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rat.jpg image Woolworths Staff Preparing to Fight Back repost, Friday, Oct 10 2014, 9:29pm
Westfield owner Frank Lowy, a former Mossad agent and former co-owner -- with Larry Silverstein -- of the infamous World Trade Center buildings in New York, yes, the buildings that Mossad agents packed with explosives and nano-thermite to cut through all the steel sub-structure so the buildings would free-fall vertically down to the ground -- and as all available video evidence suggests, it was an expert demolition but a severely flawed (fake) ‘terrorist attack' but Jews always grab the (insurance) money and run and so we have Frank the Mossad terrorist in Oz running his mega-shopping malls and pretending he is an honest Jewish businessman, not the mass murdering Semitic scum that he actually is. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

Tony Abbott, criminal fraud image Is the Abbott Oz government Legitimate? stan, Thursday, Oct 9 2014, 2:48am
The short answer is NO! Why? Simply because Tony Abbott, in the most callous, deceitful, calculated manner LIED profusely to gain office. Abbott’s dishonesty and treachery far exceeds anything in Australian electoral history, no former leader has lied to the extend that Tony Abbott lied and misled the electorate to gain office and why legal proceedings to legitimately remove this FRAUDULENT character from office have not occurred to date is beyond reason. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Assange and Schmidt image The so-called ‘Dark Web’ ferrite, Wednesday, Oct 8 2014, 9:44am
Today the underground or dark web is estimated to be a whopping 50 times larger than the known surface web -- reason, reaction to hyper-intrusive government agencies and law enforcement that are known to break laws more often than they enforce them. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Pack Animal Journalism and the Cure laurie, Wednesday, Oct 8 2014, 12:04am
Rather than scream at the easily led, nose-ringed ‘alternative media’ I would simply state what most informed analysts, commentators and journalists already know i.e. that IS/ISIL/ISIS is an American creation supported by vassals Saudi, Qatar, Jordan, Turkey, and Israel; any media attention given to this blatant US owned proxy fighting group -- first deployed in Libya to assassinate Gaddafi and steal the nation’s wealth -- SERVES THE INTERESTS of WASHINGTON and the CRIMINAL ELITE (CFR, Bilderberg, Trilaterals etc.) that control all policy in the USA and other western ‘democratic’ nations.
international / prose / post

Incompetent treasonous clown, Tony Abbott image Lying Bastard Abbott -- $500 Million Iraq War Cost darcy, Monday, Oct 6 2014, 11:20pm
Remember Abbott and treasurer Hockey screaming we have no money and that is why they imposed (unnecessary) EUROPEAN AUSTERITY onto Australia? The truth is that elite global oligarchs and plutocrats have an agenda and that is to constrict global populations with debt slavery -- never mind the trillions of dollars that tax-evading multinational corporations extract from Oz -- very little of which is returned to the nation -- the globalist agenda is SLAVERY for the masses via financial means! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Imbecile errand boy, Tony Abbott image Oz at War Again judd, Monday, Oct 6 2014, 10:35am
At the time of the first Oz troop withdrawal from Iraq numerous high ranking ADF personnel stated clearly that Iraq was a hopeless, unwinnable, disaster area; however, errand boy Tony Abbott couldn't wait to fetch the bone for the US in Iraq.

Abbott plunged the nation into another civilian killing futile war without so much as a parliamentary debate, not that it would have made any difference as the once traditional people's Labor Party now serves the same interests as the conservatives. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Dumbed Down and Dumber doug, Saturday, Oct 4 2014, 5:07am
There appears to be some very sinister goings-on at The New Times these days. A friend linked me a recent article in the NYT, titled, “The Cult Deficit,” which one would think, would be an analysis of the subject indicated by the title -- but no such thing; it turns out to be a flimsily veiled propaganda piece ‘apologising’ for widespread social ignorance, lack of social/global awareness and the deficit in intellectual ability that American culture suffers from today.
international / prose / post

clouseau.jpg image Australian Spooks get new Powers which Amount to a Social Travesty jack, Wednesday, Oct 1 2014, 11:45am
Incompetent Australian spooks are now protected by a new range of US style oppressive police state laws which deflect incompetence onto external parties, particularly journalists; for instance, anyone that exposes an ASIO agent faces a 10 year jail sentence -- think about that broad law for a minute! Whose fault is it if an agent blows his/her cover, the idiot agent or the person that may inadvertently mention he or she knows an agent? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Real Agenda steve, Tuesday, Sep 30 2014, 4:07am
Reality is never elusive it is always there to be appreciated; however, it's not immediately apparent if you are distracted or focused on something else. The mass media goes to great lengths today to keep you titillated and distracted in order for a nefarious elite group of mega-wealthy criminals to pursue their extremely destructive agenda out of the spotlight.
international / prose / post

