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Tony Abbott, Washington’s Unquestioning Errand Boy
by darcy Wednesday, Aug 13 2014, 2:15am
international / prose / post

After making an utter idiot of himself by very loud and moronic speculative (Washington-urged) accusations against Russia’s president Vladimir Putin for the (U.S. backed) Kiev government’s shoot-down of Malaysian airliner MH-17, errand boy Tony Abbott is again performing in his new role as U.S. lackey and zealot by again -- on Washington’s urging -- sticking his stupid neck out by committing Oz to military action in Iraq without parliamentary debate or popular support or approval. As oft quoted anecdotes and fairy tales suggest, repeatedly and imprudently sticking one’s neck out results in the loss of one’s head!

Kerry and Hagel, trust us we consider all allies expendable
Kerry and Hagel, trust us we consider all allies expendable

The fact that Abbott is bellowing again while receiving briefs from U.S. Sec. of State, Kerry and Sec. of Defence, Hagel -- currently in Oz ensuring Abbott’s obedience to criminal Washington -- is purely coincidental, Murdoch would have us believe. Yes, indeed Abbott’s new war chorus and U.S. pressure are entirely coincidental if you believed Abbott’s pre-election promises!

Aussies are still gathering breath from Abbott’s treacherous post-election kick in the public stomach, nevertheless, the people are not about to fall for another involvement cleaning America’s mess in Iraq, the location of the first civilian holocaust of the new century -- America and allies are directly responsible for the deaths of over 1.5 million innocent civilians and the displacement of over 4 million people in Iraq!

We should all remember Iraq -- personal memory serves us all in matters of personal survival -- history, functioning as cultural memory, serves societies/nations in avoiding pitfalls and repeating past mistakes. We recall America selling the illegal Iraq invasion (based on 9/11,WMD LIES) and the absurd claims made by high Washington officials at the time (Wolfowitz) that invading Iraq would be a “cakewalk,” a very short campaign and that the Iraqi population would welcome murderous American invaders with “bouquets of flowers" -- now I ask you, who, in their right mind, would support any person or nation that gets it SO PROFOUNDLY WRONG? Tony Abbott, that’s who!

Abbott must be removed from office by popular demand NOW, as every move he makes is destructive to Australian national security and contrary to the nations best interests -- increased involvement with perpetual warring States invites PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET STATUS for Oz; that is where Abbott would place us all if we allow him to remain in office.

It is well known in enlightened political circles that Oz occupies one of the most critically important regions in the world TODAY; any half-baked student of real-politic would immediately redefine Oz as a neutral, sovereign, global mediator, a type of Switzerland of the South Pacific. Redefining Oz as neutral and international mediator in this region -- not as lackey to any nation -- is without doubt the optimum political position for Australia and would ensure future prosperity and security for all Australians It is historically known that the USA abandons allies whenever it likes; Abbott’s treasonous knee-walking to perpetually warring America is not only demeaning to Australia it is utterly destructive and antithetical to Australia's best interests.

Indeed, an Australian Republic is now a matter of urgency as local lackey politicians have proven time and again they lack real statesman political skills; they typically follow criminal Corporate-ruled America's every whim regardless of international legal conventions.

All that is required is a real Statesman/politician to lead Oz, as first president, into a new era of prosperity and reconciliation -- war is the first option of morons and brutes and the world has developed past brutality -- presently un-enforced civilised law and conventions would see all criminal leaders and Washington’s mass murderers for profit, jailed for life or executed for their heinous crimes against humanity. Yes indeed, with the correct leadership Oz would be in a position to lead the globe into a new era of peace and reconciliation, it is no secret that the vast majority of humans abhor war and needless destruction/aggression -- it should be noted that China obtains all its resources by doing civilised business with other nations.

Perpetually warring America is clearly a psychopathic, invasive, criminal nation which the world needs like it needs cancer!

[Choke on it CFR Murdoch, you antiquated socially ignorant, plutocrat -- supporting Abbott is like treading water with a lobotomised boulder on YOUR back, notwithstanding it demonstrates once AGAIN what a poor judge of character you really are.]

Washington knee-walker, Tony Abbott
Washington knee-walker, Tony Abbott

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