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text Nose-ringed American ‘Alternative’ Media sam, Wednesday, Dec 10 2014, 9:52pm
There they go again, distracted like a child with a piece of candy -- the REAL issue is the ongoing crimes America is committing DAILY -- even as I write -- you brainless dunces. The torture report is serving the elite to DISTRACT morons like the imbecilic, nose-ringed ‘alternative media,’ which is clearly unable to remain focused on the REAL ISSUES of continuing and ongoing crimes committed by the executive. Now pull your thumbs out of your stupid arses, which you seem to be using as your brains, you imbeciles, AND ATTACK!
international / prose / post

Obama, lackey and errand boy for the criminal elite image Obama: America "Exceptional" So We Don't Prosecute Torturers Jon Queally via stacy, Wednesday, Dec 10 2014, 8:31am
It should be remembered that the torture report is distracting from America's ongoing war crimes which it commits daily, either directly, civilian killing Drone attacks, or via its sponsored proxy fighting groups around the world; they include the US supported neo-Nazi Ukrainian regime and ISIL, to name only two obvious offenders -- so prosecutions are not a debatable topic, they are an imperative. No president or anyone else is in the position to obstruct the LAW or the people's demand for JUSTICE, as it was the previous administration's executive which is clearly guilty of these horrendous crimes. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

woolieslogo.jpg image Inadequate Belated Response from Woolworths HR mod, Wednesday, Dec 10 2014, 6:06am
Isn’t it always the way with corporate upper management to avoid directly responding to issues and complaints that compromise them and expose THEIR incompetence and unfair practices; we are unable to publish the content of the letter to the complainant due to restrictions, however, we are able to divulge that Woolworths’ HR ‘director’, David Guise, who is clearly responsible for dealing with the situation to the best of his ‘ability’, has instead attempted to delegate the matter and refer it on to the operations manager -- ‘too hot to handle’ issues usually result in avoidance and ‘buck-passing’ in corporate environments and Woolworths is no exception, a very poor show indeed. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Ignoring The World Trade Center [9/11] Evidence is No Longer an Option steve, Tuesday, Dec 9 2014, 10:09am
After the US released its damning torture report an official was interviewed on the BBC and when pressured became somewhat hysterical claiming that 9/11 justified torture and other crimes committed by the United States -- the plain truth is, it didn't! Questions remain today that must be answered as extremists in the US constantly refer to the extremely suspect event of 9/11 to justify all the ONGOING crimes committed since.
international / prose / post

text Species Survival jude, Monday, Dec 8 2014, 8:51pm
By far the most accurate indicator of the ‘health’ and tenure of ANY species is the manner in which it treats its young and defenceless, and UNICEF has some very horrid news indeed. "Never in recent memory have so many children been subjected to such unspeakable brutality."
international / prose / post

Anna Petrenko, air traffic controller responsible for MH17 image MH17: It seems that Abbott may have to ‘shirt-front’ Obama stan, Monday, Dec 8 2014, 1:54am
Recent reports make it quite clear that MH17 was shot down by the Kiev neo-Nazi regime supported by Washington, which would explain why Google removed compromising images from its database and Washington ordered dunce Abbott to attack Putin and run with a LIE, something Abbott is very familiar with! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Abbott, duplicitous lying scumbag image Don’t Fall For it! stacy, Saturday, Dec 6 2014, 9:42pm
Read carefully the mass media report below and see if you are able to determine the reality behind this subliminal form of propaganda. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Bring on the Nukes, House passes Legislation for WAR with Russia! gus, Saturday, Dec 6 2014, 10:09am
War with Russia is imminent and it couldn’t be a better outcome as it may result in the obliteration of Western Europe and the USA but some time after the theatre of that war is played out in the Middle East. And before you think I’m nuts war was/is INEVITABLE if you are able to see the nose on your face.
international / prose / post

text What’s REALLY NEW, Alternative Media? judd, Friday, Dec 5 2014, 11:05pm
Constantly droning on about the status quo and the horrid reality of criminal rule changes NOTHING, you clowns. Isn’t it about time you began outlining SOLUTIONS and taking steps to remedy what you constantly moan about in the most negative and hope-less terms?
international / prose / post

