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text What oil, I thought it was about spreading democracy in Iraq? sam, Tuesday, Jun 24 2014, 1:54pm
Surely U.S. leaders wouldn’t brazenly LIE and leave themselves open to legal accountability and war crimes trials, c’mmon they are not that stupid are they?
international / prose / post

Murdoch with Brooks image No-one that works for Murdoch is Innocent! tom, Tuesday, Jun 24 2014, 11:18am
Now that we have established a factual base upon which to proceed we can cover the 'story' of the phone hacking trials in the UK. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image Leaked Report: Abbott Ready to Gut and Dismantle the ABC Matthew Knott via baz, Monday, Jun 23 2014, 10:56am
There is a history to this dastardly plot to gut and dismember the ABC; Abbott is fulfilling a promise he made to his master, Rupert Murdoch, who despises the ABC for numerous reasons, not least of which is its large patronage and trusted status in Oz. The ABC is tailored for the national interest to serve the people, unlike the mindless American style sensationalism that the Murdoch media is noted for. The Bottom line here is that Abbott is running an errand for minority private interests to the great expense of the people, but as we have already learned Abbott is NOT a man of the PEOPLE, he is a corporate errand boy and servant to Oz plutocrats, Rinehart and Murdoch. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott and his Treasurer Joe Hockey image Oz gov Hesitates to sign global agreement on Tax Evasion Georgia Wilkins via pat, Monday, Jun 23 2014, 12:40am
There is only one reason the Abbott puppet government is dragging the chain on global tax avoidance and the issue of Corporate tax evasion in Australia; and that is Abbott is protecting the minority interests he serves -- if the Oz public became aware of the scandal of mega-wealthy earners avoiding their tax responsibilities and starving the nation of funds for essential services and infrastructure, which of course forces government to extract needed funds from the poorest, most vulnerable in the community, Abbott and his cohorts in deception would be 'drawn and quartered' to a man and woman. Forget a plebiscite, they would be SHOT on sight! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Putin offers Iraq "complete support" to oust US backed ISIL Insurgency staff report via jake, Sunday, Jun 22 2014, 3:31am
Could it really be true? After handing over Libya/Gaddafi to NATO/US forces Putin remains very suspect indeed, but in a classic Titoist manoeuvre Putin's offer to Maliki to rout the terrorists would rob the USA of its stolen OIL while making it OBVIOUS to the entire world that America is behind the ISIL insurgency; this is indeed a brilliant tactical move on Putin's part though I trust that puppet as much as I trust puppet Obama.
international / prose / post

text Climbing Rainbows jude, Saturday, Jun 21 2014, 2:58pm
Do not scoff or reject the proposition, after all, you accept rule by criminal minorities that demand trillions of taxpayer's dollars then refuse to repay it; you allow unrepresentative elites to treat you with the contempt you deserve by not rejecting the total fictive crap of the 9/11 commission ineptly trying to hide the truth about the inside job that 9/11 was; 9/11 remains the biggest botched false flag operation in modern history, and you think it impossible to climb rainbows!
international / prose / post

Active Agent, Edward Snowden image Nose-ringed finch, Friday, Jun 20 2014, 1:04am
I was recently hit with a brick, metaphorically speaking, and realised something obvious -- today the obvious is secret. The brick revelation was simply, ‘where there is no WILL there is no way/action! WILL must precede all action no matter how insignificant. WILL is the prime mover, action ALWAYS follows, it is secondary to WILL. Populations today are devoid of WILL, why so? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text ISIL Iraq and Laughing Elites sony, Thursday, Jun 19 2014, 1:55am
Regardless of how accurate or inaccurate recent reports about the recent U.S./Saudi backed ISIL insurgency, the 'main (globalist) game' progresses full speed ahead. And what pray tell is the main game, which everyone seems to have forgotten, PNAC and the globalist interests behind it?
international / prose / post

text Responsibility sal, Wednesday, Jun 18 2014, 9:14am
Many people are vaguely aware of what will be presented here, some are completely oblivious to the reality around them. In order to remedy widespread ignorance induced via the privately owned corporate mass media apparatus, we have gathered three only of the most relevant informative videos on Youtube for your convenience and edification.
international / prose / post

