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Mick Keelty and John Howard Responsible for Executions
by darcy Tuesday, Apr 28 2015, 11:40am
international / prose / post

Former AFP chief Mick ‘drunken dropkick’ Keelty, and former PM, suck-arse,‘yez boss America,’ John Howard, are directly responsible, whether they accept it or not, for the imminent execution deaths – now only an hour away -- of two young and reformed Australian drug couriers that were knowingly surrendered to a nation that applies the death penalty for drug trafficking. That act in itself contravenes Australian policy never to surrender any citizen or person, inclusive of refugees, to nations that would apply barbaric, medieval punitive measures in the modern civilised world.

Mass murderer, John Howard
Mass murderer, John Howard

For those readers that have mass media-wiped 24 hour memories, fuck off, you have no place here. But for aware thinking Aussies they would remember FBI trained Keelty, attempting to give John Howard a pre-election boost by framing a young Indian doctor on terrorist charges and utilising that arrest to play American terror games with the Oz public.

Keelty spared no taxpayer expense in his efforts to please Howard, he blew close to $10 million vainly and desperately attempting to frame Dr. Haneef, an innocent man, on terrorist charges -- Aussies now know that average people viewed through elite serving conservative political eyes are only a means to an end, chattel to be lied to, abused and then held in contempt by conservative politicians and their right wing public servants -- isn’t that right Mr ‘gutless’ Abbott and callous pig, Joe Hockey?

At the time of the arrest of the ‘Bali nine,’ Howard was desperately seeking to please Indonesia in order to gain Jakarta’s cooperation to mitigate the influence of emerging Islamists and to ‘stop the boats,’ now a conservative political slogan. In order to curry favour with Indonesia and demonstrate Howard government commitment, Howard, in full knowledge of the consequences, consented to Keelty surrendering the hapless couriers to the barbaric, murdering -- as the world shall soon see -- Indonesian authorities. It should also be remembered and noted that the AFP didn’t have a clue (regardless of claims to the contrary) about this drug operation, information was received on a platter via the father of one of the couriers, who was rightfully concerned about his son’s welfare, this unfortunate man has regretted that action ever since, who would have thought that Aussie citizens were only disposable commodities whose lives would be traded for political expediency – are you reading this you despicable, incompetent coward, Tony Abbott?

And so nine Aussies, male and female, were sacrificed so Howard could gain political cred for stopping the boats, a very high price to pay in Aussie lives, but what would war criminal Howard, member of the mass murdering coalition of willing criminals that orchestrated an illegal invasion of Iraq, care?

That about sums it up, a little research reveals the entire sordid and despicable arrangement.

Information just received confirms, I am sorry to say, that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran have been shot dead by the merciless Muslim barbarians to our north. It’s enough to make true blue Aussies pursue justice in this criminal State case and bring Howard and Keelty to account, so go for it, Tony -- fat chance! The polls couldn’t be sooner.

Conservative governments have proven time and again they LIE through their teeth and view the people with contempt, only a fool or member of the privileged elite would support them.

A final note to our resource rich mass media fraternity – you have ample resources to expose the entire nasty mess – so do it, you arse-licking CFR propaganda facilitators! Don’t hold your breath people, and remember that our, “best police in the world,” according to Abbott, should NEVER be trusted under ANY circumstances.

Tony Abbott with mentor John Howard
Tony Abbott with mentor John Howard

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