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text 'Pivot' INSANITY - why is the U.S. INTENTIONALLY Provoking China? Mike Whitney via cyd, Saturday, May 30 2015, 1:01am
US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter is willing to risk a war with China in order to defend “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea. Speaking in Honolulu, Hawaii on Wednesday, Carter issued his “most forceful” warning yet, demanding “an immediate and lasting halt to land reclamation” by China in the disputed Spratly Islands.
international / prose / post

text Desperate US overplays its most Powerful Weapon – Disinformation justin, Friday, May 29 2015, 12:48am
The reality on the ground is stark and simple, the US is losing its parasitic grip on the western world and is fast becoming a pariah State. Russia supported by China emerged victorious in the US instigated and led economic war on Russia, furthermore, the response from Eastern superpowers created a highly viable economic alternative to Washington’s engineered debt slavery via the IMF and World bank, which the geniuses advising puppet Obama clearly failed to anticipate.
international / prose / post

fifa.jpg image FBI Overreach – FIFA Stephen Lendman via gail, Thursday, May 28 2015, 9:25am
Notwithstanding that Zurich is a long way from Washington’s jurisdiction and that America’s principal sports are Baseball, Gridiron and Basketball, there seems to be some other reason America’s FBI has targeted FIFA. Of course, the 'scandal' is a political manoeuvre, though the compliant mainstream media, including public broadcasters like Australia’s ABC, are very careful not to investigate the real Story behind the story. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text The Crippling Austerity/Debt Scam vance, Wednesday, May 27 2015, 1:20pm
Western politicians today are obsessed with the ‘economy’ – though two actually exist, the indebted and the debt free – the never ending discourses on debt (the economy for the masses) are enough to turn anyone into an anarchist so most people simply shut off. However, a crucial element is thereby overlooked, who or what owns national debt that puppet politicians obsess about? If you say your local Reserve Bank you would be wrong!
international / prose / post

Lying Tony Abbott, minority serving fraud image Tony Abbott LIAR Extraordinaire – “keeping us safe” reg, Tuesday, May 26 2015, 10:48am
Not many Aussies are falling for the American whopper of “keeping us safe” from the overblown Washington created, terrorist ‘threat,’ especially when errand boy and lying dunce Tony Abbott repeats the same worn out line. I couldn’t believe my ears when Abbott spouted that phrase. Okay, let’s take it at face value and assess how many lives have been lost due to terrorism and other real national killers like corporate tobacco, diabetes food companies and a host of other REAL threats to Oz citizens -- we all know the answer without the stats which clearly compromise corporate killers and atrocious government as the REAL threat to Australian security. But poor ol’ servant boy Tony has no choice, he must toe the Washington line no matter how inappropriate it is in Oz, people here are more under threat from in-grown toenails than terrorists – FACT! The terrorist ‘threat’ regardless of how overblown the media dutifully portrays it to be, has no hope of bucking REALITY. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Macedonia image US Targets Balkans for another 'Revolution' Paul Craig Roberts via sal, Tuesday, May 26 2015, 1:19am
Russia abandoning southern slavs and allowing US/NATO forces to fragment Yugoslavia was sure to rebound on the mother country. The Balkans has always been a critical strategic region bridging East and West; today its strategic value is no less important but for other reasons, namely (energy) pipelines. The US seeks to capture Macedonia in order to block Russian planned gas pipelines that would supply Europe thereby weakening America's grip in the region and losing zillions in energy resource profits. The stakes are high and US necons are willing to risk war with Russia and China in order to maintain their parasitic grip on Europe and serve their powerful energy corporations. It simply amounts to the inevitability of a major nuclear conflict involving three superpowers. It is also a wake up call for the apathetic global masses which have allowed a tiny minority of nut cases to wreak havoc on the globe. Well, payday is fast approaching. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Balinese Shadow Puppets image Forfeiting Freedom zed, Monday, May 25 2015, 3:05am
Have you ever asked yourself, “what does the State think it’s doing spying on ALL citizens?” Probably not, as the question demands an answer and that answer would have translated into action to curtail all (clearly unnecessary) pan surveillance. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Police conducting "exercises" in the CBD image Australia’s Washington led government softens citizens for Police State baz, Sunday, May 24 2015, 11:56am
Today, ‘Sunday’ 24 May, an item was quietly slipped into the mass media’s news of distraction and propaganda. Police are now conducting and will continue to conduct spot terrorist ‘threat’ activities in major cities; footage depicted police herding citizens this way and that at train station exits and other busy areas. Police justified these ‘rehearsals’ citing the already failed (Martin Place) manufactured terrorist bogeyman ploy. Reality stands firm as always, the threat to Oz and indeed America, from terrorist related deaths is infinitesimal while health issues predominate as the greatest peace time killer of locals. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

