very bold assertion for a Buddhist to make, who would dare deny the four noble truths of Sakyamuni Buddha himself, a heretic or a more enlightened being? The assertion would be equivalent to a Christian decrying the divinity of Jesus as fraudulent for the simple reason that he did not die on the cross as the fantasy suggests, for if ‘God’ died then he would have taken the entire universe/existence with him and as we know the universe did not miss a beat -- therefore, no death, no resurrection no Truth -- now why couldn’t I see that, maybe because I’m a brainwashed dunce and believe in the most preposterous irrational fictions? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Remember Libya? staff report via jake, Wednesday, Sep 18 2013, 12:45am
The nation targeted for illegal regime change on ‘humanitarian grounds’ in order to veil a criminal political take-over and the wholesale theft of the nation’s/PEOPLE’S OIL and other precious resources by US/NATO forces?
international / prose / post

text Science 'Discovers' Yoga Inhibits Ageing sadh, Tuesday, Sep 17 2013, 12:10am
Prior to re-posting this article from the BBC on yoga and its ability to retard the ageing process -- a reality known for thousands of years in the East but ignored by science -- I would first emphasise that the Rishis, ancient sages of India, that developed this way of life did so with intuitive knowledge, i.e., a RADICAL, unfettered consciousness, one neither constrained by or limited to the empirical five senses of science -- would you ask a mole to describe a mountain-top landscape?
international / prose / post

Lavrov and Kerry image Partners in Crime, US-Russia Syria Chem Weapons Deal staff report via judd, Monday, Sep 16 2013, 12:11am
Make no mistake whatsoever, the US and Russia are partners in crime, both have undeniable track records which betray the TRUTH of their sordid relationship, as distinct from the media posturing and strutting by political 'actors' -- and I use that word appropriately. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

usicondrowning.jpg image The enemy whose name should be shouted from the roof tops John Pilger via sal, Sunday, Sep 15 2013, 12:42am
"The great unmentionable is that humanity's most dangerous enemy resides across the Atlantic." (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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