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text Massive Ideological/Political Failures stan, Friday, Nov 29 2013, 12:26am
Plain to see, most of the great political 'isms’ of the 20th century have FAILED completely.

The binary opposing twins of communism/socialism-capitalism/democracy failed almost simultaneously though the latter was not given the press it deserved by the western, capitalist-run media; the unpleasant political reality that prevails today in most of the developed world is plutocratic totalitarianism -- which applies to the elites of China and Russia as much as it does to modern western totalitarian plutocracies.
international / prose / post

text Australia, America's Lackey Spy Nation in SE Asia sal, Monday, Nov 25 2013, 11:47pm
[Canadian journalist] Eric Margolis’ factual inaccuracies regarding Oz multi-culturism notwithstanding, he did manage to get the most critical point -- Oz spying on Indonesia for the Americans -- right.
international / prose / post

text For those not yet aware shaz, Friday, Nov 22 2013, 12:00am
Take the time to watch these accurate video documentaries and you will no longer be in any doubt about who and how our nations are ruled.
international / prose / post

text America's Plan to Kill Online Privacy Rights Everywhere Colum Lynch via sirg, Thursday, Nov 21 2013, 11:31pm
America is a very well known criminal quantity today; there is no disguising its attempts to implement a global Orwellian Big Brother State in order to prevent any opposition to its nefarious agenda of Imperial global domination. If we allow these plans to succeed then we deserve our fate -- that simple. Nevertheless, the enduring fact remains, the PEOPLE are the most powerful social force on the planet that is why the U.S. fears and designates EVERYONE as ENEMY. Ruling forces in America seek to destroy all public privacy while they continue to maintain their secrecy -- who is watching the PROVEN criminal watchers, I ask YOU? Act to prevent ALL such draconian policies before it's too late.
international / prose / post

Jeremy Hammond, digital warrior image Torturers, Mass Murderers and Wall St. Rogues Go Free, Hacktivist gets 10 Years sem, Sunday, Nov 17 2013, 2:39am
After the tragedy of hacker Aaron Swartz, who suicided rather than face 30 years jail, the 10 year sentence handed down to Jeremy Hammond for serving truth and transparency in the public interest, is not surprising, though it makes one's blood boil nevertheless. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text It's business [corporatism] that really rules us now George Monbiot via sal, Tuesday, Nov 12 2013, 1:01am
The mainstream media is now publishing what the alternative media have been posting for over TWO decades -- well duh, George, so NOW you KNOW! Better late than never but the approach should be more active and aggressive when dealing with issues that corrupt the system/government and enslave the masses. 'Flame it' like a dragon next time.
international / prose / post

text Australia's Enduring Shame John Pilger via stan, Thursday, Nov 7 2013, 1:28am
To be the oldest continuous culture on the planet distinguishes a race, a people as valuable. Ancient petroglyphs in Western Australia were recently desecrated by gas extraction companies but then Oz is ruled by corporatists and the servile politicians that serve them.

Who could forget the cynical gesture by former PM, Kevin Rudd -- "I'm sorry" -- staged as a media event rather than as a remedial policy implementation; well, it's just not good enough, Kevin, we' re all bloody sorry, words are cheap, but what is being DONE to REMEDY the great wrongs inflicted on indigenous Australians and to innocent people everywhere?
international / prose / post

Torture victim, David Hicks image Retroactive 'terrorist law' illegal len, Tuesday, Nov 5 2013, 9:19pm
The relatively new, "providing material support for terrorism," law applied retroactively has been deemed illegal by the US Court of Appeals for the 'District of Columbia.' Many former torture victims illegally detained at Guantanamo Bay will seek to overturn previous convictions and apply for compensation based on this ruling. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Solid Tetrahedron image Sacred Geometry II stylus, Monday, Nov 4 2013, 6:48am
We now progress to the next three numeric principles -- 4,5,6 -- in the unfolding or development of ‘un-manifestation’ into manifestation. We have covered the monad, dyad and triad previously and reached the point of creative self-awareness, the ‘I am that I am,’ knowledge, yet we lack substance, as self-awareness does not necessarily involve matter. (story and 4 images)
international / prose / post

disenfranusa.jpg image America Is Its Own Worst Enemy sam, Sunday, Nov 3 2013, 9:49pm
The quickest and surest method of losing Empire is to disenfranchise the global population/World and America has succeeded in this at blistering speed! In only one short decade it has lost the lot; however, like a dead man falling it will take a little time to see the result but it is irreversibly OVER for the USA, make no mistake. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Clive Palmer to launch High Court challenge to WA Senate recount baz, Saturday, Nov 2 2013, 7:20am
It's confirmed, nobody's man Clive Palmer will launch a high court challenge to the WA Senate recount on the basis that the only valid count which had all the votes available was the initial count; since then over 1300 votes have mysteriously gone missing.
international / prose / post