dronetruth.jpg image BRICS Trample US in South America Pepe Escobar via sal, Sunday, May 24 2015, 12:58am
For a century the US has owned Latin America by employing its usual control methods, CIA internal destabilisation/revolts and then installing mass murdering dictators compliant to US corporate interests, nothing has changed today; and so Americans enjoyed bananas, pineapples on their tables, oil and other resources at rock bottom prices while Latin Americans starved. Well, all bad things come to an end and BRICS spells goodbye and good riddance to the murdering, parasitic USA. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

text Limitless duclie via rae, Saturday, May 23 2015, 9:00am
international / poetry / post

text Wayfarer lorin, Saturday, May 23 2015, 6:34am
international / poetry / post

text Russia 'Wins' Margaret Kimberley via baz, Saturday, May 23 2015, 12:46am
In the absurd, caveman game of trumpsmanship the USA plays with two opposing nuclear superpowers be assured nobody 'wins;' nevertheless, the following piece is worth a read, notwithstanding America's moronic OBSESSION with 'winning' -- whatever that is supposed to mean in the current context
international / prose / post

text The Results of Neoconservative Insanity darcy, Friday, May 22 2015, 1:29pm
One would have to belong to the mass media addicted moron brigade not to have noticed what the ideology of perpetual war, coercion, corruption/bribery and outright invasive resource theft has done for the USA? Isolate it, to put it succinctly, numerous former vassals and unwilling ‘allies’ signing up to China’s AIIB, much to Washington’s chagrin, is just one huge example of the World turning its back on criminal State America.
international / prose / post

hackerwars.jpg image Social Apathy results in Abuses by Government Agencies jess, Friday, May 22 2015, 4:38am
It has recently been revealed that Oz spy agency ASIO, in league with other western criminal agencies, flagrantly and not so secretly attempted to gain access/hack all Android devices in order to pry and spy on ALL Android users, Google has very little to say about it as it has openly partnered with a CIA front company but that is not the major point – HACKING, as has been described (link below), is totally ILLEGAL. Agencies in most western nations must gain authorisation from the courts to legally spy on individuals or groups, HOWEVER, broad-based or pan hacking REMAINS COMPLETELY ILLEGAL under various communications acts and should be immediately challenged in the nations where this felony has been attempted or successfully perpetrated. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Loved orlin, Thursday, May 21 2015, 10:28am
international / poetry / post

Sellouts, Tony Jones and Leigh Sales of the ABC image Sacked Oz ‘journalist’ to Sue former Employer SBS snowy, Wednesday, May 20 2015, 11:53am
And rightfully so, it is America that leads the world in fictive journalism and brazen propaganda; to imagine that an Oz media commentator would be sacked for telling the truth about one of Australia’s enduring myths is not only absurd it is anti-Australian to the extreme. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Democracy, where is it? will, Wednesday, May 20 2015, 1:29am
Name one nation that has installed a government that represents the majority? Do your best cuz you won't find one. So the next time you hear any politician, use terms such as 'democracy, liberty or freedom,' laugh out loud, but not too loud because the joke is on you.
international / prose / post

text Watchers jaxie, Tuesday, May 19 2015, 5:23am
international / poetry / post

text Empires Never Die Quietly – Cycles of Catastrophe happy jack, Monday, May 18 2015, 12:26am
History informs us in no uncertain terms that every great Empire fails but rarely, if ever, fails with a whimper. And so fasten your apathetic seatbelts, cowards, slaves and drones because it is you, as has always been the case, that allows this dread-full cycle to persist.
international / prose / post

text The Sociopathic Neocon Agenda Today judd, Sunday, May 17 2015, 1:16am
The neocon agenda, expressed in the PNAC document, which has been pursued by the USA from presidents Clinton through to Obama is basic and insane, world domination at any cost; notwithstanding that any nation group or person that aspires to global domination is plainly in desperate need of incarcerated psychiatric treatment. Yet this insane agenda has been pursued by both major US political parties for over 20 years simply because both major parties in the US and other western 'democracies' are literally owned by the same (malevolent) interests that adhere to the lunatic ideology of perpetual war, destabilisation and eventual (pipedream) world domination.
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