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Criminal AFP cop, Mick 'drunken dropkick' Keelty image The AFP Role in Sacrificing 9 Oz Citizens to the Death Penalty in Barbaric Indonesia Paul Toohey via judd, Friday, Feb 6 2015, 8:45am
Until the following article our parent site was one of the very few to run the truth on the intrigues surrounding the arrest of the 'Bali Nine' and the flagrant double dealing of the AFP and the Howard government at the time. It has taken almost a decade for the mainstream to print an accurate account of the story notwithstanding it has refrained from implicating John Howard in the incompetent actions of AFP chief, Mick 'drunken dropkick' Keelty. To put it in one sentence, the responsiblilty for the deaths of two (or more) Oz citizens in barbaric Indonesia rests squarely on the shoulders of John Howard and Mick Keelty -- they should be held accountable for their obvious, inept and tragic crimes.

Whether or not they escape justice today is determined by the national will/awareness (or the lack thereof) however, history has a way of revealing the truth of not only the sell-out of nine Oz citizens but the LIES that Howard told to involve Australia in the first human holocaust of the 21st century in Iraq -- a now known illegal invasion based on concerted LIES and fabrications that resulted in over 1.3 million innocent civilian deaths.
(story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

Dead man walking image Choice is now clear -- kill Abbott or the Party barry, Thursday, Feb 5 2015, 9:46pm
Abbott is politically dead whether he retains the leadership or not that is clear to all today after a challenge was confirmed. Now, it’s not rocket science to realise that holding onto dead weight Abbott, who is deservedly reviled by an entire nation, sinks everyone, but changing the face and message of the Party offers some hope for future success. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

candle_flame.jpg image Flickerless Flame sadh, Thursday, Feb 5 2015, 8:48am
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

Abbott sucking up to Murdoch -- makes you want to puke image Oz Conservatives: Arrogant born to rule Mentality jess, Wednesday, Feb 4 2015, 9:38pm
Against public wishes and MAJORITY opinion, minority-serving, self-centred Oz conservatives appear determined to have THEIR way as they continue to take the people for granted -- first message is, pursue this course to your very great cost, you insular clowns. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

virgin_mary.jpg image God on the Road zed, Wednesday, Feb 4 2015, 9:11am
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

Heraclitus image Greece may lead Europe back to Freedom and Independence yanis, Tuesday, Feb 3 2015, 11:03pm
Greece has adopted the goose and gander approach to its current economic problems, what is good for one is good or even better for the other. How so? Consider Central and mega-Banks of the world that caused the global economic collapse of 2008, and realise that no-one was held accountable for the monumental frauds, deceptions and crimes perpetrated by these mega-banks. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Turnbull and Bishop, lack what it takes to lead image Bishop and Turnbull FAIL stacey, Tuesday, Feb 3 2015, 5:58pm
With the entire population screaming 'get rid of LYING dunce Abbott' to the INSULAR Libs, there are no excuses for inaction, particularly from the front bench. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Sociopathic Global Elite jude, Monday, Feb 2 2015, 9:04pm
We have made numerous references to an unrepresentative, mega-wealthy (the most accurate identifier), criminal global elite on this site. These sick bastards are behind all the wars that have been waged over the past 15 years, and the wars that are being waged today. However, these supreme COWARDS never show their faces, they work through CORRUPT and traitorous puppet politicians, which include all members of all major (owned) political parties WORLD-WIDE.
international / prose / post

text The Greek Earthquake Conn Hallinan via stacey, Sunday, Feb 1 2015, 11:35pm
Almost before the votes were counted in the recent Greek elections, battle lines were being drawn all over Europe. While Alexis Tsipras, the newly elected Prime Minister from Greece’s victorious Syriza Party, was telling voters, “Greece is leaving behind catastrophic austerity, fear and autocratic government,” Jens Weidmann, president of the German Bundesbank, was warning the new government not to “make promises it cannot keep and the country cannot afford.”
international / prose / post