Conservative sympathiser, Leigh Sales image ABC Interviewer little Ms Bias, Leigh Sales, blasted for soft treatment of Criminal PM daniel, Thursday, Dec 4 2014, 9:30pm
All you need to survive in this world is a good memory -- hearken back a few years to the cotton wool interview that Sales gave war criminal Condoleezza Rice -- the entire world was aware of Rice's criminality but Sales gave her the most accommodating interview you could imagine -- what a thorough disgrace that right-leaning Queensland bitch really is. She badgered opposition leader Shorten and then treated criminal Abbott, who has much more to answer for, to a cake walk. Very poor show and judgement ABC! However, Murdoch couldn't be happier that 'his boy' was given red carpet treatment by Sales -- no doubt that bitch is looking to secure a position in Murdoch's media empire -- well good riddance. The last thing the Oz ABC needs at this time of cuts is an obviously partial interviewer. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Oz politics gone to the dogs stan, Thursday, Dec 4 2014, 10:38am
Over the past two days the opposition leader, Bill Shorten, and his shadow treasurer have been grilled by interviewers on the ABC and what a piss-poor show the ‘opposition’ put on with constant evasion, avoidance of direct questions relating to policies and how they would manage the economy.
international / prose / post

text How many People Know? Eric Zuesse via sal, Thursday, Dec 4 2014, 1:36am
How many Americans know that the current regime in Ukraine was installed in a very bloody February 2014 coup d’etat, that was planned in the U.S. White House, and overseen by an Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, and run by the CIA, and carried out for the White House by one of Ukraine’s two racist-fascist, or nazi, political parties, whose founder and leader still controls Ukraine though not officially, even these many months after his coup, and which nazi party has been up to their elbows since then in a genocidal policy to exterminate the people in the region of Ukraine that had voted approximately 90% for the man whom Obama and those nazis overthrew in February?
international / prose / post

text The Demise of the US Empire Gary Flomenhoft via sam, Wednesday, Dec 3 2014, 10:48am
It's over that is plain as day but how it ends no-one knows.
international / prose / post

We the 'Disenfranchised' and  'Expendable' image Americans Losing Faith in Democracy Paul R. Pillar via stacy, Wednesday, Dec 3 2014, 8:32am
Kurt Campbell, who was assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs until last year, had an interesting op-ed the other day that relates the growing inequality of income within the United States to a lowering of the international standing of the United States and of its ability to sustain international engagement abroad. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Essential Home Truth jude, Wednesday, Dec 3 2014, 12:42am
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." -- Buckminster Fuller
international / prose / post

shylock.jpg image 'Your' Money in Banks has just been Reclassified to 'Their' Money Russell Napier via steve, Tuesday, Dec 2 2014, 11:33pm
A little known and even less publicised agreement was reached at the recent G20 in Brisbane; it seems a distraction campaign by the mass media was also utilised -- Putin bashing -- to great effect. How many people are aware that their bank deposits are now integral to a bank's own assets? That means banks would be allowed to use 'their' (your) assets to bail themselves out if viability is threatened by hazardous banking investments. Banks now have a free hand to gamble with funds recklessly, as they would simply draw on 'your' funds to bail themselves out -- what a total travesty, a sordid and scurrilous trick has just been perpetrated on the global community! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Aussies have Lost Confidence in the Political Process darcy, Tuesday, Dec 2 2014, 12:37pm
There is no shortage of political analysis and commentary on the appalling situation in Oz politics at the moment. For all the verbosity in the mass media few commentators have the guts to spell it out so the task is once again left to the alternative media.
international / prose / post

PDF Document Over 90% of Breast Cancer Cells Destroyed by Chamomile, Thyme Oil: Study Mike Barrett via sal, Tuesday, Dec 2 2014, 10:34am
There is a myriad of natural foods and compounds that have been studied for their disease-preventing and even disease-treating abilities. While the pharmaceutical industry pushes patented drugs that cause numerous side-effects, researchers are unveiling how we can use nature’s gifts to prevent and treat ailments ranging from diabetes, to arthritis, to even cancer. For example, Chinese researchers have shown how oils as simple as chamomile or thyme can kill up to 90+ percent of breast cancer cells. (story and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

Russia under Putin image Americans are Scared, Shit Scared! judd, Monday, Dec 1 2014, 8:01am
Putin, for all his rhetoric and showmanship continues to be a pawn of the global elite, as his millions in western banks clearly indicates. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Dangerous Chemicals in Food: We Have Evolved in Nature Not in Dupont or Monsanto Marie-Monique Robin via sal, Sunday, Nov 30 2014, 8:29pm
The title says it all -- nature cannot be improved on recent human history verifies that -- the environment, including humanity is in extreme danger today.
international / prose / post

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