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text The Simplest proves to be the most Difficult today stacey, Tuesday, May 5 2015, 10:08am
Why have the simplest and most effective social actions become difficult? Indeed an intriguing question which I am unable to effectively answer though one obvious culprit in the equation is a media or rather a propaganda neutered population.
international / prose / post

buddhajesusmuhammad.jpg image Lost Opportunities toby, Monday, May 4 2015, 11:01am
The biggest tragedy of the modern age is America. After the collapse of the USSR America was left as the only viable nation able to influence the world, but what did it do, wage peace and co-existence instead of war, no, it chose perpetual war, the surest path to ruin, destruction and losing influence, which is happening to America at speed as I write. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Politically Expendable image Bali 9: AFP Response Bureaucratic and Evasive; no assurances given – UNACCEPTABLE! darcy, Sunday, May 3 2015, 9:01pm
Given that reporters were constrained in their questions and reactions to bureaucratic evasion from AFP officials it nevertheless became clear that the AFP is never to be trusted in any regard whatsoever, as it became tragically evident during questioning by the hamstrung mainstream press that the AFP is a fundamentally political organisation rather than a pure policing (States) organisation that deals effectively with crime and obvious priorities, which DUTY I would remind conservative serving bureaucrats in blue uniform, is to protect ALL Australian lives at all times regardless of political considerations, now that obligation is not ‘fanciful’ it is FUNDAMENTAL. The bottom line is simply that ALL police are duty bound to protect ALL citizens and in the case of the Bali 9 duo, murdered for expedient and political reasons, the AFP clearly FAILED in their responsibility – here’s why: (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

libwtc2.jpg image Putin 'Threatens' to Expose 9/11 as inside job - well, do it you mouse! Gordon Duff via stacie, Sunday, May 3 2015, 12:47am
How much pressure would it require to force a mouse of a leader to fight back? It seems nothing short of a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Russia, which is now becoming a reality.

Putin, a previously elite 'owned' puppet leader, seems to be making hollow threats; if indeed he has evidence of a 9/11 false flag why wouldn't he kick the stool from under the feet of the mass murdering US, which has conveniently placed a noose around its own neck, too easy? Putin made this threat back in February and we are all still waiting for this known coward to back his hollow threats with action. If real evidence existed and was released it would finish the US as the people would finally be forced to reclaim their Republic.
(story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Osama bin Laden image al-Qaeda, ally -- the US is now Choking on its created terrorist Bogeymen Daniel Lazare via greg, Saturday, May 2 2015, 11:48pm
The US leadership has done a 180 degree backflip and adopted reviled terrorist group al-Qaeda as an ally in Syria, what next, the admission that it also created and continues to support, via its Gulf State vassals and Israel, ISIL? Probably not at this time as ISIL has not passed its use-by date as the newly created bogeyman. The point is the extraordinary LACK of integrity and credibility which the US now openly displays to the WORLD, which will no doubt cost it dearly in the immediate and long term future. No-one is able to trust and support a nation that contradicts its own values and direction so dramatically. America's international reputation has never risen above gutter level, now it's in the sewer (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Kill ‘em all doesn’t work it only breeds civil revolt and eventual freedom from oppression zed, Saturday, May 2 2015, 10:31am
Gandhi broke the back of empire with passive resistance but resist Indians did in no uncertain and very brave terms, unarmed and sworn to peaceful protest they were slaughtered in the thousands until they cast off the chains of imperial oppression and exploitation. America has been indiscriminately killing civilians since Vietnam and so it will reap the same result – how could any sane ruling elite hope to persist in the grossly unfair and murderous world they created in order to loot, pillage and steal everything of any value – insanity pure and simple?
international / prose / post

Bill Shorten and Tony Abbott, unrepresentative, spineless lackeys image Abbott Already Betraying Oz Integrity and Bending over Forwards to Barbaric Indonesia jake, Saturday, May 2 2015, 2:32am
Abbott has proven at the G20 that he is incapable of a statesman’s stance in international relations, only days after the abhorrent treatment that was contemptuously designed to insult and belittle Australian politicians, notwithstanding the supremely cruel and tortuous effect it had on the executed young men prior to their political executions and their families throughout the entire unnecessarily horrific ordeal, Abbott a now known supreme COWARD and INCOMPETENT, is bending over forwards and offering his arse to the ignorant and primitive Indonesians who, let’s face it, detest Australians. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Coward, dunce and LIAR, Tony Abbott image Utter Contempt – Widodo shits in Abbott’s Face AGAIN! darcy, Friday, May 1 2015, 10:51am
Tony Abbott, Australia’s ‘fearless’ leader should now be accustomed to wearing an Indonesian turd on his face, this is the second time ignorant, schoolboy populist politician Widodo has dumped on Abbott’s face. The cruel, barbaric and completely inhumane treatment that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran and their distraught families received throughout their ordeal extended right up to the point of the firing squad, where only the two Australian nationals facing execution were initially denied the right to receive comfort from their chosen religious representatives. The primitive message was loud and clear, fuck you Australia and your spineless, lackey political leaders. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Ignorant, schoolyard president, Joko Widodo image Lest We Forget the Barbarism of Indonesia ... Jay, Friday, May 1 2015, 2:11am
and the pathetic, populist schoolyard politics of inhumane president, Joko Widodo. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text 'i' rae, Friday, May 1 2015, 1:26am
international / poetry / post

text The Super Rich and Us val, Thursday, Apr 30 2015, 9:33am
This BBC documentary series focuses on the huge disparity in wealth that exists today and how the 1% have made it happen -- essentially by lying to the public via their corporate mass media and controlling today's gutless and incompetent puppet politicians, which result is not to be unexpected from avaricious manipulating people. The problem of course rests with the masses that continue to passively accept the rapid decline in their quality of life and the media propaganda bullshit of professional liars and cheats.
international / prose / post