TOXIC PM, Tony Abbott image The Modern Political Cult of Personality stan, Sunday, Feb 1 2015, 11:14pm
The classic cult of personality (worship) reached its zenith in totalitarian communist States of the 20th century where every spare social space was covered in huge portraits/representations of the current ‘great leader’ from Stalin through to the succession of North Korean leaders today, where the 'great leader’ is portrayed as semi-divine by the local media/propaganda apparatuses that constantly spew misinformation and praise for their respective leaders. However, today a new type of personality fixation is utilised to great effect in modern global politics. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Ministers Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull imageaudio Abbott: Will you still take me for granted tomorrow? shirl, Sunday, Feb 1 2015, 11:27am
In the wake of the slaughter of the conservative party in the Queensland State election -- a shock outcome that the majority of analysts and commentators did not expect -- the now obviously pathological, self-obsessed, conservative PM Tony Abbott, continues to brazenly LIE in the face of the nation, which is a clear indication that Oz conservatives take the public for granted even though that public sounded the loudest most unambiguous message to ALL politicians in AUSTRALIA. (story and 1 image and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

text Tony Abbott - “Captain” of Doomed Conservative Ship of Fools and Cowards reg, Saturday, Jan 31 2015, 8:53am
We get no satisfaction in predicting the obvious before it becomes reality, spelling out the consequences of Abbott’s arrogant actions after he contemptuously LIED through his teeth to the Australian people and STOLE the office of PM by FRAUD and calculated DECEIT, presented no challenge whatsoever..
international / prose / post

Abbott (left) with clone Campbell Newman image Gutfull of Lying Prick Abbott reed, Thursday, Jan 29 2015, 8:54pm
Pretender to office, PM Tony Abbott, has resorted to self-apologetics in a vain attempt to shore up his leaking leadership boat. He not surprisingly referred to the two primary contenders for the leadership job, Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull and had the gall to take credit for their performance and skills. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

audio Barely Rates a Mention lex, Thursday, Jan 29 2015, 7:09am
You may have noticed that the ‘news’ is the same today as it was yesterday and tomorrow promises to be as predictable -- this has been occurring for the past decade, except of course for the minor distractions and mindless titillations there is no real news, it’s all propaganda and gross misinformation but most people wouldn’t have noticed, they have been slowly accustomed to the flow of unadulterated bullshit that issues from a handful of corporate media outlets. (story and 1 audio file)
international / prose / post

auschwitz.jpg image The Auschwitz Lamentation jake, Tuesday, Jan 27 2015, 8:43pm
Where’s the memorial service for the 4 million innocent peasants carpet-bombed in Indo-China by America, or the 500,000 children killed for a barrel of oil by US embargoes, or the 1.3 million innocent civilians murdered by the US/NATO during the illegal invasion of Iraq, and we have not mentioned Africa, the Caribbean Islands, Latin America or the indigenous people of North America? Let’s not exclude greater humanity when acknowledging crimes of mass murder, crimes in which America specialises TODAY. So what have YOU learned, WORLD? Sweet fuck ALL, it seems! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Kicker quinn, Tuesday, Jan 27 2015, 10:59am
international / poetry / post

Tony 'genius' Abbott image Tony Abbott Takes Another Giant Leap Backwards bluey, Monday, Jan 26 2015, 7:41am
Parochial, insular, London born, Tony Abbott, has proven that once the die is cast there is no altering the pattern. The traitorous, plutocrat/corporate serving pathologically lying Oz PM that stole office by calculated fraud and deceit, has just out-done himself again by formally making a request to London to knight Prince Philip, the British Monarch's husband -- how quaint, antiquated and incredibly retrograde. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Gross stacey, Saturday, Jan 24 2015, 9:24am
international / poetry / post

Tony 'dunce liar' Abbott image Tony Abbott’s Unrepresentative Leadership cyd, Friday, Jan 23 2015, 9:53pm
If anyone continues to harbour doubts regarding Abbott’s disingenuous leadership and the fact that he stole the office of PM by fraud, deceit and calculated LIES, then feast your eyes on this ‘wish list’ given to him by corporatists, plutocrats Rupert Murdoch, Gina Rinehart and other elitists at a PRE-ELECTION ‘gala dinner.’ NOTE that the following corporatist wish list was published well before Abbott LIED his way into the highest office in the land. So his FEEBLE excuse that his inappropriate policies are the result of previously unknown inherited circumstances is utter rubbish -- Abbott hasn't stopped lying since he lied his way into office, which highlights the contempt he not only has for the Australian people but for members of his own party. Pathological Abbott is clearly all about himself. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text The Real News that never makes the Headlines sadh, Thursday, Jan 22 2015, 6:59pm
Foremost of course are the innumerable crimes committed by the USA and its allies -- the western propaganda machine milks every instance of death that ‘useful extremists’ commit whereas the death of millions in Indo-China, Iraq and elsewhere never get a mention in the privately owned, partial mainstream media! So let’s hear it for REALITY -- the world’s leading civilian killing TERRORIST nation is the USA by a country mile and yet no war crimes prosecutions! Isn’t that strange or maybe not if you control the ICC and the western media apparatus, which specialises in hiding the grizzly truth and distracting the masses?
international / prose / post

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