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serpentstaff.jpg image Snake Charmer sadh, Sunday, Nov 30 2014, 4:16am
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

woolieslogo.jpg imagePDF Document Woolworths in Denial Over Serious Workplace Issues mod, Saturday, Nov 29 2014, 10:00am
Whether it’s arrogance or plain incompetence Woolworths’ upper management has failed to even acknowledge receipt of letters raising serious workplace issues of harassment and victimisation of staff while it continues to demand more output from staff at the same levels of pay. We have been supplied with yet another letter, this time addressed to the CEO Grant O’Brien, due to the failure of the HR director to remedy or even acknowledge problems in the workplace. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

obamadronestrikes.jpg image UN Report Details Abysmal US Record of Abuse Jon Queally via gail, Saturday, Nov 29 2014, 7:58am
Torture, indefinite detention, excessive force, and systematic discrimination and mistreatment have become part of the nation's modern legacy (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

War criminal Tony Blair image Tony Blair's Award from 'Save the Children' judd, Friday, Nov 28 2014, 11:56pm
The editorial team wishes to apologise to our readers for not covering the award given to Tony Blair, by 'Save the Children.' We have received no posts on this outrageous event. However, the reaction of our editorial team is beyond shock and reason, not only does it stagger the moral fibre of being in the overwhelming majority of sane people on this planet but it also staggers the imagination to the point of muteness -- we understand. (story and 4 images)
international / prose / post

text The Seven Hells jude, Friday, Nov 28 2014, 10:17pm
international / poetry / post

text Sea stacy, Friday, Nov 28 2014, 11:28am
international / poetry / post

Tony Abbott - Pathological LIAR and criminal FRAUD image Oz data retention bill fails scrutiny test Allie Coyne via stan, Thursday, Nov 27 2014, 9:38am
Why chip away at all of Abbott's policies when the entire regressive bunch can be eliminated by removing Tony Abbott from the office he stole by calculated misrepresentation, FRAUD and deceit on a level never before seen in Oz politics. The MAN should be targeted not his policies. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text United Nations Calls for an End to Industrialized Farming Maryam Henein via stella, Thursday, Nov 27 2014, 2:42am
In 2013, the United Nations announced that the world's agricultural needs can be met with localized organic farms. That's right, we do not need giant monocultures that pour, spray and coat our produce with massive amounts of poisons, only to create mutant pests and weeds while decimating pollinators and harming human health. Don't believe the hype: We do not need genetically modified foods "to feed the world."
international / prose / post

text Rivers sven, Tuesday, Nov 25 2014, 10:48am
international / poetry / post

text Opening the Gates to World War III Paul Craig Roberts via shirl, Monday, Nov 24 2014, 8:49pm
An excellent analysis and coverage of the situation in the Ukraine by Mr Roberts who seems as perplexed as most informed commentators regarding Russia's passivity to date. Putin is a known western puppet as his millions in western banks indicate so that could be one explanation but it seems that Russia after WWII has been sufficiently traumatised nationally to avoid conflict at all costs perhaps even to the point of submission -- we shall see. Nevertheless, it should be noted that WWIII actually began when the neocons arranged with Israel's Mossad to create a false flag (9/11) and then declare a war on the vagary 'terror,' which of course allows the US to wage perpetual war, invade and steal, on behalf of its avaricious corporate rulers by simply making the (terrorist) accusation based on a fabricated pretext -- what a total travesty/farce! The fact that the global majority is aware of this ruse and fails to act is a shameful disgrace.
international / prose / post

text What the World Needs Now is Applied Law and Order serg, Monday, Nov 24 2014, 11:30am
The global population is fed up with States, particularly Israel and the US, making a mockery of international and local law -- these nations murder on a regular basis and call it defence -- no-one believes a hair of it, notwithstanding other criminal new 'laws' of indefinite detention, 'legal' assassinations, un-penalised Wall St bankers and other corporate offenders. But this short piece is only focused on LAW and those States and groups that imagine they are above it. NATO for example, committed so many crimes in Libya it's a wonder printed statutes didn't spontaneously burst into flames.
international / prose / post

Xi and Putin, performing image War Effectively Declared on Russia ben, Sunday, Nov 23 2014, 10:50pm
All imperialist (corporate) wars are economic wars waged to secure resources and/or territory. When economic sanctions and trade embargoes are applied to any nation the offending nation is effectively declaring war on the targeted nation. And so we see a pattern repeated in the post-modern age, trade embargoes, financial and economic sanctions then open military conflict. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Bachmann, infamous American moron image Only in America do morons elect morons stacy, Sunday, Nov 23 2014, 3:29am
Michele Bachmann along with Sarah Palin are most noted for their constant gaffes and idiotic logic, the fact that these two imbeciles have been elected as government officials is an extremely poor reflection on the entire nation, needless to say! Bachmann's most recent contribution to the infamous hall of political fails is her recent statement in response to Obama's new immigration policy. Bachmann warns that America should be wary of "illiterate foreign nationals," which most moron Americans would view as sound advice but for the illiteracy of Bachmann's statement. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Libya today a NATO created failed State Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya via sam, Saturday, Nov 22 2014, 9:59am
Under the pretext of a humanitarian intervention western Imperialist powers committed horrendous war crimes and outright stole Libya's substantial foreign investments and national resource wealth.
international / prose / post

Errand boy Tony Abbott image Abbott blasted by his beloved England Paola Totaro via rochelle, Thursday, Nov 20 2014, 9:23pm
When British conservatives attack their Australian counterparts it serves to highlight the retrogressive, insular, out-of-touch mentality of the Oz prime minister who fraudulently stole office by engaging in a campaign of calculated lies, fraud and DECEIT to gain office -- a crime under local statutes. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

woolworthscoles.jpg image Woolworths HR Refuses Formal Response to Letter of Inquiry mod, Tuesday, Nov 18 2014, 8:04am
The arrogance of Woolworths’ upper management, which is largely comprised of foreigners that are clearly not familiar with Australian values and ethical standards, knows no bounds, their feeble attempts to avoid and deflect from the serious issues raised in a letter citing Woolworths Ltd for harassing staff and un-ethical workplace practices only damns the company further. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Frankly, the Koala would be preferred as PM image Australia left to cringe once again at a leader's awkward moment Robyn Dixon via stan, Tuesday, Nov 18 2014, 1:14am
[Abbott's Australia] The adolescent country. The bit player. The shrimp of the schoolyard. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text If we all focus on Injustice ... stephanie, Monday, Nov 17 2014, 11:12pm
Indeed, social reform is all about focus especially on the major issues and global threats to sustainable life that require immediate remedies, climate change is one such issue.
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott, imbecile image G20: Abbott Portrays Australia as a Parochial, Insular Backwater leslie, Saturday, Nov 15 2014, 5:52am
People forget that the leader of a nation becomes its face to the world. Tony Abbott, who has all the diplomatic skills of a gnat, addressed leaders of the 20 most influential nations in the world today with his personal woes and LOCAL political issues, international leaders could care less. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Russell Brand image Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges known 9/11 truth Avoiders lex, Friday, Nov 14 2014, 1:07pm
It was Amy’s recent interview with Russell Brand, during which he praised Noam Chomsky that prompted this little piece. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

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