Mick 'drunken dropkick' Keelty image AFP ‘Throws Off’ onto Government over Executions – a not so subtle Message jess, Wednesday, Apr 29 2015, 11:35pm
The AFP is under considerable pressure, and rightly so, for surrendering Aussie citizens to a clearly barbaric nation that applies the death penalty for drug offences. The AFP’s reputation is in tatters and will remain so for a considerable time to come or until there is a complete purging of the incompetent imbeciles that are responsible for the Bali Nine debacle, this would apply to serving and former members, particularly former chief and Howard lackey, Mick Keelty, who has a lot to answer for. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Lackeys to the elite, Tony Abbott and his treasurer Joe Hockey image Abbott's Untouchables -- the 55 Oz millionaires that paid NO Tax Peter Martin via gail, Wednesday, Apr 29 2015, 3:38am
Fifty-five of Australia's highest earners paid no income tax at all during 2012-13, not even the Medicare levy. All earning at least $1 million, they managed to write their taxable incomes down to below the $18,200 tax-free threshold. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text No Will, No Way! judd, Wednesday, Apr 29 2015, 1:52am
The title is as true as can be, and is the open secret for achieving one’s ambitions and goals.
international / prose / post

Mass murderer, John Howard image Mick Keelty and John Howard Responsible for Executions darcy, Tuesday, Apr 28 2015, 11:40am
Former AFP chief Mick ‘drunken dropkick’ Keelty, and former PM, suck-arse,‘yez boss America,’ John Howard, are directly responsible, whether they accept it or not, for the imminent execution deaths – now only an hour away -- of two young and reformed Australian drug couriers that were knowingly surrendered to a nation that applies the death penalty for drug trafficking. That act in itself contravenes Australian policy never to surrender any citizen or person, inclusive of refugees, to nations that would apply barbaric, medieval punitive measures in the modern civilised world. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text To Wage Perpetual War cyd, Monday, Apr 27 2015, 5:56am
Whether by design, sheer stupidity or unbridled avarice (all three most likely) perpetual war is fact today and it is waged for the benefit of the elite few and their corporations/banks whose coffers overflow on the blood of millions of innocents with every pre-planned and engineered conflict.
international / prose / post

Current PM, Tony Abbott image Listen, Australia! baz, Sunday, Apr 26 2015, 12:04pm
I’m a bloody Aussie and not so proud to announce it; my nation is allied to a nation that legalised torture, government murders, indefinite detention without charge or trial and compiles ‘kill lists’ in secret in order to murder its own citizens, especially those that oppose its criminal actions – these acts alone earn America the status of pariah nation, but it gets far worse for Australia, whose knee-walking servile government complies with every request that star-spangled murdering America makes to Oz (usually to participate in its crimes). (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Globalisation – a One-Sided Corporate Affair janice, Sunday, Apr 26 2015, 9:33am
Has the penny dropped yet? The term globalisation is a pervasive term yet the reality is only a tiny minority benefit most from what they created and termed ‘globalisation.’ For instance, mega-corporations, transnationals and large banks not only exploit the underpaid in the undeveloped world they also utilise globalised tax avoidance structures to shift profits stolen from the nations they exploit and move them off-shore to tax havens and pay little or no tax to the nations where the profits were extracted – I may also add that profit is theft pure and simple, as some entity -- usually workers and consumers – are always short-changed or ripped off in order for profit to exist.
international / prose / post

text ANZAC Myth and ANZAC Reality Prof. Tim Anderson via dale, Saturday, Apr 25 2015, 9:07am
Prior to Prof. Anderson's article it is necessary to set the record straight regarding white heroism fighting the Ottoman Turks. Foremost is trashing the myth of white only colonial boys fighting for a thoroughly inept British command and paying the ultimate price for Australia's lack of a national sovereign identity. The landing at Gallipoli cove surrounded by fully fortified and prepared Turkish positions entrenched on the high ground is the ultimate military folly one that any commander going back to Spartan times would have avoided, but not so servile Australia whose foolish officers and easily led boys died for no good reason. But that is another issue that myth will no doubt obscure.
international / prose / post

text Two Undeclared Wars that Threaten Humanity nano, Saturday, Apr 25 2015, 7:52am
The first is corporate induced climate change, which threatens almost all life on the planet and the second is pan-surveillance and the rise of police states in former democratic nations.
international / prose / post

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