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Reprehensible corporate lackey and moron, Tony Abbott image Vaccination - It's Not about health, it's about Profits for Big Pharma Prof.James F Tracy via shirl, Sunday, Apr 12 2015, 9:28am
Tony Abbott, Oz PM, pathological liar, corporate lackey and bully emerged from his hole this week with another attack directed at the vulnerable in our community. Slogan crazy Abbott has invented another facile slogan in relation to vaccination, “no jab, no pay,” which primarily targets those least able to defend their rights, people on welfare! Notwithstanding that the vulnerable are Abbott’s favourite targets -- his callousness and corporate affiliations are well known -- this latest action is a clear case of social ‘blackmail,’ which under Oz law remains a crime and those affected should mount a class challenge, via legal aid, on the government. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

digitaltunnel.jpg image Money is Nothing Skill is Everything nano, Saturday, Apr 11 2015, 11:02pm
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

text When Psychopaths take over the Asylum jude, Friday, Apr 10 2015, 11:43pm
Just as informed people are aware that Gaza is an open air concentration camp run by Judo-Nazis that subject the population to the most horrific crimes and survival restrictions, the WORLD is aware that America is an asylum nation run by psychopaths.
international / prose / post

Joe Hockey image Oz Treasurer Joe Hockey decides to tax citizens instead of Rorting Corporations Leon Spencer via josie, Friday, Apr 10 2015, 12:19am
Australia's Treasurer Joe Hockey makes plans to broaden the country's GST to include internet content, he has been warned against unilaterally closing tax loopholes for multinational companies without the support of the OECD. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obamaanddrones.jpg image US Wages ''War on Terror'' in the Philippines Adam Hudson via jill, Thursday, Apr 9 2015, 8:34am
The global population is not only aware of the feeble facade that disguises the imperial US agenda of world domination, it is sick and tired of the excuse, the declaration of an endless war on a noun, 'terror,' which enables the US to wage war on any person, State or group, it chooses.

If the USA were truly serious about eliminating terrorism it would wage war on the two largest perpetrators of chaos, destabilisation and civilian killing in the world today, NATO and itself – so let’s get real and refuse the bullshit sandwiches which Washington and Brussels imagine the global population would readily devour.
(story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

breadfruit.jpg image Breadfruit Food Security in the Face of Global Crises Jon Letman via stan, Thursday, Apr 9 2015, 7:56am
Hawaii - Political instability, poverty, war, disease and climate change are testing humanity like never before, but in a world beset by rapidly compounding crises, one thing remains constant: People need to eat nutritious food. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Known corporate lapdog, Oz PM, Tony Abbott imagevideo Oz Senate Inquiry into Tax Avoidance by Multi-national and Large Corporations jess, Wednesday, Apr 8 2015, 7:32am
Google, Apple and Microsoft appeared before an Australian Senate inquiry today for massive tax avoidance. And the most outstanding initial features of this inquiry was the smugness, arrogance, and contempt company chiefs displayed toward the elected representatives of the people, which translates as undisguised contempt for all battling Australians who pay their (often large) due in taxes. (story and 1 image and 1 video)
international / prose / post

text How America and the Western World Became an Oligarchy Ellen Brown via jace, Tuesday, Apr 7 2015, 10:23pm
According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists. Using data from over 1,800 policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concluded that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of – or even against – the will of the majority of voters. America’s political system has transformed from a democracy into an oligarchy, where power is wielded by wealthy elites.
international / prose / post

text The Most Bloodthirsty, Murderous Religion on the Planet justin, Tuesday, Apr 7 2015, 10:06am
Take a guess, Islam right? WRONG, in upper case! Christianity has no peer as the most murderous religion on the planet no other religion comes close to its record of blood, guts, inhumanity, torture, constant wars and mass murder. Any good historical text would verify this for those still able to research the truth and arrive at realistic conclusions.
international / prose / post

text Sanction and Divest Parasitic Corporations and Mega-Banks billie, Monday, Apr 6 2015, 10:13pm
The absurd mass media discourse that myopically sees only debt and austerity for the masses is a ruse, a distraction designed to lead the mindless, unthinking masses to believe there’s no money available and everyone, excluding of course the mega-wealthy elites responsible for propagating this giant lie, must accept harsh belt-tightening measures in order to survive -- nothing could be further from the truth.
international / prose / post