Ian McLeod image Coles fined $3m - Oz Law Bears Down on Crooked CEO Ian McLeod staff report via shopper, Wednesday, Jun 18 2014, 12:50am
In an outcome that was anticipated for Coles' cowboy CEO, Ian McLeod, who had a track record of being hauled before the courts in the UK for deceptive practices, Australian Law today handed down a $3 million fine to Coles for misleading the public and other breaches of Consumer Law -- are you reading this parent company Wesfarmers, think twice before employing KNOWN crooked foreign CEOs in the future? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

peacera.jpg image Preparing for the Holocaust justinian, Tuesday, Jun 17 2014, 2:00am
Nuclear nations upgrading and expanding NUCLEAR arsenals -- pathetic! But we should all remember that is was the AMERICAN neocons over a decade ago that trashed all the treaties and forced other nations to maintain parity with sociopathic America. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text A Fallujah Veteran's View of the ISIL/ISIS Advance Ross Caputi via stan, Monday, Jun 16 2014, 3:37am
In view of the tragic reality that Americans can no longer trust their CFR controlled, privately owned mass (propaganda) media, opinion and analysis from informed sources is welcome. The piece below is well worth the read as it offers new insights into the 'surprise' events transpiring in Iraq as I write. The more credible information the public has at its disposal the better equipped it is to make correct assessments, judgements and decisions (for itself).
international / prose / post

isil.jpg image The ISIL Advance in Iraq and Washington's Armchair Response jalal, Sunday, Jun 15 2014, 6:05am
It would seem from the extra-ordinary 'laid-back' response of Washington to ISIL's 'shock and awe' advance against massively superior forces in Mosul -- approx 20K troops according to The Guardian -- and other major cities in Iraq that something is on the nose. Thirty thousand trained and well armed troops of the regular Iraqi army do not just drop their weapons and run when attacked by less than 1000 extremists, nor do their officers unless, of course, things have been pre-arranged. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

iraqwc.jpg image Iraq - An Eyes Wide Open Idiot Invasion judd, Saturday, Jun 14 2014, 1:46pm
Is it now time to arrest and hold the guilty accountable, the criminal neocons, the coalition of willing criminals (Bush Blair and Howard) and everyone that pursued the lunatic neocon agenda, like Obama and H. Clinton? Every administrative official that followed the agenda and policies of fanatic ultra-right wing psychopath Paul Wolfowitz and his Chicago school of lunatic cohorts. Watch the following video of Cheney speaking ACCURATELY about Iraq after the Kuwait intervention and realise that various U.S. administrations went in with EYES WIDE OPEN promising that their criminal actions would make the WORLD a safer place. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

'I brought my kneepads, Barack.'  'Good boy, Tony' image Servile Abbott sucks hard, Obama is well pleased staff report via sal, Saturday, Jun 14 2014, 1:14am
Here's how to read the story from the mass media below. But first the current reality regarding Oz national security. PRIOR to Gillard's supremely servile and treasonous act of signing over FIVE full scale military bases on our soil for the war-mongering yanks to use at their convenience, we were NOT A THREAT TO ANY NATION in the REGION. Not so today, AMERICA WISHES TO USE AUSTRALIA AS A CONVENIENT SPRINGBOARD TO ATTACK CHINA, WHICH IT FEARS FOR ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL REASONS -- it is historically known that the world's largest economy soon becomes the world's leading power and China is set to overtake failing America in the near future. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

worldinpalm.jpg image The Economic-Corporate Oligarchy of the World Steven MacMillan via stan, Friday, Jun 13 2014, 6:03am
Today’s world is ruled by a myriad of multinational corporations and financial institutions that belong to a network of private round table organisations that stretch across the planet. There exists an international ruling elite that has been building an economic-corporate empire for over a century, which oppresses any dissent to their agenda. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Rapid Advance of ISIS hassan, Friday, Jun 13 2014, 3:15am
Caution is advised in view of the extreme rapidity of the advance of this proxy warrior group the USA employed in Libya (and Syria) to topple Gaddafi and fight against al-Assad -- yes, Washington (via the CIA) has a relationship with ISIL/ISIS, which of course is ‘hardly worth mentioning’ by the CFR media/propaganda apparatus. Consider that the real target could be Iran, which is awake to the threat. Whether ISIS are duped 'useful idiots' being doubled-dealed is not known, but it's part of the CIA bag of dirty tricks, as most analysts are aware.
international / prose / post

accc.jpg image Woolworths Extortion Scandal - Senator Xenophon Only Scratches Surface joe, Thursday, Jun 12 2014, 4:24am
The arrogance and criminal tendencies of large corporations in Oz has once again made headlines. This time it’s mega-retailer Woolworths, which seems to be following hot on the heels of its duopolist buddy Coles, which has been dragged into the Federal Court yet again by the ACCC for “unconscionable behaviour” involving, this time, calculated and intentional methods of extorting extra monies from suppliers. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Angelina Jolie image The Politics of Omission and Distraction Today jodi, Wednesday, Jun 11 2014, 12:26pm
Oz treasurer, Joe ‘corporate servant’ Hockey, is as good an example as any, as his conservative government is doing its best to serve the interests of the world’s tiniest minority, the families and individuals behind the globalist banking cartels and TAX ALLERGIC mega-corporations that the mega-banks facilitate. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Consider the Failing US Empire and the Rise and Fall of Mosul reg, Wednesday, Jun 11 2014, 3:27am
The immoral and grossly illegal actions of the aspiring American empire in Iraq is reflected in its general demise as a world power -- history bears witness to an undeniable pattern of events that precede the collapse of all Empires.
international / prose / post

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