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ministryoftruth.jpg image TRUTH Is Washington’s Greatest Enemy Paul Craig Roberts via vance, Wednesday, Apr 22 2015, 10:41am
George Orwell prophetically warned, when Truth becomes the enemy of the State that State becomes the enemy of the People -- and so it is with America today. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Chris Bowen, punk and lapdog to the elite image Oz Major Political Parties – servility to Banker and Corporate interests Confirmed bruce, Wednesday, Apr 22 2015, 8:08am
Opposition shadow treasurer Chris Bowen, from the (LOL) so-called Australian ‘worker’s party,’ divulged his party’s taxation policy on the ABC 7.30 program tonight and you guessed it, like his counterpart in the serving conservative party ‘his’ policies targeted wage earners NOT tax avoiding multi-nationals and mega banks – surprise, surprise, for no-one! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

leaf.jpg image Far from Home rae, Tuesday, Apr 21 2015, 10:04am
. (story and 1 image)
international / poetry / post

text Neocon Think Tank Proposes US Proxy Armies and Perpetual War to Control Syria and World Stephen Lendman via trudi, Tuesday, Apr 21 2015, 12:19am
The Atlantic Council is a hawkish right-wing think tank. It was founded in 1961 to support NATO’s killing machine. It’s one of many similar groups in America threatening world peace and stability. Its solution for ending Obama’s war on Syria is escalated war. It proposes what it calls a Syrian National Stabilization Force (SNSF) - code language for US-controlled conquering and occupying army.
international / prose / post

Unrepresentative corporate servant Tony Abbott with his master, Rupert Murdoch image Abbott – Commodification of ANZACS to sell Oz re-involvement in Iraq john, Monday, Apr 20 2015, 10:58am
The Murdoch headline reads: "Tony Abbott hails 'the splendid sons of Anzacs' " (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

obama_hitler_stalin2.jpg image Slave Nations – if the chains fit…! shamus, Monday, Apr 20 2015, 1:35am
Think about the principles upon which America was founded, life, liberty, FREEDOM and the pursuit of happiness, and then take a good look at the grotesque nation America is today; indefinite incarceration without charge or trial, legalised torture and kidnapping of citizens by the State, secret government kill lists that target US citizens – what a thorough travesty of the Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and Constitution, woe, woe, woe America! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Climate Change and the Anthrax Letters – not strange bedfellows zed, Sunday, Apr 19 2015, 1:40am
Back in 1973 the Australian CSIRO, a scientific research body, outlined the effects of climate change and gave a cogent warning to the world. A documentary was released on a local television station at the time. It predicted that the ‘tipping point,’ or point of no return, would be breached within a decade if radical measures were not implemented to curtail the effects of pollution. The result was that corporate controlled governments did nothing to stem the poisonous tide of industrial pollution and climate change, but instead radically reduced funding to the CSIRO – no doubt at the behest of the corporate lobby.
international / prose / post

Rupert Murdoch, CFR member image Mass Media Serves Corporate Interests and Puppet Politicians NOT the Public staff report via jess, Saturday, Apr 18 2015, 9:52am
Recently several journalists who worked in the mainstream media (MSM) exposed its corrupt nature, weighing in on the growing mistrust it inspires. We hope the following will inspire you to support the independent media. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Lying US lackey dunce, Tony Abbott image MH370 – Foul Play jim, Friday, Apr 17 2015, 10:28pm
The obvious answer is usually the correct answer, however, in western 24-hour-memory and attention deficit societies the obvious becomes blurred by not only the attention-grabbing but attention directing mass media, this unfortunate reality is exactly how it’s meant to be according to the ‘perception management’ agenda of the ruling global elite – free analytical thinking is fast becoming a crime, just ask any real investigative reporter, or understand why western puppet governments are targeting ‘sensitive’ information disseminators. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text We can do it but you cannot – because we are exceptional! jovan, Friday, Apr 17 2015, 11:27am
Exceptional indeed, exceptionally hypocritical. Well, the world has had enough of American double standards and bullshit, or is America too exceptionally stupid to realise that the tide is turning away from passive acceptance of brazen US criminality -- America remains the world’s leading civilian killing, therefore terrorist, nation and no amount of Orwellian double-talk is able to alter that statistical, criminal, REALITY. The next time America attempts to blame a victim by screaming terrorist, simply hand it a mirror and tell it to withdraw from its one thousand ‘Fort Apaches’ strategically placed around the globe.
international / prose / post