Mick 'drunken dropkick' Keelty image Former Incompetent alcoholic Police Chief to head Inquiry into Election Fraud Katharine Murphy via baz, Saturday, Nov 2 2013, 12:33am
There can only be one reason for this extraordinary selection -- someone wants a predetermined outcome! Get right on it Clive Palmer. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text It doesn’t matter what you think, because you don’t count! jill, Friday, Nov 1 2013, 3:29am
Have you ever wondered why the world accepts, extra-judicial assassinations, or indefinite detention on suspicion, torture, perpetual war, mass murder and numerous war and other crimes against humanity TODAY, when only a few decades past lying presidents faced impeachment?
international / prose / post

Snowden 'reveals' the known image Furious Jakarta to haul in Australian ambassador over spying claims Peter Alford and Brendan Nicholson via sam, Thursday, Oct 31 2013, 10:36pm
It seems that the American puppet government of Indonesia is "furious" over alleged spying claims done by Oz at the behest of America -- an interesting scenario to say the least. The Oz ambassador has been "summoned," ta da! But not to make light of all this ridiculous posturing and pretence -- it is WIDELY known that both nations are firmly under the control of Washington -- this confrontation presents THE PERFECT opportunity to DEMAND the arrest and deportation of the KNOWN cold blooded Indonesian murderers of the BALIBO FIVE, notwithstanding that known murderers are now retired high government officials, nevertheless, war criminals and murderers remain stained until JUSTICE IS SERVED. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

nsaauge.jpg image NSA urged officials to justify surveillance by mentioning 9/11 Travis Gettys via quill, Thursday, Oct 31 2013, 11:19am
The National Security Agency apparently ripped a page from Rudy Giuliani’s campaign playbook and told its officials to cite the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks as justification for mass surveillance activities. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text You want to enlist and fight Corporate wars for Wall St? jason, Wednesday, Oct 30 2013, 2:04am
This is for all those youths mesmerised by Hollywood propaganda and fictitious presentations of war -- the reality is very different, horrific and soul-destroying in fact!

The number one killer of American troops in all current theatres of war is SUICIDE!
international / prose / post

text Deep Pain -- Insidious Child Abuse babe, Tuesday, Oct 29 2013, 11:37pm
Only a biological mother could abuse her deep psychic connection to her totally dependent and connected baby child in this way. You call it what you will but this is insidious child abuse of the worst kind; the kid was obviously in DEEP torment and do not be fooled by innocuous appearances (singing) a mother can sing or smile and still inflict horrendous pain on her connected infant -- BITCH should be shot! She also hinted that it was a known conditioned response. If you have any empathy as a human being condemn this bitch unreservedly for torturing her innocent, defenceless, dependent child.
international / prose / post

text Today’s Stark Political Reality gemma, Tuesday, Oct 29 2013, 2:45am
Were you taught that democracy is voting for a party that promises to represent you, the majority, then after gaining office, ‘your’ party immediately begins to serve minority interests or the big end of town? No, well, either was I!
international / prose / post

G Sachs' CEO Lloyd Blankfein - how many Christian lives has this criminal Jew banker callously destroyed? image Growing Calls to Jail Wall St. Banksters Andrea Germanos via elle, Monday, Oct 28 2013, 10:40pm
The L-A-W applies to everyone in nations where the judiciary has not been thoroughly corrupted. Wall Street financiers and Banksters have knowingly committed massive frauds which have brought the global economy to its knees yet they remain un-prosecuted while citizens continue to be shot dead for misdemeanours by police in the service of these criminal plutocrats. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Bill Shorten image "Electricity Bill" -- Oz opp leader Shorten shot between the eyes darcy, Sunday, Oct 27 2013, 11:30pm
Australia's opposition leader, 'Electricity Bill' Shorten, the golden haired boy (messiah?) of the Labor Party, has been dropped before he has left the starting blocks. In a stroke of genius the current PM, Tony 'servant to the elites' Abbott, magically used language and connotation to completely neutralise his opponent. The issue is the scrapping of the UNIVERSALLY DETESTED carbon tax, to which Labor suicidally clings. Shorten stupidly continues to adhere to the one policy that completely DESTROYED Labor -- a Carbon Tax imposed on the people rather than on the Corporations that created the problem! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

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