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Kerry and Hagel, trust us we consider all allies expendable image Tony Abbott, Washington’s Unquestioning Errand Boy darcy, Wednesday, Aug 13 2014, 2:15am
After making an utter idiot of himself by very loud and moronic speculative (Washington-urged) accusations against Russia’s president Vladimir Putin for the (U.S. backed) Kiev government’s shoot-down of Malaysian airliner MH-17, errand boy Tony Abbott is again performing in his new role as U.S. lackey and zealot by again -- on Washington’s urging -- sticking his stupid neck out by committing Oz to military action in Iraq without parliamentary debate or popular support or approval. As oft quoted anecdotes and fairy tales suggest, repeatedly and imprudently sticking one’s neck out results in the loss of one’s head! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Washington Runs Roughshod virgil, Saturday, Aug 9 2014, 4:36am
Largely due to the lack of cohesive opposition, the USA has been doing what it likes around the globe for the past fifteen years and more. Un-opposed, America has become a law unto itself. After committing the first civilian holocaust of the new century in Iraq -- over one million innocent civilians killed and over four million citizens displaced -- the U.S. and its allies have been flagrantly ignoring all modern conventions and international laws ever since.
international / prose / post

Destructive to local industries, former Coles MD, Ian McLeod image The Illness of Corporate and Political Sociopathology larry, Wednesday, Aug 6 2014, 3:58am
While we admire and glorify corporate and political sociopaths should we expect the world to change for the better or worse? Consider the events of the past 15 years since the global elite decided that the law would only apply to the masses. During that period the greatest crimes, including a human holocaust in Iraq, have been committed by politicians that clearly serve the interests of the global oligarchy/plutocracy. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text The Criminal Serial Attacks on Gaza dib, Wednesday, Aug 6 2014, 12:47am
Yes, its been occurring since powerful Zionist Jews, the Rothschilds in particular, conspired to steal Palestinian land to create, from theological myth, the modern State of Israel. Since then the Zionists have undertaken a comprehensive genocidal campaign to remove all Palestinians, the Semitic brothers of the Jews, from the land that has been their home since before written history -- there is no greater claim to territory than continuous occupation, something scattered international Jews could hardly claim.
international / prose / post

Sean Hannity image Russell Brand vs Sean Hannity jaxie, Monday, Aug 4 2014, 12:19pm
This is really a no-contest bout; Brand is above all a free, independent thinker and communicator his opponent is a paid Murdoch slippers man (lackey and anything else Rupert may want) arse licker, which means he is hobbled in how he responds, especially in what he has to say. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

scales_justice.jpg image Global Tragedy of Denial trudy, Saturday, Aug 2 2014, 3:01am
To repeat endlessly that Israel is intentionally committing crimes against humanity and war crimes in Gaza is frustrating but must be done to constantly indict the clearly BIASED UN and ICC for their orchestrated LACK of real action regarding U.S. and Israeli crimes -- the current slaughter is only the latest of many previous Israeli criminal strikes on Gaza while the UN, ICC and World watched on! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Cannon holes entry and exit, see high res. PDF below imagePDF Document Shocking Evidence of MH17 Shoot-down Peter Haisenko via mike, Saturday, Aug 2 2014, 2:10am
The tragedy of Malaysian MH-17 continues to elude any light of clarity being cast over it. The flight recorders are in England and are evaluated. What can come of it? Maybe more than you would assume. Especially the voice recorder will be interesting when you look at the picture of a cockpit fragment. As an expert in aviation I closely looked at the images of the wreckage that are circulating on the Internet. (story and 3 images and 1 attached file)
international / prose / post

Abbott (L) -- do your best Rupert, you are a bad judge of character -- proven! image A Glass Darkly glazer, Tuesday, Jul 29 2014, 12:08pm
Take stock! While the Corporate mass media continues to churn out transparent propaganda and the alternative media gets led by mass media headlines, the ruling elite is well pleased. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text US Complicity in Israel’s Crimes Paul Findley via sal, Sunday, Jul 27 2014, 12:29pm
Virtually the entire U.S. news media and almost every national politician bends to the desires of Israel’s government regardless of its behavior, a reality that enables the persecution and even slaughter of Palestinians.
international / prose / post

Punk Obama image When the US points the finger we can be sure the accused is Innocent lex, Sunday, Jul 27 2014, 11:57am
From the Balkans to the Ukraine the USA has covertly orchestrated every global political event in order to serve its interests and pursue its agenda for global hegemony. Without exception, the USA has CONSISTENTLY lied and deceived the people at home and abroad about everything. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

imbecileabbott_1.jpg image Abbott's mission to Ukraine branded 'nuts' by Experts Julieanne Strachan, Matthew Knott via steph, Saturday, Jul 26 2014, 11:57am
Most Aussies are fully aware that Abbott is not only a psychopath, he is INCOMPETENT, arrogant, callous and has no scruples whatsoever! The LYING DUPLICITOUS FRAUD deceived a nation to gain the office of PM. If the legal authorities are unable to remove this criminal fraud from office then he should be dropped in his tracks. The nation must be saved from this lunatic at any cost. (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