text Twist and Turn gemma via dulcie, Friday, Apr 17 2015, 1:42am
international / poetry / post

evil_google.jpg image Google, '.. be evil' staff report via gail, Thursday, Apr 16 2015, 11:07am
Overnight, the European Commission filed a complaint against the internet giant following a five-year investigation into how the company operates. The result could lead to billions of dollars in fines and change the way everything from booking flights to mobile software works in Europe. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Oz PM Tony Abbott, corporate lackey extraordinaire image The System is Rigged justin, Thursday, Apr 16 2015, 10:30am
If you want incontrovertible proof, simply look at those that pay the least and most (percentage of income) in taxes. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Watershed Event - Indigenous Australians Declare Sovereignty gemma, Wednesday, Apr 15 2015, 11:28am
Well, numerous Oz governments asked for it, and the very best of luck to the North Queensland Yidindji people for seceding from the antiquated crown and buffoon Abbott government, which serves the global elite and not the Australian people.
international / prose / post

text One Truth Defeats a Million Lies via zed, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 11:50pm
It seems the US mass media propaganda apparatus is up against it, the TRUTH that is, not least because Truth stands immutable, CONSTANT and is impervious to lies. Truth is free but lies cost plenty, the more lies the greater the expense for the liars and so the following report is no surprise, America is losing its propaganda war.
international / prose / post

text Contemplation jude, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 1:05pm
international / poetry / post

text A Nation's Shame: Trillions in Corporate Wealth, Millions of Children in Poverty Paul Buchheit via stacey, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 11:25am
What price a child's life? Ask Jesus Christ, who likened children to his Kingdom of Heaven. Now compare so-called Christian nation America's behaviour. When former Sec. of State Madam Albright was questioned on 60 minutes over the horrific death toll (500,000) of innocent Iraqi children -- resulting directly from US sanctions and embargos -- she responded, it was "a hard choice, but WE think it was worth it!" Our question is, worth what America, a few barrels of stolen oil? This truly abominable response from a high ranking US official reveals the true black, mass murdering heart of America and the horrific effects of its sick ideology of imperialistic, permanent war. As with all ideologies the effects are felt by the domestic population and the results are horrendous and unforgiveable. How much longer must we passively tolerate inhuman policies from a clearly sick, criminal administration?
international / prose / post

The result of US foreign policy image US Foreign Policy - Bribery, Sanctions and Bombs Joseph Clifford via judd, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 2:27am
There is nothing complex about primitive, rustic brutes. With its ability to print the world default currency, the US uses its printing presses to bribe and buy national leaders wherever, particularly Eastern Europe and Central Asia, that means is likely to succeed. In the case of resource rich undeveloped nations with independent leaders, buying amenability proves impossible so the US resorts to outright intimidation with economic and other sanctions, embargos and bombs. Not very sophisticated and civilised to say the least, notwithstanding the criminal aspects of this behaviour. It is quite striking to note that China, which has far greater needs than the US, relies on good international relations and business to procure its resource and other needs, how thoroughly civilised and legal - everybody wins. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Mass murdering neocon, Paul Wolfowitz image The Gross Illegality of ‘Regime Change’ Ray McGovern via stan, Tuesday, Apr 14 2015, 1:00am
Yes, that’s correct, “regime change,” which actually translates as illegal military invasions/bombings and the outright murder of State leaders, is UNIVERSALLY illegal, a CRIME, in whatever jurisdiction you care to name, international and domestic. However, the striking and deplorable reality is that KNOWN neocons directly responsible for targeted assassinations and mass murder have not been held accountable for their overt and horrific crimes which parallel those of the Nazis last century. A civilian holocaust was the result of the illegal, based on EXPOSED lies, invasion of Iraq. If the American people allow these criminals to smugly flout the law then they allow criminal cabals to do as they please. This is a searing moral and legal issue which must be addressed by the MORAL MAJORITY, failure to do so would result in an escalation of State criminal activity, which of course is evident today! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

PDF Document ‘Independent’ media – by name only jess, Monday, Apr 13 2015, 10:47am
I have a question that refers to the meaning of ‘independent’ and a claim that the so-called alternative or independent media is not what it purports to be. (story and 2 attached files)
international / prose / post

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