Bonus chasing cowboy CEO, Ian 'dishonest' McLeod image Federal Court Orders mega-retailer Coles to Advertise its Dishonesty AAP via shopper, Monday, Sep 29 2014, 3:00am
In what is a clear indictment of former CEO/MD Ian McLeod's top-down style of "deceptive, dishonest and misleading" cowardly management (he couldn't run fast enough before the court case) the Federal Court has made a spectacle of this foreign, lying CEO for the world to see! Other dishonest CEOs may think twice before chasing bonuses/profit via deceptive trading and dishonest practices. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

googlevil.jpg image [Evil] Google Faces Antitrust Charges after EU Rejects Proposal Tom Fairless via shirl, Thursday, Sep 25 2014, 1:01pm
Google is demonstrably biased in searches, outrageously intrusive and abusive with data, tax shirking, corrupt and outright evil in its partnerships with the CIA and NSA. It is heartening to see the mainstream finally rein in this US mega-corporation an its sordid practices. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Look at all those Toyotas! image ISIL, right on queue .. virg, Tuesday, Sep 23 2014, 3:18am
I remember clearly when CIA operative Bin Laden was the focus of the perpetual war on terror and how he would release a video or tape just when the US population required scaring -- at elections, the passing of unpopular bills/laws that eroded liberties, etc. It was laughable to witness how these instances defied probability -- on one occasion Bin Laden, who had been silent for months, released a video just when dubya, who was running for his second term, needed him most, coincidence, I doubt it? Well, though it was as transparent as could be to anyone with a working brain, these idiotic, unidentifiable (fabricated) tapes and videos worked a charm to sway the American people this way and that! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Murdoch, media magnate but unqualified to manage a nation image Oz AG "Brandis promises no torture" Murdoch lackey journos via steve, Saturday, Sep 20 2014, 12:46pm
Make of this Murdoch press article (link below) what you will but remember it was Murdoch that praised his puppet, PATHOLOGICALLY LYING Tony Abbott, as a "man to be admired!" (story and 3 images)
international / prose / post

text War, Circus and Injustice Down Under John Pilger via sam, Saturday, Sep 20 2014, 11:48am
There are times when farce and living caricature almost consume the cynicism and mendacity in the daily life of Australia's [puppet] rulers. Across the front pages is a photograph of a resolute Tony Abbott with Indigenous children in Arnhem Land, in the remote north. "Domestic policy one day," says the caption, "focus on war the next."
international / prose / post

Abbott and Brandis image Oz Abbott gov Attempts to Legalise Torture by Subterfuge Paul Sheehan via raul, Thursday, Sep 18 2014, 5:00am
A new bill submitted by Tony Abbott’s AG, George Brandis, names only three offences that intel and regulatory agencies would incur liability/accountability for, they are actions that: "(i) causes the death of, or serious injury to, any person; or (ii) involves the commission of a sexual offence against any person; or (iii) causes significant loss of, or serious damage to, property;" which clearly opens the door to torture, violent interrogation, indefinite detention, entrapment, false arrest or harassment campaigns by police and spy agencies, not to mention staged ‘false flag’ ops, like planning to kidnap and behead Sydney citizens at random, for example! (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

woolieslogo.jpg image ACCC: Mega-retailer Woolworths Knowingly Sold Dangerous Products Esther Han via stan, Wednesday, Sep 17 2014, 5:00am
Woolworths has been misleading consumers about the safety of its branded goods, including steel deep fryers, matches and chairs, and failing to promptly alert authorities and begin recalls after reports of serious injuries, the consumer watchdog alleged in the Federal Court on Wednesday. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

justice_banksy.jpg image If Local Law is an Ass then International Law is a Farce judd, Tuesday, Sep 16 2014, 12:14pm
Most people that have a working relationship with the Law or judiciary understand completely that national Law is an ass; one need only research the many different penalties for the exact same crime to be thoroughly astonished, dismayed and disillusioned about fairness, justice and legal systems thereafter. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

eye_spy.jpg image NSW Police named as 'FinFisher' spyware user Allie Coyne via shirl, Tuesday, Sep 16 2014, 1:58am
The NSW Police force has been named as a user of the FinFisher malware and spyware toolkit used by governments worldwide to capture user data, as part of a Wikileaks data release of the product today. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Nation of Cowards John Chuckman via sal, Tuesday, Sep 16 2014, 12:56am
The fundamentals of this piece apply in varying degrees to all nations and individuals on the globe today. In the national-international context America is the world's leading cowardly nation as it constantly delights in bullying and then attacking much weaker nations. The USA since bullying the Balkan States in the 90's has been at constant war with much weaker nations around the globe.
international / prose / post

text Global Announcement from the Sovereign Australian Nation/People Oz, Saturday, Sep 13 2014, 10:27pm
It is broadly known that the current Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, gained office by false pretences. Mr Abbott, in the most flagrant manner possible, lied and deceived the Australian electorate to gain office. As a result Mr Abbott clearly does not represent the Australian people, which he deceived or the nation that he treated with contempt; therefore, Tony Abbott and members of the political party he leads have forfeited all representative legal rights and therefore carry no authority in relation to Australian interests and the course the nation may take in the near future.
international / prose / post

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