israelobamastrike.jpg image Are ALL Americans Demented? felix, Saturday, Jul 26 2014, 3:49am
I am really not sorry to bring a little REALITY into the fantastic coverage -- alternative and mainstream -- of the REPETITIVE slaughter of civilians in Gaza by Israel, BUT are you not aware that the nation that presides over this slaughter -- AMERICA -- is the world’s leading civilian killing nation? So what do you expect, one OVERTLY criminal nation to reprimand another OVERTLY criminal nation, for fuck’s sake? (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott, LIAR! image Abbott Cynically Cashing in on ‘convenient’ MH-17 tragedy -- $5m/year spin doctors fail first test lou, Friday, Jul 25 2014, 3:28am
It is no secret that Abbott is the most flagrantly disingenuous, duplicitous, in a word, DISHONEST person to ever have occupied the office of PM in Australia. Abbott’s countless LIES make Gillard’s single LIE look positively tame, in fact, universally detested, corporate-loving Gillard is the standard Abbott used to denounce the lack of integrity of the entire Labor Party. So today it is only proper that we apply that same (his) standard to Abbott himself and what a miserable failure he is! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Abbott and Rinehart at gala dinner image Abbott's Pledge to Gina Rinehart is Destroying Barrier Reef staff report via snowy, Thursday, Jul 24 2014, 1:58pm
Tony Abbott sold his soul the night of the pre-election 'Gala Dinner' (use search box in left Column) thrown for him by plutocrats Murdoch and Rinehart, but duplicitous and treacherous Abbott had no idea the "coal dust" would be kicked back into HIS face so soon. The following story emphasises Abbott's complete servitude to the singularly driven wealthy elite and his total disregard for the nation, its people, and the environment. Abbott LIED his way into Office and remains PM under false pretences; I am no constitutional lawyer but surely safety provisions must have been written into law that allow for the removal of unrepresentative, LYING and destructive leaders from Office. The nation must act quickly to remove zealot Abbott from office before he ruins everything -- nothing good could issue from something so vile, rotten and treacherous as Tony Abbott. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

LOL image The Stealing of America ... John Whitehead via dulcie, Thursday, Jul 24 2014, 1:32am
All western nations are currently under siege by unrepresentative forces that work within corrupt governments to psychologically oppress and economically enslave the masses -- the most rudimentary research reveals that REALITY. The following story is set in American but as international readers would soon discover it relates to all western and a host of other nations. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott image Leading Economists Decry the LIES of Oz PM Tony Abbott judd, Wednesday, Jul 23 2014, 2:26pm
It seems that reputable international economists, including Nobel Prize winner, Prof J. Stiglitz, all decry the flagrant LIES Oz PM Tony Abbott utilised in order to gain office and immediately impose a European AUSTERITY economy on one of the world's wealthiest nations, Australia! Abbott's BRAZEN dishonesty and reputation for serving the global plutocracy is well known nationally, however, it seems that his sordid reputation is now becoming known globally. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin image Mouse Putin finally squeaks on MH-17 rade, Monday, Jul 21 2014, 1:10am
Reprehensible COWARD, Vladimir Putin (Libya, Yugoslavia, Iran, Palestine etc etc) finally breaks silence on the flak he is receiving over the MH-17 disaster. In a nutshell he condemns the west for using the incident to further its political ambitions! However, it is widely known that the west deliberately ORCHESTRATES EVENTS to further its political aims, so who is listening? Good one, Vlad, you non-event. Are you saying to heroin addicts its bad to shoot heroin? You fuckin' imbecile! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Why David DeGraw's 'Wave of Action' Failed sadh, Sunday, Jul 20 2014, 3:34am
The simple answer is that everybody that sub-scribed was waiting for someone else to do the work and take action. Such tactics are doomed to fail before they get off the ground, as is now historically evident.
international / prose / post

2nd lost 777 from the nation that held open U.S. war crimes trials image The Front Page and its Uses nano, Saturday, Jul 19 2014, 2:29am
Was it an oversight or did the corporate mass media consciously choose NOT to dwell -- indeed in most instances not to publish -- the criminal targeting of civilians by the USA during the Indo-Chinese war of the sixties and seventies? “Carpet bombing,” as everyone should be aware is indiscriminate bombing, which means that no regard whatsoever is given to the civilian population. The USA killed approx. 4-5 million INNOCENT CIVILIANS during the Indo-Chinese war and conducted additional criminal bombing campaigns on neutral countries in the region, Cambodia and Laos. The end result of these HEINOUS, clearly intentional criminal tactics -- designed by Kissinger to break the will of the people -- was that the USA infamously FAILED and LOST the war in Indo-China! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Putin image MH-17 The Tangled Web of WWIII rade, Friday, Jul 18 2014, 1:48am
Really! The neo-con led USA effectively declared war on the entire world fifteen years ago and the loss of MH-17 is a casualty of that US declared war; or haven't YOU noticed the USA has been at constant war for the past 15 years? (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

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