Abbott licking Murdoch's arse image Rupert Murdoch Siphons $4.5b from His Australian businesses virtually Tax-Free Michael West via jaxie, Sunday, Apr 5 2015, 8:33pm
Now if we add that amount to Gina Rinehart's and other local and international mega-corporate Tax Avoiders like Apple and Google etc, the government -- the Australian nation -- is being robbed of trillions of dollars in revenue per annum, which clearly accounts for the budget shortfall. Blaming and then targeting the people for this shortfall is merely a 'blame the victim' game that tax avoiding elites play so well. The current failed Oz PM, Tony Abbott, who stole office with lies, deceit and Murdoch's help, is left in no-man's land as Abbott is loath to restore a FAIR taxation system for fear of losing the only support he has. Abbott promised the plutocrats he would implement THEIR policies and follow THEIR AGENDA in exchange for their support -- which he has unsuccessfullly tried to achieve by pushing/forcing unrepresentative policies through parliament. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Thinly Disguised New Law Designed to Target Hackers and Hacktivists staff report via jazq, Saturday, Apr 4 2015, 9:38pm
One of the first things kiddie hackers learn is how to direct the source of their attacks to other parties, known as 'spoofing' in the scene. Doing so is simplicity itself as the nature of digital traffic makes it virtually impossible to trace a professional hack. This is very well known even among fifth rate hackers that traitorously work for the State. This new law therefore allows governments to blame anyone they choose, another State, person, or entity, of illegal hacking. Everyone in the underground is aware of the ruse, however, the cardinal rule of anonymity maintains security, so those seeking notoriety like Julian Assange beware, fame is anathema to hackers. In view of the reality this absurdly broad new law is nothing more than an extension of police State oppression. Be aware!
international / prose / post

Sell-outs, Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott image The IMF Proposes The Appropriation of Household Savings via james, Friday, Apr 3 2015, 12:15am
First reported by Forbes, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) dropped a bomb in its October Fiscal Monitor Report. The report paints a dire picture for high-debt nations that fail to aggressively “mobilize domestic revenue,” which is code for “aggressive taxation of citizens.” It goes on to build a case for drastic measures and recommends a series of escalating income and consumption tax increases – culminating in the direct confiscation of private assets. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The K.I.S.S. Principle: Keep It Simple Stupid! jess, Wednesday, Apr 1 2015, 11:08pm
I had occasion some years back to train inexperienced but highly qualified youth in the field of IT, and adhering to the above principle was a golden rule that applies not only to technical problems but to the social existential dilemmas of today.
international / prose / post

text Journalistic Bias and Citizen Journalism jim, Wednesday, Apr 1 2015, 10:00am
In the context of reporting the facts all journalists should maintain their impartiality, however, that is where it ends, partiality or bias in journalistic analysis and commentary is not distortion, as the public has the facts and is able to arrive at their own conclusions.
international / prose / post

text “Data Retention,” Australia’s Keystone Cops and Major Party Sell-outs Binoy Kampmark via sally, Tuesday, Mar 31 2015, 10:31pm
The first very revealing indicator of political non-representation is that BOTH major puppet parties passed this Bill into Law without adequate scrutiny or at least some proof that this Bill prevents crime. I refer to the recent Martin Place seige as evidence of a complete failure by police and other regulatory agencies to prevent a criminal action by a felon that was known and monitored by local spy agencies and the State police. And now these incompetent imbeciles have been given more material to create evermore havoc on our lives -- the details of every citizen's metadata private communications and whereabouts (GPS aware smartphones) is now readily avaialble without warrants to imbecile police and our boy scout spy agencies -- God help Oz!
international / prose / post

text Ex-pat Aussie working with Washington Confirms World is less Safe since US initiated War on Terror mitch, Tuesday, Mar 31 2015, 4:46am
In a recent interview on the Oz ABC '7.30' program, Dave Kilcullen, who is remembered for his animated involvement with the criminal neocons and the illegal invasion of Iraq, appears to have finally come to grips with reality – America has done nothing but aggravate conflicts around the world and the result is the world is a much unsafer place, thanks Dave for at least admitting the Truth to the Australian public!
international / prose / post

text US Seeks to Eventually Partition Sri Lanka in order to 'Contain' China Tamara Kunanayakam via jess, Monday, Mar 30 2015, 11:16pm
The United States has no genuine interest in accountability or reconciliation in Sri Lanka, but is seeking a strategic military base in Asia, says Tamara Manimekhalai Kunanayakam, onetime Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office at Geneva and Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Holy See.
international / prose / post

text History forgotten is History Repeated jaxie, Monday, Mar 30 2015, 9:42am
I remember a history class in my junior high school years describing the horrific treatment that Jews received in Nazi Germany – how was it possible? Germany was a socially progressive advanced society on par with, and in many instances surpassing, other European nations, indeed, the population was civilised and advanced, however, it couldn’t and didn’t survive complete control of the mass media under the helmsmanship of sinister genius Dr Goebbels, and that is a lesson for America and other western nations today – information control is mind control.
international / prose / post

text Unprovoked Military Aggression in the Middle East – Goodbye rule of Law justin, Sunday, Mar 29 2015, 10:36pm
The unprovoked attacks on Yemen (Iran) by US vassals in the region and the mute response of the now obviously partial UN marks a watershed moment in international lawlessness. So many international laws and charters have been breached by this unjustified, lawless attack it defies reason. But that is the point the world has entered a new very obvious, dangerous phase, outright undisguised, gangsterism, where the rule of violence and destruction prevail over civilised law and order – and that spells disaster for the entire WORLD.
international / prose / post

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