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Living under a Rock and the Reality in Iraq
by tori Wednesday, Aug 13 2014, 11:50am
international / prose / post

I recently had occasion to engage a young uni-student on current political affairs, particularly the planned military intervention into Iraq on the pretext of saving the lives of a minority religious group -- and it only seems like last week that allied combat troops had left Iraq for good. After a decade long occupation and trillions of taxpayer dollars up in smoke, it seems the US administration has learned nothing. But first a little background on the pretext of saving innocent lives from fanatical Jihadists -- I will easily PROVE that the USA couldn't give a damn for innocent civilian lives.


It is an open secret that the USA is the World’s leading terrorist State; its civilian killing record is second to none in the modern era. It all began in the mid-twentieth century when America detonated a SECOND atomic bomb over civilian city Nagasaki, an inexcusable war crime, as the Japanese leadership got the message after the Hiroshima blast. But what’s the fuss over 200,000 vapourised human beings, the majority of which were civilians?

Then came Korea where the USA illegally experimented with all sorts of chemical and biological weapons dropped on civilians and combatants alike -- again, they’re ‘only Asian' lives, but the USA was learning something that was and continues to be completely foreign to its culture, the WILL to FREEDOM and self-determination AT ANY COST!

It was during the Indo-Chinese war that America suffered its most humiliating defeat for failing to learn the above lesson. When a people would rather die than live under oppressive colonial rule the outcomes are reduced to genocide or victory for the invaded nation. The Kissinger planned “carpet bombing” campaign of Indo-China was designed to break the spirit of the Vietnamese; however, after 3-4 million peasants and innocent civilians were slaughtered, the criminal bombing campaign failed and probably inspired greater resistance against western ‘barbarians’ that killed indiscriminately from 30K feet! Note that ‘carpet’ bombing by definition is indiscriminate saturation bombing, which kills far more civilians than combatants. America adopted an intentional mass murder strategy in a desperate attempt to win the war!

It is clear that criminal America is unable to learn from history and so it continues to LIE and DECEIVE the WORLD into invading resource rich nations in order to STEAL oil and gas resources and capture strategic corridors -- the eternal problem is that oppressed locals oppose foreign invaders and always mount retaliatory attacks in order to remove the pestilence from their ancestral lands. America’s criminal invasion of Iraq resulted in over 1.5 million innocent civilian deaths, over 5 million displaced persons and a ruined, destabilised State. Libya is a mess today and sovereign Yugoslavia has been fragmented into numerous tiny/POWERLESS Statelettes.

Terrorism is primarily defined as coercion with the threat of violence/force for non-compliance (“you won’t see it [missile] coming,” Obama openly threatens in press conferences) and of course, the indisputable qualifier for terrorism, the targeting of civilians -- a ‘skill’ in which the USA leads the WORLD.

And so we arrive again at the beginning of the new century with criminal America beseeching subservient allies and vassal States to join it in yet another bogus ‘humanitarian’ military intervention into Iraq; have we forgotten so soon the Balkan and Libyan FABRICATED 'humanitarian’ crises during which allied forces killed many more civilians than the leaders they FALSELY ACCUSED -- 26,000 NATO bombing sorties over Libya and the bombing of sovereign Yugoslavia/Belgrade, a European capital that the 'uncivilised' Nazis refused to bomb?

The exchange with my uni friend focused on sovereign Australia and its treasonous leaders blindly following a PROVEN criminal, psychopathic nation and involving itself in more war and other crimes against humanity.

I cited the Iraq civilian HOLOCAUST as clear evidence of America’s DISREGARD for INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE and its REAL status as the world’s leading civilian killing, terrorist State -- a reality which is provable by all known definitions and testing criteria, but my young, somewhat naive student friend would have none of it, preferring instead to passively consume mass media propaganda about another crisis requiring US military intervention; interestingly, universities in Oz once immunised students against the simplistic methods of the mass media and the binary oppositions of ‘left-right,’ ‘red-blue’ or any other political binary you care to name. Clearly the tertiary institution my naive friend attends has failed in its basic duty to educate and make students AWARE of the reality in which they live, this applies to all faculties.

Ruling elites own and control major 'opposing’ political parties in ALL western nations today -- Murdoch has installed leaders from both major parties to serve HIM and elite interests in Australia. Holding elections between ‘opposing' forces is simply a charade to give the impression that people have a choice and live in a ‘free’ society where citizens can be indefinitely detained for life on suspicion without charge or trial or any representations whatsoever, this is the REAL 'freedom’ America seeks to spread around the globe and my young extremely foolish friend has fallen for it by aligning himself with one of the ‘opposing’ owned parties.

Unfortunately for my Tasmanian friend it was a very disappointing encounter, I expected much more from UTS students, once known for their social and political awareness; it has never been an Aussie cultural characteristic to defend the clearly indefensible crimes of the world's LEADING TERRORIST, CIVILIAN KILLING NATION.

When I attended university we were all taught to serve TRUTH and research the reality behind social phenomena not what is presented by the likes of Murdoch and other mass media propagandists -- if you would be FREE simply choose REALITY and TRUTH and never passively 'consume' packaged news/propaganda!

To be fair, I would state that all education in Oz during my time was free, therefore limited uni places were filled only with the best via a process of attrition and elimination. Today, however, the American ‘pay your own way’ system has been adopted and money not brains, ensures a pass. The real price for a non-competitive costly education system is that the best and most competent may no get a look-in as they often come from the most disadvantaged communities. Soon Oz will be stricken with a Bush type (moron) Prime Minister, though Murdoch has come close with his choice of incompetent dunce and reprehensible LIAR, Tony Abbott -- now learn something clowns, intelligent people rarely lie as they have mastered the art of utilising TRUTH to devastate their opponents!

In conclusion, we do not dispute that a humanitarian crisis exists in the American made mess that is today’s Iraq; however, as mature RESPONSIBLE adults we were all taught as children to take responsibility where it clearly applied, and clean up our own messes. Be also conscious of the FACT that numerous humanitarian crises exist around the globe yet America only sees fit to 'save’ a group in close proximity to strategically important oil resources and pipeline corridors. My advice to all young students is to never take anything as given, ALWAYS look behind whatever is presented, and try to focus on whatever is conveniently omitted; finally, pay particular attention to who and why it is being presented in the way that it is!

See link below for additional information.

Vietnam massacre of civilians
Vietnam massacre of civilians

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